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8 Ways to Great by Doug Hlrschhom
8 Ways to Great by Doug Hlrschhom
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Doug Hlrschhom’s Eight Ways to Great
“Dr. Doug provides you a clear method to take you to the next level, from investing in big ideas about which you are enthusiastic to having the guts to take action to earning from the competitive edge.” -Jeff Taylor, the man behind and
Simply wanting to be the greatest is insufficient; you must also be prepared to make the difficult decisions and adjustments necessary to achieve where you want to go.
No matter the economic or social pressures, high achievers in some of corporate America’s most stressful jobs are able to go from good to exceptional because they fully engage eight principles that keep them on the path to success.
8 Ways to Great shows how these principles guide the choices of top performers and how you, too, can incorporate them into your daily life. These principles range from understanding core motivation to developing self-awareness, setting goals to taking calculated risks, identifying one’s competitive advantage to fostering inner confidence, and appreciating the importance of the process to being accountable.
Dr. Doug Hirschhorn’s book teaches you how to realize your potential for greatness through practical, hard-hitting advice that is illustrated with gripping tales from the top of high finance and professional sports.
Financial Development Course
Financial development means some improvements in producing information about possible investments and allocating capital, monitoring firms and exerting corporate governance, trading, diversification, and management of risk, mobilization and pooling of savings, easing the exchange of goods and services.
Salepage : 8 Ways to Great by Doug Hlrschhom
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