Sayoc Stick Grappling DVD
Sayoc Stick Grappling DVD
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Salepage: Sayoc Stick Grappling DVD
In the past, we’ve done training that would isolate other aspects of
stick work. There is a large vacuum of stick grappling material
available for FMA which was taught by FMAs. Japanese martial arts have
stick grappling material in bookstores, there’s bits here and there from
FMAs, but often not readily available. There’s material by the great
Gene Lebell as well. However, nothing focusing entirely on the stick
grappling and why stick grappling is an often ignored subject within the
context of FMA stick work. The Sayoc Stick Grappling DVD introduces the
stick as a viable equalizer against stick strikes utilizing many
grappling concepts.
How well the FMA community embraces this opens the doors to the HUGE
untapped (pardon the pun) grappling student body that have not seriously
studied FMAs.
If one were to surf the net, you can see grappling instructors, even
former JKD students negatively describing the drills of FMA. As
ambassadors of FMA, Sayoc Kali Tuhon Thomas Kier presents material that
speaks grappling and FMA language while SHOWING the effectiveness of
Sayoc close range techniques and grappling material adapted to FMA.
In the history of Filipino tribal warfare, there are documented
instances where observers would indicate warriors not merely hacking
away at one another, but tying up their opponent and pretty much
restraining them to use their edged weapon, like a Kalinga head ax.
The footage and scenarios presented are for instructional purposes
and are not intended for sport or entertainment purposes. These were not
“fight club” sessions but scenarios which were designed to illustrate
concepts on an uncooperative training partner.
ALL Training IS Fantasy. Why? Because it is NEVER Real.
However, in any TRAINING, one can be susceptible to serious bodily
injury. Especially REAL world simulated training. This wasn’t a contest…
no prize money, no audience. How can one justify teaching a method if
they don’t know for sure the possible glitches inherent therein if they
haven’t even seen it happen in real time? Not even seeing it in TRAINING
***Read the disclaimer for more information.***
Here’s a chance to SHOW a student of yours that:
A disarm can work. If trained it appropriately.The fights don’t end when a stick is lost.Other arts apply well – Sound TACTICS work better than Theories.Hand hits might NOT work, and sometimes they do.Projectiles can be used in a real time situation to your advantageThe environment can assist or handicap you, depending on your mindset.Some installed Hubad drills can come in handy.Size can or can not matter in a stick fight. But skill ALWAYS matters.Impact Conditioning is important.With light rattan, knockouts happen with repetitive shots.A stick can equalize a grappler AND vice versa, a grappler can use a stick to THEIR advantage.A submission can happen with a pressure point when a stick is involved.A standup submission can happen with a stick.Fancy twirling when done by someone who knows WHY they are doing it is effective.Stick grip changes can be done in real time and effectively.Some who do not practically train in the blade arts, have a huge
misconception between what a blade can do and a stick. The gap is HUGE.No headgear alters the way you fight. Many people think that the
face is easy to strike until they realize that if you can get to the
face, so can your opponent.
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