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Arathi Ma – Into the Mystery of Love & Relationships
Arathi Ma – Into the Mystery of Love & Relationships
**More information:
Arathi Ma’s Special Offer is presented by The Transformation Show.
Discussion topic: The Mysteries of Love and Relationships
Join us. Live in the US and Europe on The Transformation Show: Feb. 27, 2019, at 5 p.m. Eastern/4 p.m. Central/2 p.m. Pacific/10 p.m. GMT
Australia and New Zealand: February 28 at 9 a.m. AEST/11 a.m. NZST/3 a.m. IST (Indian Standard Time)
Benefits of “Love Dissolves and Heals Every and Every Blockage”
allowing oneself and others to love
Calm and satisfaction
better communication
heart’s physical mending
recovery of all organs
“…that is nothing short of pleasure.”
My sessions with Arathi Ma have had a significant impact on my life. The “having to do” that had been interfering with my journey of consciousness has been removed, and I had been linked to the being of my being.
I have felt more grounded, focused, and a genuine sensation of peace-of-mind and body that can only be defined as pleasure since co-creating with Arathi Ma. Arathi Ma, many thanks and blessings!
Tom Goltl
I didn’t even realize that I had it in me.
I simply adore my instructor and healer! Working with Arathi Ma makes me feel really fortunate and privileged. He is bringing such surrender, space, and miracles into my life through his lessons, love, energy, and healings. I am developing in ways I never even realized were possible for me. I will always be thankful and completely committed. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is more compassionate and powerful than the work I am doing right now, despite the fact that I have done a ton of personal work and tried a ton of new and different healing modalities. The work I am doing with her right now is such a luxury and a delight — oh, simply a blessing of space and healing. Counseling and body work have helped me prepare for this. I am very honored to be a part of the job you are doing, Arathi Ma. Thank you.
Pretzer Kim
“There is so much beauty and love everywhere.”
My mental, emotional, and spiritual health have all improved because to Arathi Ma. My interactions with the individuals in my life have improved. My perspective on life has dramatically altered from a year ago, and I now have such a bright approach. I’m no longer depressed in any way. Every day I have a reason to smile because I know there is so much love and beauty in the world.
I am surrounded by joy and am always filled with affection. I can now appreciate the beauty of the world and of individuals much more. My life is filled with a lot more love and pleasure now.
I adore Arathi Ma and am eternally grateful to her for all of her favors.
She really has improved my life. I will always be appreciative for this.
Do you still want love and a particular someone with whom to spend your life?
Do you desire happiness and fulfillment? Do you desire to understand Divine Love?
Embrace your inner heart’s dimensions to set yourself free to love and be loved.
Do you still experience this?
Are you lonely?
Do you want a mate in life?
Do you and your partner now disagree?
Feeling invisible?
Feeling unlovable?
Do you think you look and feel your age?
Are you merely unhappy?
Have you given up on finding someone exceptional in your lifetime?
Do you seek genuine communion?
Do you need to develop your channels of communication?
Do you ever self-destruct?
Do you feel unworthy and ugly?
Do you get a sense of being cut off from your body and/or soul?
Your communications have been halted?
Do you still harbor resentment toward a former partner?
Still attracting the wrong kind of partners?
Is your heart physically ill?
Do you feel uninspired and uninspired by life in general?
Do you feel cut off from God or the Source?
Are you willing to let your heart open?
Let’s explore the realm of love and relationships together!
Never forget how lovable you are.
Attract love both within and outside.
Take use of love’s healing power.
Be Love, Become Love eventually.
You are invited by Arathi Ma to:
Learn about Sacred Divine Love
Set out to merge with the Sacred Divine Love.
Investigate your Inner Heart
Make amends with your parents.
Repair your relationship with your kids
Get a Loved One or Get THE Loved One
Boost your interactions with others and your partner
Your relationship with your body will improve.
Feel Loved and Find Love Both Within and Without. Feel love. Turn to Love
Be open to and develop your passions
Become Attractive to Love & Wealth
Open up real channels for communication
Improve general health
Develop a strong intuition
Safeguard Your Life Now
Package The intricacy of love and relationships in the context of source/God is addressed in A Arathi Ma’s most recent offering.
Included in the package are 9 MP3s, 1 Bonus MP3, and 2 Package Upgrades.
9 MP3s
MP3 version of “Opening to the Infinite Heart”
Searching for Safety in the Heart of All That Is – MP3
Children’s Love & Safety, MP3
Four (4) CommunicationPlus – MP3
5 Healing & Guarding Your Heart – MP3
Sixth: Sacred Soul Body Union (MP3)
7 – MP3 for personal communication
– MP3 Your Attraction Factor
9 MP3: Passion & Pleasure
Aligning your Birth Charts: Breaking Free from the Constraints of Current Planetary Birth (SILENT MP3) 3:02 min ​
Two energetic package updates: one in May 2018 for all MP3s and another in November 2018
This bundle provides
Light frequencies of the Galaxy’s True Central Heart
Unconditional love’s profound resonances Vibrant, alluring natural magnetism
Healing of the mental and physical heart, among other things…
Be willing to expand your consciousness, holy heart, and being in new ways. Break free from your existing constraints and access the source of true love that is waiting for you inside of yourself.
Set yourself free to become lovable and appealing in ways you’ve never allowed yourself to think, feel, or become before.
Opening to the Infinite Heart, item 1 (MP3), 7:58 min.
Foundation leading to the Infinite Heart’s holy area. A number of spiritual characteristics, including Peace, Light, Freedom, Stillness, and Neutrality, are tuned into by the entire body awareness. Inviting satisfaction and a gentle peace of being in preparation for actively enjoying and experiencing life, and in this context, to the remainder of this package. Clearing deeper aches and illusions of suffering linked to distortions of one’s own self-image.
Activation of the opening
rectification of the empathy pathways
Removal of “imperfections” illusions
Finding Solace in the Heart of All That Is – MP3 – 13:02 min.
awakening and developing the inner core that serves as the basis for all issues pertaining to the heart and to life in general. settling into complete self-confidence. In order for you to connect to the deeper sides of your own heart, we are laying the groundwork for healing deeper childhood wounds and conditionings as well as time lines that are still alive in you but do not serve you any longer. Clearing, mending, and improving present capabilities on a variety of levels is part of this in order to find solace with the origin of your own being.
Activating Keeping Source/God in mind
removing anti-life and chaotic fake matrix programming
Entity and extraterrestrial being clearings
Astral cord clearings
implant cleanings
comprehensive field repair
Boost the efficiency of all energy meridians.
Yin-Yang harmony
Improvements in astral and spiritual heart function
Kindness, tenderness, strength, courage, patience, and wisdom activations
putting a stop to prejudice, self-destruction, greed, envy, fear, criticism, impatience, and division
hearing positive feedback about a new or enhanced collaboration
The third item is an 11:20 min. MP3 called “Childhood Love & Safety.”
transforming deeply hidden feelings that may be the result of many sorts of abuse in order to feel safe and have a sense of purpose in one’s own life.
Giving up on belonging
From emotional malnourishment to nutrition
Shame on innocents with easy
Controlling to cooperate and have faith in
Not deserving of merit and value
from being restrained to relaxing
looking for affirmation to be sure
Inability to feel complete
dependency to wholesome independence
Knowing is pleasant Mistrust of faith
sacrifices made for oneself
from social exclusion to social inclusion
failing to perceive triumphs and assuming failure
too exposed to feeling safe
punitive (can’t forgive quickly) toward oneself and others to forgiveness and to kindness
Understanding one’s own limitations and self
early abandonment of endurance
CommunicationPlus – MP3 – 12:37 minutes is item 4.
removal of erroneous and disruptive communication imprints, and restoration of normal neuronal activity throughout. sensitivity to positive dynamics of intercommunication inside the body and in society as a whole. Projecting and other patterns, such as presuming and blaming, disappear as tools for navigating through any form of connection by activating the bravery to be true to your own sentiments and the power to express yourself towards your own heart and others while staying mindful and aware.
Higher level activation Objectivity at deeper levels of the body and psyche
Diamond Mind Wavelengths
improving the nervous system as a whole
Remove erroneous matrix confusion impressions
Take off the neck’s back attachments.
Eliminate the victim-tyrant mentality Be aware of your feelings and experiences
enhancing equilibrium and integrity
Self- and other-forgiveness
recognizing what others are really trying to say and mean
becoming more aware of one’s inner voice
Increasing one’s attention to detail converting one’s inner critic into pure awareness
Increasing our capacity for forgiving
Holy Heart Wavelengths
Item 5: Keeping Your Heart Safe & Healed – MP3 – 13:16
removing the barriers that separate us from the interwoven web of life, entering the inner divine well of our own infinite Worthiness and Love, and returning to our original Self-remembering.
Download Divine Protection
Elimination of anti-life and chaotic false matrix programming
removing separatist inclinations
removing the thick heart walls
sever harmful relationships with others
letting go of a desire to take advantage of others
Stop letting relationships exhaust you.
Vampirism and little siphoning holes
letting go of your power and letting go of your worries, trauma, and fragments
Open, expand, and bring life to your multidimensional heart field.
Electro-magnetic field balance-based defense
activate physical heart’s cellular renewal
ignoring phony mail senders
Taking out parasites and implants
enhancing soul-to-soul connectivity between your body’s organs, plants, and other creatures
Sacred Soul Body Union (MP3), item 6, is an 11:22 minute song.
activating the pure Light on all levels and allowing it to cleanse every cell in your body, including the ones in your heart and all of your organs. The Passion & Pleasure MP3 pairs well with this MP3.
removing outmoded energetic grid overlays
Golden-white minimal cellular movement
God’s blessings
DNA repair and recovery
Organ and body tissue regeneration and healing
Prenatal and early childhood blockages cleared
Abdominal general obstruction has cleared
Trauma recovery
Reset the cellular system for better spiritual Clearing the center of the throat Getting rid of constrictive ideas and self-criticism
Personal Communication, item 7, MP3 (5:04),
making communication channels clear and open, which is especially important amongst male and female relationships, kids and parents, and pets and owners. Improve communication channels by activating, tuning, and upgrading them on all levels—energetic, mental-emotional, and bodily.
ASK for clearance between:
you and your partner at the moment
Including your mum,
together with your father
both of you and your kid(s)
both of you and your family
you and your animal(s)
along with your neighbors
You, your coworkers, your employers, etc.
Your body and you
Your spirit and yourself
improving the paths
Clarity, concentration, comprehension, aptitude for listening, forgiving, etc.
genuine hearing
Right to the point: focus
Nonverbal coordination and integration
thyroid equilibrium
Item 8: Keeping Your Heart Safe & Healed – MP3 – 14:15
To become naturally alluring to all the wonderful in life and a gorgeous companion, open to your zero/center point, allow for dynamic and limitless equilibrium, and release anything which doesn’t serve you any longer.
activation of your magnetic nature
the freedom to need others and to require oneself
Self-Value and Worth
Alignment and upgrading of Deepening Magnetic Resonance to Source Prosperity
health improvement and alignment
Relationship capacity cleaning, synchronization, and improvement
Aligning in Joy, Bliss, and Freedom
Item 9: Pleasure & Passion – MP3 – 17:24
allowing oneself to be open to desire and pleasure that are anchored in the inherent ease of innocence combined with strength, vigor, inventiveness, and youth.
erasing the mark of original sin
eradication of sin programs, aggressive maltreatment, and enslavement
removing pleasure disruptors caused by accidents and invasive surgeries
Elimination of Shame
Meridian erasures
Absolute intimacy problems
starting the song “Innocence”
Availability to intimacy
totally receiving and giving
male and female circuits being activated and synchronized
Boost your energy, inventiveness, and sensation of youth, as well as your sense of sex.
hormone resetting
Aligning your Birth Charts: Breaking Free from the Constraints of Current Planetary Birth (SILENT MP3) 3:02 min ​
Two energetic package updates: one in May 2018 for all MP3s and another in November 2018
“I requested support from Arathi Ma in regards to my interactions with my partner, myself, and my kitties. My home had some energy disconnects, and Arathi Ma was able to find them and provide me some material to listen to to get things back in balance. A lot of things changed. The surroundings has made my cats considerably happy, and they are now acting properly. Now that I’m married to the love of my life, our relationship is closer than ever. Together, we are creating a fantastic future, and we communicate well.
I’m really appreciative that Arathi Ma was brought to me and that she was able to relate to me and help me with the areas of my life where I was having trouble.
Lots of Love”
“Your MP3s have reset my thyroid, I think. However, I did have characteristic dry skin, weariness, and the telltale brow thinning on the outer third (so much so that I haven’t plucked my brows since I was in my early 40s!). I did NOT have lab work that “on paper” proved hypothyroidism. As a result, I’d say that I had a very delicate subclinical condition since many people discover that even if their blood work is “normal,” they nevertheless have symptoms.
I must admit that my eyebrows are fuller and my skin is less dry. I don’t need an eyebrow pencil since I can see the outside half of my brows. I’m also not as chilly.”
B package
Complete in Package A
Group Call #1 recorded with questions Clearings & Foundation Teachings
Group Call #2 recorded with questions Fostering Self-Love & Heart Healing
Group Call #3 recorded with questions Partner love and general intimacy in relationships
Physical Heart Healing, Individual Q&A Healing/Guidance, Recorded Group Call #4
Foundation Teachings & Clearings, First Group Call, Recorded, with Q&A
Invitation to leave the illusionary matrix Talk, clearing, and building processes towards a new paradigm Q&A
Light Codes of Freedom and Joy
Allowing for energy exchange in the heart as we move from 3D to 4D to 5D intimacy
unwavering love
Light codes to enhance the interconnectivity of all living things, including plants and animals
Light Codes with a Deep Motive
eradicating life energy theft and selfish tactics
avoiding relying on the connection for survival requirements
improving the artistic side of producing “cosmic masterpieces” other than progeny
removing isolation, fear, and other negative emotions
removing astral glitz, illusions, and dreams.
addressing the ups and downs of falling in and out of love like a roller coaster
Without the romantic glitz of Light Codes for Sexuality
instead of exhausting your partner, inspire them (positivity)
Giving and receiving in balance (paying attention)
finding the partner’s jewelry or presents
Utilizing your spouse as a spiritual advisor (spiritual compass) and for additional purposes that the group members may require
Developing Heart Healing & Self Love: Recorded Group Call #2 with Q&A
Developing quality in your life through letting go of self-destructive and self-hating behavior.
eradicating imbalances in the meridian channels
Having a purpose without relying on others Faith in the unfolding
Understanding and letting go of grief
Discovering the Self-Loved and more…
General Relationships, Intimacy, and Partner Love: Recorded Group Call #3 with Questions
empathy problems
becoming distant
monetary strain aging concerns
Abuse trends
Sexual problems, including mismatches and others
Recorded Group Call #4: Individual Healing/Guidance with Q&A, Physical Heart Healing
Recovery of the physical heart (arrhythmia, high/low blood pressure, anxiety, etc.)
Take part in this group call in real time.
Q&A from participants creates content ​
“Everything changed over the three months I worked with Arathi Ma. I still feel fantastic. Most significantly, I felt more energized and no longer experienced chronic lethargy. I was incredibly delighted and content in every element of my life. My personal energy work expanded, and my income prospered. I shed 20 pounds. In addition, my heart’s capacity had increased and I felt better about myself. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have met Arathi Ma so long ago and still be able to collaborate with her. Being an energy worker myself, it’s uncommon for me to encounter someone who can hold my energy container while also being able to change it into better self-integration. The actual deal is with Arathi Ma. My sincere gratitude to Arathi Ma for all of her assistance throughout my time on earth.”
Lawrence Ashley Eden
“Over a year ago, you and I had a Skype conversation during which you healed my daughter of endometriosis. Guess what, though? She underwent MRI. No indication at all of endometriosis! Ovaries and fallopian tubes are in excellent condition! You, God, and the Holy Spirit have all worked together to totally cure her! For the first time ever, she is pain-free, giving her a new lease on life. More miracles are happening as she blesses everything and everyone in her immediate vicinity.
I appreciate you very much! I adore you so much!”
— Caro Jane Mouat
C package
All in the Package B Plus 30-minute 1:1 Session
Salepage : Arathi Ma – Into the Mystery of Love & Relationships
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