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Agora Financial – Steal Our Winners
Agora Financial – Steal Our Winners
**More information:
Agora Financial’s first-ever collaborative internet marketing magazine is called Steal Our Winners.
The largest and most successful direct response marketers in the world divulge their most prized trade secrets here.
With Steal Our Winners, we hope to give you cutting edge “insider” marketing secrets that can increase your conversions and your revenue.
what you receive
You will receive monthly insights into what the top direct marketers in the industry are doing as a member.
It can be a brand-new offer structure, a copy strategy, or an entire funnel that is generating record-breaking sales. No matter if you work as a copywriter, marketer, or direct response business owner, we promise that this publication will benefit your operation.
Regular Contributors to Steal Our Winners:
Mr. Rich Schefren
Rich is referred to be the “guru to the gurus” in the top levels of the marketing industry. Jay Abraham, John Carlton, Jeff Paul, Stephen Pierce, Yanik Silver, Jeff Walker, Todd Brown, and Russell Brunson, to mention a few, are just a few of the copywriting and marketing superstars with whom he has collaborated. He has directly increased his clients’ revenue by over $15 billion. The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, ABC, NBC, FOX, MSNBC, The Discovery Channel, The Daily News, The New York Post, and other publications have all highlighted him. Rich will discuss company development strategies and “growth hacks” to 10X your firm in Steal Our Winners.
Albuquerque, Evaldo:
A staff of 15 copywriters, led by Evaldo, is expanding. With more than $80 million in sales in the previous year, he was Agora’s highest earning financial copywriter. In Steal Our Winners, Evaldo shares high-level copywriting insights that he ordinarily keeps to himself and his internal staff. These insights include references to successful promotions, copy breakdowns, and more.
Coyne, Peter
The publisher of the nine-figure Agora Financial company, Paradigm Press, is Peter Coyne. He is the Agora publisher who is the youngest and the youngest by at least ten years to have built a company worth more than $100 million. He will offer insights into his business each month as well as strategies you can use to take your company to the next level.
Salepage : Agora Financial – Steal Our Winners
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