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Oiltradingacademy – Oil Trading Academy Code 3
Oiltradingacademy – Oil Trading Academy Code 3
Archive : Oiltradingacademy – Oil Trading Academy Code 3
Code 3 was discovered by me by accident in November 2018 while gathering together old charts of Code 1 and Code 2 with the intention of creating new Code 1 and Code 2 courses using the old charts from 2012 to teach with. While looking at the charts from 2012 I by sheer luck or accident or providence discovered Code 3.
This is a new way to trade all futures markets such as Oil, Gold, Emini S&P, Mini-Dow Jones Industrial Average, Mini-Nasdaq, Russell 2000, and any and all other futures and forex markets.
Code 3 represents a major breakthrough with respect to the codes and with respect to trading in general.
With the use of Code 3 it’s now easily possible to generate 500 ticks per day by trading 2 separate instruments at once and trading 8-12 hours per day. What this means is by using just one contract a person could profit $5,000 per day. By using just two contracts a person could generate $10,000 per day.
On top of this the drawdown is minimal….. meaning the furthest you would go negative in money is very small because Code 3 is so accurate, so powerful…..
As an added bonus, unlike Code 1 and Code 2 which really took some study and some practice time, Code 3 is unbelievably simple, with no guesswork, no offsets, no subjectivity, Code 3 is the ultimate trading system which works with everything (except individual stocks).
I have been teaching Code 1 and Code 2 since March 2010, in all that time many people have struggled with the codes and not been able to understand them, or implement them properly due to many different reasons. Code 3 is the answer for everyone because not only is it so powerful and profitable but it’s also so easy to learn and use. And when I say it’s easy I really do mean it’s very easy. On a scale of 1-10 Code 1 is an 8 to learn. Code 2 is a 6 to learn. Code 3 is a 1 to learn, it’s by far the easiest and most profitable code there is. And to think that this was discovered by accident, whereas the other codes took a great deal of investigation to uncover, Code 3 is like a light bulb going off in the head and then realizing how obvious it was all along, I just never saw it.
I could easily keep this code to myself, but that’s not what I’ve done from the very beginning, and I’ve helped so many people to become successful traders. I have gotten so many emails lately from so many clients who have thanked me for changing their lives, and its that kind of thanks and the way it makes me feel that money cannot buy. I have helped from the beginning and I will continue to help until the end. Who knows maybe one day I’ll uncover Code 4, which might be an even larger code and even easier.
But what I do know is I’ve discovered Code 3 and now it’s out of the bag, on display and ready for consumption and profiting from.
Happy Trading,
Oil Trading Academy
What is forex?
Quite simply, it’s the global market that allows one to trade two currencies against each other.
If you think one currency will be stronger versus the other, and you end up correct, then you can make a profit.
If you’ve ever traveled to another country, you usually had to find a currency exchange booth at the airport, and then exchange the money you have in your wallet into the currency of the country you are visiting.
You go up to the counter and notice a screen displaying different exchange rates for different currencies.
An exchange rate is the relative price of two currencies from two different countries.
You find “Japanese yen” and think to yourself, “WOW! My one dollar is worth 100 yen?! And I have ten dollars! I’m going to be rich!!!”
When you do this, you’ve essentially participated in the forex market!
You’ve exchanged one currency for another.
Or in forex trading terms, assuming you’re an American visiting Japan, you’ve sold dollars and bought yen.
Currency Exchange
Before you fly back home, you stop by the currency exchange booth to exchange the yen that you miraculously have left over (Tokyo is expensive!) and notice the exchange rates have changed.
It’s these changes in the exchange rates that allow you to make money in the foreign exchange market.
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