Working With the Plant Spirits of Ayahuasca and Huachuma with Puma Fredy Quispe Singona
Working With the Plant Spirits of Ayahuasca and Huachuma with Puma Fredy Quispe Singona
Course Detail
Salepage: Working With the Plant Spirits of Ayahuasca and Huachuma with Puma Fredy Quispe Singona
What These 7 Modules Will Teach You
In this seven-part transformative intensive, Puma will lead you through the core body-mind-spirit techniques you’ll need to go on spiritual journeys, develop insight, and discover unconditional love for yourself.
Teachings, training sessions, and practical exercises with Puma will all be included in this course. The techniques, instruments, and principles you’ll need to find alchemical riches and go on shamanic journeys of the spirit and soul will become fully clear to you as each session builds perfectly upon the ones before it.
Module 1: You’re Always in Ceremony: Living a Ritual of Love and Gratitude (December 8)
In reality, “normal” existence is remarkable. You can only fully appreciate the miracle of life when you regard every second and square inch as precious.
Puma will discuss how the major goals of your existence are love and service in this first module.
Your spiritual life path is always taking place in holy time and space, as Puma shall explain. You have an effect on your family and your community by your presence, your actions, and your objectives.
Your cosmic parents, time and space, are the reason you are here (space). You are co-creating your existence with your cosmic family. You’ll learn about the cosmic ritual that your stars, your family, and all living things on Earth participate in.
When you are participating in a ceremony, you are in contact with strong spirit guardians and guides as well as powerful ancestral and elemental energies.
Your awakening and progress depend on you seeing that a higher consciousness is continuously benefiting your existence. Even the air you breathe is awake and constantly supplying you with life force.
You may give your life in exchange by participating in rituals of love and appreciation. You also bless our family and neighborhood when you exhale.
In this introductory module, you’ll investigate:
What it means for each of us to be a kid of light and a child of the seven rays
The potent essence you possess within of you acts as your medication.
The specifics of your ancient ancestry
The strength of the four holy elements: earth, fire, water, and air
How to become aware of your higher awareness and decide to protect life energy on our planet?
Discover your power animals in the enchanted realm of animal spirits to advance spiritually.
Learn how to change your reality when things are tough.
A meditation to give your life in thanks and love to the Divine Creator
a meditation and ritual to raise your vibration and deepen your connection to the universe and mother earth
Module 2: Cosmic Program and Your Life Program Synchronization (December 15)
Mother Earth had already existed before Puma and would continue to exist after him, as his grandpa used to tell him.
With the aid of these sage words, he finally realized that although life on Pachamama, our Mother Earth, lasts just a thousandth of a second, it has an eternal impact.
In this lesson, Puma will discuss how your experiences, goals, and deeds each day determine how you’ll impact eternity.
He will explain the idea of co-sovereignty, which states that each person has a soul purpose that helps them personally as well as a complementary purpose for the group.
You’ll also learn the value of the ceremony of co-creation, which involves coordinating your goals and intentions for your life with the universe.
Puma will discuss how to use the sun, moon, and star constellations to determine when is the best moment to act or make a choice. As he’ll explain, some of the initiatives you’ll work on might affect several human generations.
You’ll discover in this module:
Find a meditation to help you communicate with your soul’s mission.
Learn to be a healer, a leader, and a facilitator for your brothers and sisters’ most gentle healing and awakening.
Discover the easiest methods to be of assistance.
Create the life you desire so that you may live intentionally.
transcend the ego’s restrictions
Co-create life with the universe by taking part in it.
investigates rites that utilize oracles to speak with our celestial guides
Self-Realization is the first step to serving others on our planet, according to module three (January 5)
Knowing your roots helps you to connect with your heavenly origins…
All individuals share the same incredible origins, as Puma will reveal. The continuous sun, which in reality never rises or sets, as well as the darkness, light, and stars, are our primary sources of origin.
Whatever origin culture you identify with, there are alchemical riches waiting for you. You can communicate with all of the ancestries of the earth since nothing exists separate from you, time, or space. They are similar to the rainbow’s rays in that they belong to the light rather than their own hue.
Being aware of your destination is crucial since life is a conscious journey.
You have to carve your own way if there isn’t one to get there. You’ll never truly understand who you are because, as Puma would say, you are still being.
You’ll discover in this module:
Learn why mending your past and protecting your future by showing compassion, generosity, and forgiveness to future generations are both crucial.
Consider and respect your ancestors.
Realize the holy mystery that is you.
Learn how to reach parallel time and transcend linear time.
Find out who you are in all dimensions.
Visit your history to find healing and forgiveness.
Find a meditation to forgive yourself from a previous existence.
Healing Yourself & Our Pachamama (Module 4) (January 12)
Sami (light energy) and Hoocha (heavy energy) are two different forms of energy that have been on the world before us and will continue to do so in the future.
While heavy energy causes sorrow, conflict, and anguish, light energy offers happiness, life, and love.
You may always choose the energy you want to embody, as Puma will explain.
The healing arts are a natural part of who we are; whether consciously or subconsciously, we are continually healing.
You take in your family’s and community’s activities as you inhale. You send energy for your family and neighborhood as you exhale.
Additionally, everyone is a part of YOU because there is no other. You heal a part of yourself whenever you help someone else.
You restore balance to your body, mind, and heart as you recover…
You’ll discover in this module:
Watch how we consistently decide what we want to transmit and what we want to take in.
Heal your family and community with ease.
Learn to harness the power of conscious healing.
Set the intention to make today—and every day—a day for miracles.
Discover ancient Andean healing rituals
Say a prayer for freedom and change.
To awaken the inner medicine man and woman, go through a ceremony.
Become the Crystal Condor and Soar Free Through the Stars in Module 5 (January 19)
We are multidimensional beings that coexist in multiple parallel dimensions. Being able to effortlessly transcend time and space while traveling through all these dimensions is the greatest gift humans have to offer.
You’ll learn in this class that, despite the fact that your physical body can only exist in the fourth dimension, the ancient Andeans were able to shapeshift into a variety of other physical forms, mostly those belonging to the animal kingdom.
For the Inca ancestors, there were three worlds to be fully aware of: the Uk’upacha, or realm of consciousness and inner world, symbolized by the Serpent; the Kaypacha, or physical realm of material manifestation; and the Hanaqpacha, or realm of the divine origins and Spirit, symbolized by the Condor.
You’ll see that becoming familiar with these three worlds is only the first step in a lifetime-long journey through magical lands.
You’ll discover in this module:
Learn how to change your reality when things are tough.
Find out how to escape the fourth-dimensional prison that you currently inhabit.
To hone the energy you work with, picture light.
Consider your magical existence from the Condor’s viewpoint.
For the purpose of converting coarse energy into highly refined energy, picture yourself inside a crystal.
Find a ritual and a meditation to change your reality when things are tough.
Activating Pachamama, the Chief of All Ceremonies, in module six (January 26)
The most potent energy is bestowed upon your spiritual path when you call Mother Earth to a sacred area.
In this session, Puma will discuss how our sacred Mother Earth, our guardian and guide, always looks out for and protects us. Even though we occasionally forget her, she won’t ever leave us or forget about us.
She controls strong elements and spiritual forces and is powerful and conscious.
Mother Earth has the final say in what occurs and does not occur in time and space. She and her elemental forces should be present during the ceremony as our allies and partners in our evolution.
Mother Earth was viewed by the ancestors as an altar for all of us, and they have left us with the Mesa tradition as a legacy. The personal altar medicine bundle is provided by Pachamama so that we can serve our family, community, and ourselves best.
You’ll be led here by Puma:
Recognize the ongoing self-healing of Mother Earth, our planetary family, and our neighborhood.
Create a channel of communication with Pachamama.
Improve your connection to Mother Earth and her mighty nature.
Get initiated as a Mesa (medicine bundle) carrier.
Building a personal altar to Pachamama will help you feel more spiritually connected and powerful.
For your Mesa, receive the KARPAY transmission of ancestral energies.
Attend a ceremony to invoke mighty guides and protectors to assist in Mother Earth’s healing.
Module 7: Leading This New Consciousness as a Leader: Protecting the Planet and Future Generations (February 2)
You might unknowingly be working with low-frequency energy when you’re not consciously using high-frequency energy.
The Andean people, thankfully, have ceremonies to aid in these processes. Puma will discuss how to master the arts of transformation, liberation, and energy transmission during this session’s closing. You’ll learn about the Hampuy ceremony, which you can use to reintroduce health and high-frequency vibration into your life.
You will learn about the Pachakuti ceremony, which is all about going back to your equilibrium and center in time and space.
You may find that returning to your center takes a while, or you may do it in a matter of seconds.
Puma will show you how to call in the powerful energies that vibrate at the highest frequencies — love, wisdom, joy, peace, freedom, and clarity.
As Puma often says, as we discover the power of the seven rays, we’re walking on the rainbow bridge…
We’re a privileged generation, participating as active leaders and witnesses to the powerful shifts on our planet.
To take better care of our planet and the future generations that need us, we must commit to waking up this new consciousness.
In this closing module, you’ll:
Learn to reprogram the 7 rays of the rainbow
Connect with refined energies each day
Call yourself back to absolute wellbeing
Discover how to transform lifetime struggles and liberate them
Access higher consciousness
Learn how to take the very best care of yourself going forward
Discover a ceremony to help you use the Mesa for healing
The Andean Shamanic Rituals Bonus Collection
In addition to Puma’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
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