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John Sonmez – 10 Ways to Make Money with Your Blog
John Sonmez – 10 Ways to Make Money with Your Blog
**More information:
This application is undoubtedly the tool I wished I’d had when I first started out.
This is a quick overview of every method I am aware of for making money from blogs.
I’ll walk you through every method I employ with Simple Programmer, including a few money sources I haven’t yet had a chance to put into practice.
You’ll see actual instances of other bloggers employing these methods to generate revenue.
even a few “sneak peaks” into the income Simple Programmer is bringing in.
Discovered in this video series:
What is a REALISTIC earning potential for a blog that you have?
How to increase your advertising income by eliminating the middleman
If you want to increase your earnings from blogging, there is one thing you should consider before you do it (and keep the trust of your readers)
How to locate businesses that will compensate you for audience access
Three creative methods to market advertising (much more profitably too)
How I make every blog entry at Simple Programmer into a chance to increase my income
Not yet making any money? Step 1a: Today, start monetizing your blog
A seductive trap that can net you some cash today but kills your site before you can really start to generate money later
Have little to no traffic right now? You may still earn money from your blog—in fact, quite a lot of it.
What I did to start Simple Programmer that cost me the most money, and what you can do RIGHT NOW to prevent doing the same thing
Three services you may provide on your blog with practically no upfront effort
How some programmers are able to generate enough money rapidly to leave their day jobs and sustain themselves through their blogs
A simple, “why not” technique to make a few dollars each month (or maybe more)
How a tiny yet devoted fan group may generate enough money each month to cover your mortgage
10+ strategies for charging people for the information you already possess
There is one thing you must do RIGHT NOW that will “force multiply” all other things you do with your blog in the future.
How the “podcast king” profits by utilizing the knowledge of other programmers
Bonus: A Private Tour of My Simple Programmer Business in “Open Kimono”
Recently, I gave a “look over my shoulder” lecture to a small group of ardent Simple Programmer enthusiasts.
You can watch as I launch my screen-sharing program, crack up the Simple Programmer books, and go over each of my revenue streams line by line in this video, which is not available anywhere else.
You’ll be able to see exactly what techniques I’m employing to monetize Simple Programmer as well as how much money each channel generates.
When was the last time you received “business advise” from someone who was prepared to be that open with you?
As you can see, I crammed a LOT of information into this little course.
This bundle encapsulates the 7-8 years of arduous learning I’ve through as I grew Simple Programmer from a fledgling blog to a six-figure enterprise.
And let me tell you, if I could somehow travel back in time to 2009, when Simple Programmer was just getting started, I would.
With this information, I might have made tens of thousands or maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I would have leaped at the opportunity to pay $500 or even $1,000 for this knowledge back then.
The investment would have more than compensated for itself several times over, therefore it would have been well worth it.
However, you won’t need to spend $1,000 for this knowledge.
You already know how strongly I feel that every software engineer ought to have a blog if you know me.
And I am well aware of the inspiration that comes from seeing money come into your bank account as a result of the things you write as a blogger.
When you see that people are truly willing to pay you for your ideas, I want you to have that same experience and to feel that same jolt of enthusiasm.
So I made the decision to price this course reasonably so that it won’t break the bank.
Salepage : John Sonmez – 10 Ways to Make Money with Your Blog
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