Courses Infomation
Running After Pregnancy: The 4th Trimester and Beyond: Evaluate and Address Postpartum Symptoms
Running After Pregnancy: The 4th Trimester and Beyond: Evaluate and Address Postpartum Symptoms
Salepage : Running After Pregnancy: The 4th Trimester and Beyond: Evaluate and Address Postpartum Symptoms
Julia Mitchell, PT
1 Hour 37 Minutes
Audio and Video
May 21, 2021
Product Code:
Media Type:
Digital Seminar
The body doesn’t just simply “bounce back” after a pregnancy. The physiological impacts can last for months or even years.
Many of your female patients have the goal to return to running and Julia Mitchell, PT is here to share her go-to, practical postpartum and external pelvic health strategies that help you address these issues with confidence! You’ll learn an evidence-based approach to:
- Determine when to return to running
- Exercise progressions that increase strength, stability and mobility
- Techniques that aid in quickly mitigating poor running mechanics
This seminar is a unique blend of both external pelvic health and orthopedic perspectives that will give you strategies you can use immediately in clinic. And here’s the kicker – these strategies can be used by women at ANY stage postpartum, whether they had a baby 6 weeks ago, 6 months ago, 6 years ago.
Julia Mitchell is a Canadian Physiotherapist and RockTape Instructor, with a passion for supporting women during pregnancy and postpartum. She is the founder of Mom on the Run Productions, Inc., and has created a course on External Pelvic Health Therapy with her colleague Liz Frey, FCAMPT, MCISC (MANIP), MSC, BSC, BPHE. Julia is an avid runner, and Mom to a funny and busy toddler. You can find her on Instagram @momontherun.can.
Speaker Disclosure:
Financial: Julia Mitchell is a physiotherapist for Cove Sport Therapy. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Julia Mitchell is a member of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.
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