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Automatic Yes NLP Audio Program for Emotional State Chaining Influence
Automatic Yes NLP Audio Program for Emotional State Chaining Influence
**More information:
Attention: NLP’ers, Hypnotists, Attorneys, Salespeople, Coaches, Counselors, Psychologists & Therapists… as well as ANYONE who needs greater personal clarity, and effectiveness with others…
FINALLY here’s a way to Become More Charismatic and Persuasive… NOT by being pushy OR tricky, BUT, by Becoming More Emotionally Intelligent.
Dear friend,
I’ve been teaching people skills for greater emotional awareness, intelligence, and influence — for years — in my Linguistic Wizardry (LW) and Holographic Communication (HC) courses. Over time, I developed nuances, distinctions, short-cuts and insights, that students began to comment on.
Yet, I’d always trained that material only in person, not on CDs. Over those years, not only have my LW + HC students asked for “refresher home-study material” on what they’d learned from me, but also, while teaching other courses, I began to notice by observing my students who’d taken other trainings before coming to my courses, that most other NLP courses weren’t training these skills — including most Practitioner and Master Practitioner courses!
It became apparent that I was training them on various useful unique distinctions and easier ways to master this incredibly important NLP process… that they’ve never seen/heard explained anywhere else. Repeatedly, I’ve heard the same thing over + over:
“My trainer didn’t spend much of any time on State-Chaining, but the way you explain it makes it much easier for me to understand, accomplish, and succeed.”
In my opinion — this is truly a critical skill to master if you’re going to “say” you know NLP and/or know how to use NLP.
With all that in mind, I finally authored this new 4-CD-set on State-Elicitation + Chaining. On getting more automatic YES responses from other people. It took me longer than I expected to complete these, but I’m extremely happy with how they turned out! I know you’ll find this to be an essential addition to your NLP Home-study library.
Quick Jump: Ready to purchase already?
At Least THREE Home-Study Programs, in One.
Some of you may be new to my NLP home-study materials. If you’re not, then, you know that I like to layer my materials extensively. I’m anything but a “linear” trainer; I usually prefer to weave skills together concurrently so that you find yourself… surprise yourself even… with how much you’ve learned, without necessarily knowing it was happening.
This home-study course is no different; I think of this set as incredibly useful for multiple audiences. (My marketing mentors would thrash either themselves or me, upon hearing I’ve released something that doesn’t have just ONE purpose and easy single selling point. LOL!). But that’s OK. After all. I like hiding fabulous surprises in my material, and giving people challenges they can rise to meet or exceed!
For the Emotionally Inflexible:
I expect this audio-program will significantly help you to become FAR more emotionally aware, intelligent, flexible, and congruent. If you’re frequently out of control, emotionally, this may be LIFE-CHANGING for you. If you feel you can usually control your emotions, but other people don’t warm to you, this will definitely help lead others to connect with you better.
For the Student of Influence:
Most courses for Influence + Persuasion focus on specific language patterns + techniques for making others see your perspective, and hear what you’re saying with less resistance. THIS audio program takes the Kinesthetic Route. THIS program helps others to feel what you want them to feel, through a series of direct or indirect emotional state elicitations. Once they feel the way we want them to… they’ll come to all the right conclusions and decisions — for all the right reasons that make sense to them. IN other words… if we can become kinesthetic persuaders… then we don’t need to convince people of anything. People will convince THEMSELVES… for us.
For Change-Workers:
Change is not only possible… it’s easy… if you can get people emotionally UNSTUCK. This audio program is, in MY OPINION… nothing short of the BEST HOME-STUDY MATERIAL AVAILABLE TODAY on getting other people UNSTUCK. Think about it. But stop delaying more growth. Every day you delay brings you more people you’re not yet as powerfully equipped to help — as you could be. This is a NO-BRAINER for changeworkers of any/all kinds. With a money back guarantee, you just cannot lose. Is it YOU who’s stuck at your current level of development??
For now, I’ll simply show you what’s covered in these 4 CDs, and provide several SAMPLE TRACKS in .mp3 format!
CD Set Tracklist
CD 1: Introducing State-Chaining Skills
The Power of Context
People Only Take Action in Action States.
Most People Occupy “Encounter States”
Process Vs. Content
People are Threshold Machines
Influence and EQ
Crossing the River
You Go First!
CD 2: Painting Emotional Landscapes
State Categories in more Depth
Action States Unpacked
Encounter States Unpacked
Filling Gaps Between Encounter + Action
Accelerator vs Hub States
Turn States UP not DOWN
HUB States
Accelerator States
CD 3: Building Up Your Emotional Influence Vocab
Congruence: Just ACTING won’t work.
Best Methods: Eliciting ANY State
Learning New Emotional Pathways
Controlling Highly Unresourceful States
Cleansing Incongruence
Touching on Anchoring
Baby Steps – Using Just 3 States
Becoming More Adept with Sequencing
Almost any Content can be Piped through Any EmoSequence
CD 4: Becoming A More Natural Leader (Examples CD)
Anchoring Principles
Anchoring Chains of States together
Results Achievable with Anchor-Chains
Indirect State-Chains; Irrelevant Content
Sample/Example Emotion-Sequences
Sales Example – Influencing YES Repeatedly
Personal Example – Calming Down a Spouse
Summaring the program
NLP online course
So what is NLP?
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology;
Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions.
In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!
NLP is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others.
It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients.
NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that.
It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results
Salepage : Automatic Yes NLP Audio Program for Emotional State Chaining Influence
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