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Yuri Shamenko Videos
Yuri Shamenko Videos
Forex Trading – Foreign Exchange Course
You want to learn about Forex?
Foreign exchange, or forex, is the conversion of one country’s currency into another.
In a free economy, a country’s currency is valued according to the laws of supply and demand.
In other words, a currency’s value can be pegged to another country’s currency, such as the U.S. dollar, or even to a basket of currencies.
A country’s currency value may also be set by the country’s government.
However, most countries float their currencies freely against those of other countries, which keeps them in constant fluctuation.
Yuri Shramenko’s Trading Videos
September-early December 2013
*Tide Wave Ripple
General trading philosophy
* Horizontal Ephemeris
Specific timing techniques
Planetary Geometry
Advanced planetary aspect combinations
*Planetary Speed
Ideas for researchers to practice with
Planetary Stations
Specific timing techniques
Price-Time Confirmation
Simple and complete trading system
Best Technical Indicator
Momentum Divergence and Sup/Res
All Time High Analysis
Dates of extremes prices analyzed
*Stock Natal Analysis
*Streaks and Mirrors
Very important – advanced framework
* Planetary Trendlines
Powerful timing and sup/resistance
*Planetary Fan Examples
Examples of planetary trendlines
* Planetary Stepping
The best timing method
* Trade Mechanics
How to trade
Trade Setups
How to combine all these tools
*Market Geometery Intro
Fibonacci Expansions
Advanced support resistance levels
Fibonacci 128 Timing
*Action Reaction Lines
The Parallel Lines drawing tool
Action Reaction advanced
Very potent swing trading method
Self-Styled Ellipse
Complicated but good
*Ellipse Examples
Examples of above technique
Spiral examples
Money Management
What they say:
Thanks Yuri, Very impressive!
…Pretty freeking good! I tend to agree with your ‘Aspects’ comments. Your “3D” approach is better.
… “Yuri, don’t sell yourself short you are easily the WISEST hands on trader I know! Plenty ‘talk the talk’, but few ‘walk the walk’”
Robert Rundle
Thanks for sharing this, it is really enlightning.
…Excellent! thanks for sharing.
…Great video as always Yuri! (video: Fib Spiral)
Alon Avramson
BTW, thanks Yuri for your YouTube videos. Very good stuff!
… Want to thank you for your videos. To me they are a fantastic resource to really start appreciating the power of Timing Solutions.
Great ideas too.
Viva Yuri!
Profit Engineers (Terry)
Yuri, thanks a lot for all your Videos. I think I have watched them all. I am now playing around with some techniques I didn`t know before. All Videos are very well prepared and you are presenting here in my opinion a tremendous amount of knowledge and that for free. Again thanks!
Gido Grossner
Many thanks for your great videos – particularly helpful for someone like me , your classic “student of the market”.
… Many thanks for your latest round of videos. Its great seeing how you use the 128 tool which you persuaded Sergey to include in TS, and it was also interesting to see the 50% Pitchfork which I’d never heard of before.
… Thanks for sharing these valuable insights Yuri. It was (is) a great collection of videos and articles, especially for the inexperienced like me.
Gerald Jaworski
Wonderful, insightful and intelligent analysis… Thanks very much!
…You ask interesting questions and require the viewer to engage with thoughtful prompts… hallmarks of a great teacher.
… Thank you, Yuri. Very well prepapred and presented!
… Thank you Yuri… I’m grateful for the work you are doing and sharing here.
Jerome Nevins
Great Videos, the message you send across is perfect, I even find the commentary quite funny at times
Thanks very much and if possible keep them coming, there are so many features in TS that I’m unaware of and find that the videos are awesome
Sergey should put them up on his website in my opinion.
It’s good to know that other people have been down the road I’m traveling, can be quite daunting at times.
Thanks again, TRON Constructions (Steven)
Thank you very much for your generosity of time and knowledge. Your uploaded videos are exactly what I needed at this stage of time!
God bless you, Yuri. May all your good deeds come back to you multiple fold! I have learnt more from your videos than any other. Looking forward to anything ele you post
Al Dina
Thank you very much for your videos. They were very helpful. I have used turning points before, but I was able to learn more about the capabilities of the program and the ability to back up observations with different non dependent approachs. Most impressive!
Al (aa*****@ve*****.net)
Thanks so much for doing these videos. Really awesome stuff.
BTW, on your Planetary Angles video, did you happen to scroll forward to this year? Take a look at where that 1H Venus line ended up. That is frickin’ amazing. You just can’t make this sh—up. Keep ‘em coming.
Best, Jim (Ranum)
Hi Yuri, thank you for your job and to share with all of us.
I looked at the about 5 of the 10 videos, and I think the ones I viewed are very good. I will look at the rest later. The first one Trading mechanics is trully excellent. I would liked to have seen it 10 years and a few more trading dollars ago.
Dr Charles MacDonald
Hi Yuri
I just saw some of your video… I’m so glad your are doing them.
I have tried to use TS but its a software on STEROIDS. lol
So I take it day by day and learn something new, but after watching your videos I feel like I progressed a whole year lol.
brilliance (YT comment for “Fooled by Randomness”)
Jim Vestor
Your Timing Solutions videos have helped me a great deal.
Thank you for taking the time to make these training lessons. I’ve had the TS software for awhile, but have been a little overwhelmed with all the features. Your videos make using the software much easier for me…. Mr. Shramenko, your perceptions have been a great value to me. I truly appreciate you efforts and your wisdom.
Brad Davis
Thank you Yuri. Excellent presentation
…Excellent Yuri. Thanks for sharing your expertise
Richard Burns
as a first time user of Timing Solutions i have found your work to be top of the line and very much appreciated. Thank you for sharing your insights. I can’t say enough about how you guys are at Timing Solutions, i have spent considerable time in other similar forums such as w59 trying to learn how to apply different tools more than i care to say … and have never seen such valuable/useful insights freely shared.
Thank you very much … it is was very encouraging to hear someone freely share and do it in a comprehensible way.
Georg Mayer
Great video man. Subscribed. (YT Trading Mechanics video)
I much appreciate your videos and teaching material, which i am studying with as much diligence as i am able… I’d like to mention that I think you’re a fantastic teacher , and person. When anyone criticizes you or the material you put out there , they don’t know what they’re talking about.
Radu Serban
Thank you for sharing the intraday with me many years ago
Jacques Pienaar
Great Stuff (re Facebook “Trading by Yuri” page)
Homer Trader
I have been following your videos & finding them very helpful thank you. I very much appreciate what you are doing.
Sonia Lee
In addition – thanks a lot for your free Youtube videos which are amazing !!!
Christian Hagglof
Just got my Trading Solution SW (although I’ve been doing FA and research on same for years) and have been a big fan of your videos.
Dave Moore
Yuri – Your videos are awesome. You are very generous with your knowledge – and a great communicator. I look forward to all your releases, and study them carefully. I dont think many people realize just how good you and your material are.
A big heartfelt thank you for putting a little of your considerable trading knowledge out on the net. I’ve only watched 7 of the videos (several times) but the information you impart is priceless. I loved the Trading Mechanics and Fooled By Randomness videos in particular. You have energised me to improve on what I was doing before I picked up Brad Cowan/Jerome Baumring’s work. Whilst I really enjoyed the research, I hope these books haven’t moved my thinking so far into obscurity that there is no way back to profitable trading.
Dan Irani
Yuri’s videos showed me a whole new world. After a first interest in astrology in my teenage years I forgot about it. I studied finance, became a fundamental analyst, then a little bit of quant analyst, finally found technical analysis and now the circle closes with astrology again. Your videos are amazing. And I can learn it on TS! great!
Martin Biber
Amazing! (YouTube message)
Have to extend kudos for your YouTube videos. I was skeptical, but you really deliver solid information. Thank you for your time and generosity of information!
… You are so generous with your ideas.
… Yuri, YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!
… Consider you a Rockstar. Cheers, Mr Trader Coach.
Annette Koberlein
i have just found some of your you tube presentations and can’t believe how you hit the nail on the head for me in the subconscious thinking and trading. now i understand why i couldn’t hit the winners, and then when i break the acc i would do more study and courses go back and repeat. not the study but me and the unconscious stress levels need addressing but how do i do this without breaking the acc again.
what do you advise traders like me?
What is forex?
Quite simply, it’s the global market that allows one to trade two currencies against each other.
If you think one currency will be stronger versus the other, and you end up correct, then you can make a profit.
If you’ve ever traveled to another country, you usually had to find a currency exchange booth at the airport, and then exchange the money you have in your wallet into the currency of the country you are visiting.
Foreign Exchange
You go up to the counter and notice a screen displaying different exchange rates for different currencies.
An exchange rate is the relative price of two currencies from two different countries.
You find “Japanese yen” and think to yourself, “WOW! My one dollar is worth 100 yen?! And I have ten dollars! I’m going to be rich!!!”
When you do this, you’ve essentially participated in the forex market!
You’ve exchanged one currency for another.
Or in forex trading terms, assuming you’re an American visiting Japan, you’ve sold dollars and bought yen.
Currency Exchange
Before you fly back home, you stop by the currency exchange booth to exchange the yen that you miraculously have left over (Tokyo is expensive!) and notice the exchange rates have changed.
It’s these changes in the exchange rates that allow you to make money in the foreign exchange market.
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