Courses Infomation
Tiago Forte – Building A Second Brain V3 (Updated Content)
Tiago Forte – Building A Second Brain V3 (Updated Content)
**More information:
Do you feel that despite consuming a ton of intriguing knowledge, your life isn’t changing in a meaningful way?
Learn how having a Second Brain is assisting people all over the world to organize their learning, store their finest ideas, and significantly increase their creative output.
Who should take this course
and independent contractors
Do you find it difficult to manage the information required to run your business?
content producers
both makers
Efficiency &
self-improvement devotees
Do you struggle to keep all the materials you need organized for your creative tasks or do you lose track of your ideas?
Do you ever wonder how to save all the knowledge you’ve acquired and access it later?
The Course’s Promising Promise
In 30 days, you will learn how to use digital notes to record, arrange, and share your thoughts and insights using a methodical approach and tools you can rely on to encourage creative breakthroughs in your work.
people from all industries and professions
are effectively constructing a second brain
I adore your perspective on it all and the way you’ve organized it.
“…what’s amazing to me is that there haven’t been many individuals, and that’s why I wanted to snag you for this chat, that captured sort of the nuance of the art of work, that I’ve run across. I appreciate how you think about all this and how you’ve been putting it together. That people simply work but don’t understand it’s an art form.
-Taken from an exchange with Tiago Forte on the podcast GTD In Conversation
“I acquired a way to digest this material to keep it alive,” the author said. “I learned how to develop a system to arrange my sources and notes as well.”
“Building a Second Brain was just the course I needed to advance my philanthropic work in education. In addition to learning how to create a system for organizing my sources and notes, I also discovered a method for processing this data in order to preserve it. I now understand how to contribute value by developing the information I get into workable ideas that I can implement in the field.
I’m being forced to use the knowledge in ways that I never would have thought of in real-life circumstances.
“I’m surprised by how much more depth there is in seemingly straightforward approaches like progressive summarization, which I though I already knew. And I adore how in the one-on-one coaching sessions, I’m pushed to use the knowledge in contexts I never would have thought of.
I appreciate that all of the information and lectures are still available so I can always go to them if I need assistance or want to revisit a certain subject.
I have consciously taken a step back from my ongoing projects to reevaluate how I pretty much do things (in a positive manner!!!) and I am finding this course to be of great use. If anything, the course is moving a bit too quickly since I am still seeing weaknesses in my own, original approach to PKM (based on the teachings) and working to fix them as we advance to the next sections of this course. But I appreciate that all of the content and lectures are still accessible, so I can always go to them if I need assistance or want to revisit a certain subject.
To begin to feel empowered in the world of limitless knowledge and filter failure, enroll in this course!
I’ve written three blog articles, scheduled three backpacking trips, cleaned up my room, developed an enterprise workshop, and been accepted to a developer conference in the two months since I started. utilizing the SAME method, everyone! I now lead a PARA lifestyle, and I won’t ever change. I had no prior knowledge of GTD when I started, yet this is the path to not only productivity but also happiness and mental calm. I didn’t comprehend limitations. Take this course to begin feeling empowered in the world of limitless knowledge and filter failure, since I have never used a note-taking device. ”
“The value is incalculable to me personally, but substantial to my business.”
My relationship with and comprehension of my own personal knowledge capture and retention have changed as a result of Building a Second Brain. The benefit to my company is substantial, but the benefit to me personally is priceless.
Tiago Forte is the founder of the education business Forte Labs, a productivity specialist, a well-known public speaker, and the Praxis blog’s editor in chief.
Tiago has spent more than ten years studying, creating, and instructing experts from some of the top corporations in the world in the methods of idea management. His work has been highlighted in publications including The New York Times, Quartz, The Atlantic, Harvard Business Review, Inc., and CB Insights.
Tiago’s goal is to assist others in realizing the full potential of their ideas since, in his opinion, doing so will have the most good influence on the world.
Course Outline
A standardized program on maximizing the impact of your thoughts
Introduction to the Course, Unit 1
• What to anticipate: timeline, road plan, communications, and the methodology’s three pillars
• Why collaboration and structure are the two missing pieces in the creative process for most individuals, and how including them may increase your production by double
• Idea management: a fresh approach to double output with a tenth of the effort
• The Real Story of How Great Thinkers Work: The Secret of Strategic Laziness
• Examine your present note-taking abilities with this 11-point quiz.
Organizing for Insight, Unit 2
• How to use your digital notes as “thinking tools” to reach mental capacity you weren’t even aware you possessed
• Do you feel disorganized? How you may quickly manage your whole digital life with a simple method called PARA
• How to use the 8 essential components of every digital organizing system
• A little-known distinction that may totally transform your productivity is that between micro-projects and areas of responsibility.
• Use the Magic Number 4 to reduce information overload and protect your working memory.
• Learn the extraordinary power of a current project list and get detailed comments and instructions on how to make one for yourself.
Digital cognition in Unit 3
• The four conditions that EVERY GOOD digital note-taking software MUST meet
• How to increase the best chance to meet new people without putting in extra time or effort: Productive Randomness
• Discover how the straightforward information science concept of “stigmergy” explains how to manage information successfully.
• A new method of working that substitutes “slow burns” for laborious slogs; those who miss this will inevitably experience information exhaustion
• What we may learn from the Feynman Method about “pushing beyond our intellectual weight”
• Learn how the greatest note-takers in history accumulated intellectual capital through compounding gains.
How to use digital notes to create a useful body of information for a side project, job progress, or new business. • Transform raw material into knowledge weaponry.
• Use the Feynman Method, a straightforward exercise developed by a Nobel Prize-winning scientist, to determine your specific learning priorities. It will boost your reading and learning for years to come.
Progressive Summarization Unit 4
When you need your notes the most, can you find them? You may reduce them for simple retrieval by using a counterintuitive method called Progressive Summarization.
• Recognize the benefits and drawbacks of categorizing your notes by tag, notebook, or project, and discover the ideal strategy based on our ten years of experience.
• No time to conduct more research? To maximize your note-return taking’s on investment, learn to balance context with compression.
• Leveraging human nature rather than fighting it: note-taking techniques that favor strategic laziness over strict norms
• How to format individual notes for your Future Self’s “glanceability” and quick identification
• The incredible advantages of creating a personalized information landscape
• Work on your own notes to practice progressive summarization while receiving feedback from teachers and peers.
Maximizing Return on Attention in Unit 5
• Learn about the interesting concept of “transient hypofrontality” and how to maximize flow for improved performance, fun, and learning.
• Knowing how to reduce setup costs’ (emotional, mental, and environmental) effects on output
How Intermediate Packets may change the way you think about productivity
• Become interruption-proof: Knowledge workers may use placeholding, chunking, and reusability as effective sources of leverage.
• Using actual deliverables, externalize your reasoning using knowledge artifacts to quicken your learning
• Convert your notes into a fresh Knowledge Artifact created particularly to elicit insightful criticism from your peers.
Just-In-Time Productivity Unit 6
• Acquire a Second Brain to enable the new, significantly more productive mode of working known as Just-In-Time Productivity.
• 5 strategies to use your ideas to get ahead of your competition, climb the corporate ladder, and become an industry leader.
• Divergence and convergence: leverage cutting-edge concepts from the world’s greatest designers to get around any creative snag or dead end.
• Arm yourself with 16 Workflow Strategies, which are tested mental tools.
• Use the Archipelago of Ideas approach to immediately provide structure to any creative effort and eradicate procrastination for good.
• Discover a new method for arranging your thoughts just-in-time to deliver outcomes fast, effectively, and at the crucial moment.
• How to use idea capturing tools and short feedback loops to greatly speed your learning
• Pick three of the 16 Workflow Strategies to test out on a project or several deliverables.
Workflow Canvas in Unit 7
• A step-by-step tutorial for creating a Second Brain that is unique to your requirements and objectives
• Receive feedback on further areas for development based on the course activities you did.
• Examine several case studies, samples, and templates that can be downloaded to make putting this approach into practice as simple as feasible.
• Finish the Workflow Canvas to select the tools, approaches, and workflow integration strategies that are best for you.
The Big Picture in Unit 8
• Overload of information? How you need to adopt a container vs. stream mentality to succeed in an information-rich environment
• Recognize situational awareness and curation as the primary abilities needed to successfully traverse streams of information.
• By taking inspiration from the most successful innovators and artists in history, you can boost your creative confidence.
• Recognizing and dispelling the most prevalent limiting notions we come across in relation to productivity, thinking, and learning
• The Perspective Era – why interpretation and persuasion based on your own point of view will be the focus of work in the future and what you can do to prepare
• Start with Abundance: an alternative approach to producing creative work that begins by browsing through intriguing ideas rather than sitting down to a blank screen.
• Using digital notes to their fullest potential: How to incorporate idea management into your regular activities
• The future of idea management and how to get ready to succeed in it
Questions and Answers
What you should know before joining
What is the focus of the course?
The goal of Building a Second Brain is to help you organize your thoughts so that they may be used creatively and to give you the courage to take on more challenging and rewarding endeavors. It is about maximizing the capacity of your thoughts so they stick and produce significant outcomes in your life. Rather than being “interesting ideas” that vanish the next day.
Instead of discussing abstract ideas, I’ll walk you through a step-by-step process that you can use while also outlining the fundamental ideas that can be used throughout your digital life.
The course’s claim is that it will teach you how to use digital notes to organize, communicate, and capture your thoughts and insights in a way that can inspire new ideas for your job.
Does this course have any prerequisites?
Although there aren’t any formal requirements, I do expect you to be quite proficient with computers and that you are familiar with the fundamentals of Evernote in order to follow the examples.
I advise downloading the free Quick Start guide from Evernote for a quick overview of the software.
I don’t work as an executive, freelancer, or entrepreneur; is this course appropriate for me?
Oh, yeah.
These groups are no longer divided by the old silos. We are currently all just startups.
Even the most secure employees need to build a body of knowledge to use for their next career move, since even the largest organizations are seeking for “intrapreneurs” who can lead “internal startups.” Additionally, in these unpredictable times, it never hurts to have a side hustle or another source of income.
In Building a Second Brain, we’ll get into the process of developing a dependable system for compiling and organizing all the most insightful observations, facts, quotes, and research you come across. A program that has been used by more than a thousand students and tested by some of the greatest productivity experts in the world. a system that merely functions.
Starting a collection of notes that accumulates and increases over time is the best approach I can think of to launch a young career. Similar to financial investing, investing in your knowledge reaps enormous rewards when done early.
Not to mention, you’ll be studying with accomplished professionals in some of the most challenging and fascinating disciplines.
Do I have something to learn from this even though I’m an accomplished researcher, businessperson, or content creator?
I’ve discovered that participants in this course have some of the most significant breakthroughs, especially those who “handle ideas” for a job. Partly because we are exposing beliefs and routines that they had never given any consideration to. Additionally crucial, they frequently discover that clarifying their own work by assisting other students in understanding concept management ideas. This is why social learning is effective.
There is no other curriculum that handles idea management as thoroughly as this one does because it is a relatively new topic. My life’s work has been to teach people how to grasp both ends of the spectrum by following the most fundamental ideas all the way to their most practical implementations.
What sort of outcomes do people experience after mastering this system?
Students who complete this course get a wide range of advantages, including less stress and indecision as well as noticeably better levels of creative confidence and the ability to achieve goals they never believed were feasible. But I’ll let them make their own statements.
What distinguishes this from the GTD (Getting Things Done) method?
David Allen invented the GTD productivity technique, which was made popular by his best-selling book Getting Things Done. This approach has had a significant impact on me and my career, and I teach students how to use it in my first online course, Get Stuff Done Like a Boss.
The GTD principle is expanded upon in Building a Second Brain to include not just tasks but also all other types of digital information you need to keep track of, such as notes, files, bookmarks, images, quotations, and research you require to complete your job. It uses the same basic idea—keeping everything outside of your head—but does it for a far wider variety of subjects.
Even though the courses are connected, taking Get Stuff Done Like a Boss before Building a Second Brain is not required. They each stand alone and cover distinct topics.
The two approaches are discussed in greater detail in the following article: Getting Things Done + Personal Knowledge Management.
Why am I just now learning about this?
This one comes in frequently.
The fact that we only just passed the 1,000 student mark and that the first cohort debuted in January 2017 is one factor. We’re making a lot of effort to spread the word, but we’re just getting started!
The second is that, up until recently, only academics and researchers used idea management techniques. The general public hasn’t truly had access to fields like Personal Information Management (PIM), Personal Knowledge Management (PKM), and Digital Asset Management (DAM) despite their existence for decades.
I studied a ton of scholarly articles and research reports while developing this course so you don’t have to. I incorporated the very finest methods and ideas from various fields into an integrated system that knowledge workers may utilize on a daily basis.
What sort of software would you suggest?
All of the techniques I teach may be used in almost any software, even if the examples I provide are for the well-known digital notes tool Evernote. In programs like Microsoft OneNote, Google Keep, Apple Notes, Bear, Notion, Milanote, Arena, Emacs, and many more, previous students have developed their Second Brains.
Not to worry! I can advise you on which of these is best for you, and each of them has an own forum where users may share their opinions and ask questions.
I do have one strong suggestion, though: keep your Second Brain’s apps under the “digital notes” category. Read The Case for Digital Notes, my article, for additional information on why.
If I don’t use Evernote, what happens?
None of the fundamental ideas I’ll be teaching you rely on Evernote or any other specific software to function. Instead of discussing about generalities, I’ll use Evernote as an example to be able to show you a genuine working system.
But keep in mind that all of the case studies, templates, and examples are only available in Evernote, and we are unable to provide official support for any other software you choose to use.
How long will this process take?
The entire course is intended to be completed in 30 days. It’s difficult to incorporate new habits so rapidly, even if you’ll have access to the entire curriculum from Day 1 and might therefore complete it considerably faster. However, taking more than 30 days often indicates that you are becoming bogged down in little issues.
The objective is to have a basic functional system that you can start utilizing in your day-to-day work rather than to build everything properly from the start. You have lifetime access to the course materials for this reason, since every time you review it, you will discover something new.
It will take between 15 to 25 minutes to watch each of the 8 lecture films, then another hour or so to view all of the walkthrough movies. Depending on how quickly you progress and how in-depth you want to go, the exercises, online forum discussions, and supplemental material will take different amounts of time. However, I would reserve around 8 hours in total, or 2 hours every week. Therefore, a reasonable estimate for the course’s duration is 14 hours, or 3.5 hours each week for 4 weeks.
Although the time required for implementation varies greatly, it should be started during the course and then gradually improved over time and in the course of everyday work.
Have I got time to do this?
Is it more important for you to study it now than later?
The typical individual reads 174 newspapers’ worth of material each day, or 34 gigabytes. Two-thirds of our waking hours, or more than 11 hours each day, are spent consuming media in some capacity.
Can you really afford to spend so much time gathering data without saving it in any way?
In addition, if we spend our time well, we have enough of it.
The average Instagram user scrolls through and posts images for around 150 hours a year, which equates to three full workweeks. The typical knowledge worker searches for information for 30% of their working day, or 1.5 out of every 5 working days.
I’ll show you how to repurpose that unproductive time in this course for more fruitful, satisfying, and strategic purposes. You’ll realize that by reading, taking in, and thinking on new ideas, you’ve already done 99% of the job. To choose and gather just the greatest of them, all you have to do is alter how you spend the final 1% of your time.
How many podcasts and blog entries do you listen to each week? How much of what you’ve learnt have you not yet applied? How long do you spend looking up notes or quotes? Let’s convert that inefficient energy into intellectual capital.
I painstakingly developed this approach over the course of more than ten years, and it took me a few more years to turn it into a useful training program. I’ve condensed the best of what I’ve learned into this 4-week course so you may study it in a very short amount of time.
What distinguishes the Standard from the Premium editions?
The two editions of Building a Second Brain as of version 9 include the following:
Edition Standard ($799):
• A thorough self-paced education
• Access to Tiago Forte’s 3- to 4-week live cohorts for the rest of your life.
• 8 pre-recorded video units
• 10 videos that take you through each step
• Online discussion forum for students exclusively
• PDF slide downloads
• Four thorough case studies
($1,199) Premium Edition:
Everything from the Standard Edition is also included, plus:
• Six specialized tutorials
• Six privileged expert interviews
16 memo templates that are already prepared
• Three-month Praxis blog subscription
Through the online discussion board and the Slack channel, peer interaction and teacher support take place. Purchasers of both editions are welcome to join any next cohort, and the live cohorts feature real-time coaching through Zoom calls. Both editions provide you lifelong access to that edition’s updates, about which you’ll get an email alert right away.
For $499 more, you may subsequently switch from the Standard Edition to the Premium Edition.
Why is it priced so high?
Unlike other online courses, Building a Second Brain is unique.
It is not a one-time project that I finished many years ago and is still online, stalking unwary users. It is my life’s job, not just now but for the foreseeable future as well.
I provide a fresh round of updates and enhancements about once every three months. The whole history of these changes is available here. These are not only “fixes” to update the material. New courses, case studies, tutorials, interviews, and other resources are frequently released and made available to all current and former students.
Building a Second Brain is, in my mind, a community of lifelong learners that I continuously encourage. And for a one-time fee, you may access that community permanently!
Because of the cost, I can keep making the necessary improvements to the course. Additionally, it guarantees that everyone enrolling is totally dedicated to putting in the time and effort necessary to reap the benefits.
I bill corporate trainings between $15,000 and $25,000 to live-deliver this material. I’m able to reach a far wider audience for much less money by using internet channels.
What distinguishes Building a Second Brain from other approaches?
Here are some of the key distinctions between the Building a Second Brain productivity, organization, and learning technique and other methods.
This isn’t another another guide on “how to succeed,” though.
It teaches you how to compile and arrange the knowledge you learn from all the various sources you have access to, preparing you to profit from all the other approaches.
This is not a rigid system that demands flawless implementation in order to be effective.
Your productivity and learning may be completely transformed if you used just one or two of the techniques discussed.
This approach makes no specific presumptions about your prior knowledge or abilities.
You just need to know the very minimum about how to operate a computer.
This approach does not confine you to a predetermined mold.
It enables you to create a system tailored to your unique requirements and objectives.
This approach is practical rather than theoretical.
It was created in the trenches of operating a real business rather than in a lab or classroom, making it extremely valuable and practical in the real world.
This approach doesn’t consist of a haphazard assortment of unrelated “tips and techniques.”
It is an all-encompassing system that collects, arranges, and distributes your thoughts.
You are not urged to work even more or achieve more with this approach.
It teaches you how to work more efficiently, how to take advantage of your resources for leverage, and how to delegate as much work to computers as you can.
It’s not about improving or perfecting yourself using this technique.
It involves improving an external system so that you are free to daydream, create, and just unwind.
The Internet and technology are not condemned by this approach.
It explains how to use these incredible tools to improve creative work in a balanced way without becoming sidetracked.
You won’t be coerced into working a specific manner by using this approach.
It’s about giving you a safety net so you know nothing is slipping through the cracks and a support system so you can provide value regardless of how you want to work.
The Building a Second Brain approach combines practical technological know-how with an overview of how and why idea management may change your life, company, and career. This course emphasizes practical skills, but it goes farther by cultivating the deeper attitude and paradigm shifts required to succeed in an era of abundant knowledge.
Can the techniques you instruct be used in pieces, or do they all build upon one another?
The truthful response is both.
Every single approach I share with you during the course is worthwhile and useful on its own. Numerous pupils claim that even one of them completely transforms their capacity to control their digital lives. You don’t have to “launch” the full system at once for it to be useful; you may implement them in any sequence, a little at a time.
This isn’t simply a random collection of tips and techniques; all the ways DO come together to build an integrated system, which I term your “Second Brain.” Each of the three primary strategies has been carefully designed to focus on a crucial leverage point in the information flow through your life.
By the end of the course, I want to have helped you at least partially activate your Second Brain. You’ll get a steady stream of fresh ideas about how to utilize it after it is configured and functioning in your day-to-day life. Since you may record strategies to enhance your Second Brain in your Second Brain, the system then becomes self-improving.
How will this course be different from the online courses I’ve taken in the past, which had varying degrees of success?
My favorite query is this one.
I love taking online courses. I’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars in a variety of ebooks, webinars, courses, and downloads, but I’ve struggled to get anything useful out of most of them.
Building a Second Brain was created to solve the drawbacks and shortcomings I saw in competing programs.
Instead of merely studying intriguing topics, we concentrate on putting a functional system in place.
Instead of presuming you can figure it out on your own, I provide live walkthrough videos of me actually completing each step.
The online community is an integral part of the experience rather than a show that no one participates in.
Rather than being a purely academic activity, each assignment is a component of the implementation process.
I recommend the optimal method for organizing your notes based on my experience and study, rather than listing every option and leaving it up to you to decide.
Instead of creating ideal scenarios, I use case studies and examples from real-world situations.
You have the choice of doing the course independently, with a live cohort, or by doing both.
The core curriculum offers a uniform framework that you may reproduce right away, while the internet community has a wealth of alternate examples.
Additionally, I provide a 30-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee if this strategy is unsuccessful for you. I would never wish to hold a dissatisfied customer’s money.
What takes place in the real cohorts?
We enable a “live cohort” of the course for all current and former students about three to four times a year.
These are frequently “special editions” of the course, concentrating, for instance, on authors, businesspeople, students, or certain use cases, such as public speaking, travel, organizing images, or producing web content.
All former students who are still on the graduate email list will be automatically invited to join any next live cohorts.
Each live cohort lasts for four weeks and consists of live sessions that last 90 minutes and are delivered using the Zoom videoconference software. Weekly office hours are held throughout these 4 weeks utilizing the messaging service Slack. If you can’t watch live or wish to see them later, each of these live sessions is recorded and uploaded to the Media Library immediately after it concludes. Before each live session, pre-recorded lectures are given for you to watch at your convenience. The call itself is also quite adaptable based on the needs of the group.
Typically, we talk about the difficulties that the kids are currently facing, hold small group conversations in breakout rooms, and provide pertinent examples and resources. Presentations of further materials, my continuing research and discoveries, or fresh case studies could be among them.
What level of access do I have to Tiago?
While I can’t guarantee a personal response to every comment, I routinely check the online
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