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2007 Active Investor Methods (AIM) Home Study Course Complete pack in 3 DVDs RRP
2007 Active Investor Methods (AIM) Home Study Course Complete pack in 3 DVDs RRP
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Merchandise Description
Learn how to trade from the comfort of your home with the Active Investor Methods (AIM) Home Study Course.
The well written materials include with hours of excellent strategy explanations, detailed instructions on how to use our repeatable trading methods, and a ton of difficult exercises and quizzes to test your understanding. Overall, the full package offers the flexibility and convenience of at-home learning while assisting you in developing, honing, and improving your trading abilities.
Who You Are
The entire collection of resources for the home study course consists of:
– Four thorough manuals
Volume 1: Understanding the Stock Market: Beyond Fundamentals
Enhanced Trading Systems, Volume 2: Methods for Profit Targeting and Forecasting
Volume 3: The Benefits of Technical Analysis: Chart and indicator reading
Volume 4: Resource Guide for Active Investors
– Six DVDs with interactivity
Trading Dynamics in Today’s Markets
Effective Trading with Technical Analysis
The Psychology of Trading Effective Trading Techniques
The World of Possibilities
A Guide to the Stock Market
– 15 audio CDs, one of which features a live session taught by Devon Pearsall, senior instructor and course developer for Profit Strategies, and founder Tom Gentile.
1) Allow me to begin.
1) The Need for Research
2) What exactly is Profit Strategies?
2) Analysis of the DOW dogs
Thirdly, why trade?
3) Review CD for homework and research
1) Trading Mechanisms
1) Business Laws
2. Short Sales
2) Wave 4 Trade Regulations
3) Various Order Types
Entry into a Trade Rule
Trading systems (4)
4) Wave 5 Trade Rule, CD 3.
System Trading, first (continued)
1) Choices
2) Introduction to Dogs of the DOW
2) Options from the DOW
3) Technical Analysis Overview
3) Options and Risk Graphs: Basics
4) Technical Elliott Wave Analysis
1) Understanding Waves
1) Simple Financial Management
Trading the Reversal, second
Risk Diagrams
3) The Elliot Wave Trading Process
Four) Elliott Wave Myths
CDÂ 10
1) Market Management
1) ROI Options and Why It Is Not Important
2) Risk administration and loss prevention
2) Credit Spreads: A Quick Overview
Case Study Exercise 3.
3) General Volume Spikes
4) Risk to Reward Ratios
4) CD 11: Locating Volume Spikes
CDÂ 14
1) Review and Opportunities for Research
1) Initial Steps
2) Trading an automated system
Trading Seasonal Goods
3) The Daily Trading Process
Three) Five-Year Rolling Returns
4) CD 12: Other Seasonal Patterns
CDÂ 15
1) Tracking Down Jobs
1) Trading psychology and order entry
2) Devon’s Screening Standards
2) The 13th CD “One More Trade”
The Bullish Trade, first
2) The 90-Day Challenge with Tom and Devon
Start trading tomorrow by placing your order for a home study course! Take charge of your financial future by learning a step-by-step trading strategy for profiting in the markets.
Forex Trading – Foreign Exchange Course
You want to learn about Forex?
Foreign exchange, or forex, is the conversion of one country’s currency into another.
In a free economy, a country’s currency is valued according to the laws of supply and demand.
In other words, a currency’s value can be pegged to another country’s currency, such as the U.S. dollar, or even to a basket of currencies.
A country’s currency value may also be set by the country’s government.
However, most countries float their currencies freely against those of other countries, which keeps them in constant fluctuation.
Salepage : 2007 Active Investor Methods (AIM) Home Study Course Complete pack in 3 DVDs RRP
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