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MTPredictor 8 (x32-x64)
MTPredictor 8 (x32-x64)
Archive : MTPredictor 8 (x32-x64)
New MTPredictor 8 Features New [HG] (Holy Grail) Trade Setup Fresh [VS] (Volume Spike)
MTPTrend Indicator New
Updated charting controls
Tab Control New (that makes using Multi Monitors much easier)
A new bar construction engine will be used to standardize it across all supported real-time data inputs.
the capacity to read daily (1 min) ASCII and MetaStock data files
ability to “construct” different time frames from ASCII or MetaStock data files with a 1 minute time step.
updated trading hours and session time engine
The Chart (and Scanner) Tabs now have new setup labels.
a fresh data box window
New Symbol Linking by Symbol and Symbol/Time-frame from the Scanner
Improvements to the Symbol Manager, such as updated Symbol Lists and a Bulk Symbol import Wizard
improvements to CPU and Memory performance
Programming Features
With the new-look Scanner, locate trade setups quickly and effortlessly. Check all of your markets for the automated MTPredictor TS1/2/3/4/DP and VS configurations, which include Elliott wave patterns and a Holy Grail variant for the TS1, TS3, and TS4.
Plot charts directly or via the scanner, and then use our built-in tools to analyze them. Automatic setups are discovered and shown to you on your charts.
Workspaces, tabs, and layouts: Set up your charts and scanners whichever you choose.
Support for multiple monitors Drag certain charts, Scanners, and whole workspaces to different displays.
includes a number of common indicators for technical analysis as well as Fibonacci tools.
There are several options for data, including real-time data from IQFeed, BarChart, FXCM, and eSignal as well as EOD data files in ASCII and MetaStock formats.
Features of Analysis
The charts automatically depict the automated MTPredictor set-ups (TS1/TS2/TS3/TS4/DP and VS, as well as the Holy Grail variants).
Rapid analysis of the automatic setups, including with risk management and position sizing.
On the charts themselves, you can also find Manual Wave Price Target (WPT) support and resistance levels for the setup, projected profit objectives for the trade, comprehensive Risk/Reward analysis, and position-sizing.
Historical Trade Analysis: Use our historical signals to learn from prior signals.
Advanced Traders can execute their own manual trade analysis using the Manual Risk/Reward Tool.
Project “in advance” future support and resistance zones using the manual Elliott Wave module of the WPT platform.
Future support and resistance zones can be projected using the manual Decision Point (DP) tool in the future.
Utilize MTPredictor’s special “Isolation approach” to Elliott Wave Analysis to identify new set-ups on your charts utilizing the Elliott Wave tool.
System prerequisites
A 32-bit or 64-bit PC running Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10 may use MTPredictor 8.
For information on suitable data sources, please consult the MTP 8 Data pages. MTPredictor 8 requires external data, which must be independently obtained from third parties.
Although MTPredictor 8 requires a Windows operating system, it can run on an iMac when using PC emulator software like VMware ( Memory: Since Windows consumes at least 2GB of memory on its own, we advise a PC with at least 4GB of RAM, and for power users, 8GB (or more) is preferable.
The upgrade Users of MTPredictor v7.5 can get it for $495.
If you bought MTPredictor v7.5 after September 1, 2016, this upgrade is free for you.
For information, send us an email.
Salepage : MTPredictor 8 (x32-x64)
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