Golden Proportion from Eric Thompson
Golden Proportion from Eric Thompson
Courses Infomation
An energetically encoded digital media program (including digital photos, music, and video) that conveys the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Sequence’s magnified energetic signature.
Equilibrate and purify energy in every setting.
Golden Proportion is a quiet, “set it and forget it,” Subtle Energy App that enables you to create a healing refuge from any location using your computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet.
(And although while it operates invisibly, the application also includes calming natural sounds for your listening enjoyment.)
Create a therapeutic refuge wherever you are is one of the perks.
feel more tranquil and grounded.
aid in defending against the damaging impacts of environmental pressures including geopathic zones and electro-smog.
lessen the effects of illnesses caused by electromagnetic sensitivity.
Equilibrate the energy in any environment.
Enjoy long-term advantages for your general health and happiness.
Obtain deeper sleep.
improving meditation
Feel a wonderful sense of relaxation.
The Energy Signatures of the Golden Proportion
This is the electromagnetic hallmark of spiritual power locations in nature.
Dr. Ibrahim Karim, who first found it, has put forth a lot of effort to research it and inform the public about its advantages.
The centering quality reproduced by this product, known as “BG3” by Dr. Karim, the creator of Biogeometry, resonates with the three energy characteristics of:
Higher Gold Harmonic
Higher Harmonic of Horizontal Negative Green Ultraviolet
To be clear, we are not affiliated with Dr. Karim or the BioGeometry company and are producing and encoding this energy signature in our application using our own patented methods.
Visit or read Dr. Ibrahim Karim’s book for more information about BioGeometry and his work.
BioGeometry: A Look Into the Future for Humanity.)
This balancing property helps counteract the negative impacts of electromagnetic fields on biological systems (EMFs).
It should be made clear that this energy DOES NOT lessen the radiation emitted by electrical gadgets. But it DOES change the NATURE of that radiation at the quantum level, rendering it harmless to living things.
Correcting geopathic zones is another area where the Golden Proportion excels.
How does subtle energy work?
Science informs us that despite having little to no conscious knowledge of them, we are surrounded by a virtual sea of unseen fields of influence that have a significant impact on our everyday lives. These phenomena in science include…
Geomagnetic Field of the Earth
the geomagnetic field’s activity, which has been connected to a range of psychological and emotional conditions in people.
In human cells, electromagnetism starts the attraction between negatively charged electrons and positively charged protons.
Nuclear weapons
Positively charged protons are held together in the atomic nucleus by the strong nuclear force, which is stronger than electromagnetism.
Field of Biophotons
The biophoton field in plants and animals is thought to be the primary channel for DNA molecule communication across the whole body of a plant, animal, or human.
These and other influences have a significant impact on how we live. And most of us would be completely oblivious of their existence if science hadn’t informed us of their effect. It holds true for “subtle” energies as well.
There are energies that exist beyond the four recognized forces of conventional physics, according to the developing field of subtle energy science (the strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetism and gravity). The phrase “subtle energy” refers to energies that travel faster than the speed of light and can generally not be detected by electromagnetic sensors.
An energetic signature is what?
Dr. Massimo Citro describes a fundamental governing “code” as being composed of “the ensemble of information that permits bodies to exist, the blueprint of the building” in his book The Basic Code of the Universe. This code may be thought of as having both an informational and an energetic component. The informative component instructs a specific material on how to “be” itself, while the energetic component acts as a subtle vehicle for the information to travel. We call the “energetic signature” of a material this fundamental set of rules.
Every material possesses an inborn energy signature, a part that serves as information and enables it to be what it is. Eric W. Thompson, the company’s founder, has created techniques and procedures for digitally capturing these energetic signatures and encoding them into digital media in a way that enables the digital media to broadcast these energetic signatures and thereby promote their advantages without requiring that the viewers consume the substances themselves.
What It Does
Our three-step, unique technique for encoding Subtle Energy Signatures into digital material is as follows:
Extract Using Commercial Software
Using a mix of quantum energy techniques developed from the study of sacred geometry, shape power, homeopathy, radiesthesia, radionics, energy healing, and quantum physics, we first digitally record and extract the energetic signature (of a material, intention, or form).
Boost using Scientific Method
All of this is accomplished through a highly systematic and repeatable method. After digitally capturing the first energy signature, we amplified the original extracted digital signal in a balanced fashion billions of times.
Embedded Signature Encoding
In order for the amplified energy signature to be released through an electronic device when a digital media file is accessed on a computer, tablet, or phone, it must be encoded into digital media (including audio, video, and image files).
Package of the Golden Proportion
a whole digital media package that has been energetically encoded with the Golden Proportion’s ultra-amplified energetic signature.
Quantum Energy App, also known as “Mandala”
available in four formats (large computer screen, small computer screen, phone screen and PDF printout)
extremely large in amplitude.
Audio 20 minutes
even more amplitude-rich than the standard mandala.
calming 3D audio recordings of nature.
available in three formats (wav, aiff and mp3)
60-Minute Audio
even more amplitude-positive than the 20-minute audio.
calming 3D audio recordings of nature.
available in three formats (wav, aiff and mp3)
Video of Silent Energy (5-min)
amplitude-wise even stronger than the 60-minute audio.
available in mp4 format.
As the quiet energy movie discreetly transmits the energetic signature of the Golden Proportion through your device, set it to Repeat, minimize the video, and work in other windows.
Ultra-Powerful Silent Energy Track for One Minute
amplitude that is the highest among all the components.
available in three formats (wav, aiff and mp3)
Use it to dramatically increase the energy of Golden Proportion by setting it to Repeat.
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