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Best Practices of Dave Elman
Best Practices of Dave Elman
Discover the long-lost methods of the most accomplished hypnotist of the 20th century. Excellent Quality and Content on the 4-DVD Set!
The debut of the Best Practices package in August 2010 at the National Guild of Hypnotists convention was MASSIVE! Our opening day was the greatest we’ve ever had, and the early feedback is VERY encouraging. Expert hypnotists claim that these long-forgotten methods are invaluable. Anyone interested in practicing real, efficient hypnosis will consider this bundle of DVDs to be a “must have.”
This 4-DVD bundle includes lessons on:
Using Hypnosis on Children
Suggestion’s Semantics
Cracking the Hypnotic Seal
Elman Style Deepening True Hypnoanalysis and Hypnotherapy for Pain Relief
The Hypnotic Coma A lot more…
“I must add that after seeing the “Best Practices of Dave Elman” DVD collection, they are excellent! Whether you’re a beginner, an experienced hypnotist eager to learn more about Dave’s work, or an expert in regression, there is something there for everyone. The modest investment in this package might have a major impact on the success of your hypnotherapy business. Sometimes, the little things can make a big difference. Even though I don’t frequently provide product recommendations, I heartily endorse the Dave Sabat DCH DHP DVD collection.”
“I am learning a lot from your videos and the specifics you provide in your lessons. Because of you, I am receiving amazing results from the induction and am beginning to understand the extreme value of the little things. (Chet Payne)
Describe Dave Elman.
Two names spring to mind when people discuss notable hypnotists of the 20th century. Dave Elman… and Milton Erickson.
Their heights are comparable.
This is odd because Elman only published one book, Findings in Hypnosis, while Erickson published several books and articles on hypnosis and was actively marketed by his fans who authored numerous books about him (later published as Hypnotherapy). Why is Dave Elman so well regarded? His methods are really effective!
Elman could induce a person into a profound trance in less than a minute, whereas Erickson’s inductions may take a very long period.
Elman wrote just one book, yet it had such an influence that many people think of him as the greatest hypnotist ever. There isn’t a lot of information available on Dave Elman, but that will all change with the release of this new DVD!
The Dave Elman HypnoAnalysis recordings’ CDs are excellent; I bought them. I’m very happy that Dave’s work has remained at the forefront of hypnotherapy because to you, Larry, Don, and his family. Everyone appears to think they have “novel” approaches, but in reality, they are merely repackaged copies of what Dave Elman pioneered. I consider the book “Hypnotherapy” to be the holy book of hypnosis since I haven’t really discovered anything new. Have a fantastic week! Sincerely, BCH, CI Doug MacCraw
Dave Elman (1900-1967) was raised in Fargo, North Dakota, and was born David Kopelman in Park River, North Dakota, in May 1900. 1967 saw his passing.
Because his father, who was dying of cancer, was able to play with Dave for one more time thanks to hypnosis, he became interested in hypnosis.
Dave performed as a guitarist, a comic, a bit player, and in a variety of other roles while on the road with various vaudeville troupes.
During this time, he started going by Dave Elman since the additional three letters in Kopelman prohibited him from receiving higher billing on theater marquees. His studies into hypnosis following his father’s passing led him to find ways to hypnotize individuals in within seconds, earning him the title “The World’s Youngest and Fastest Hypnotist” at this time. In the fast-paced vaudeville circuit, when sluggish shows bored audiences and hypnotists were fired for it, this was a significant finding. Dave didn’t realize until many years later that the speed at which hypnosis could be induced also made it valuable in medicine.
In the 1920s, Dave continued to perform as a jazz guitarist while also writing songs for W. C. Handy. His principal career from the mid-1920s through the early 1950s was radio as a result of this. He developed the 1937 television show “Hobby Lobby,” which was broadcast from coast to coast for more than ten years. This was an exceptional feat for the time. Additionally, he developed the “War Bond Auction,” a mechanism that raised enormous sums of money for the war effort. The government gave him several honors for doing this.
He showed his doctor pals in 1949 how to quickly induce anesthesia and how to manage pain. He was then requested to teach a hypnosis course to doctors and dentists as a consequence. He maintained that he just teach the hypnosis methods and not practice medicine. His students frequently conducted additional medical application research and submitted findings for the course to be covered. More doctors have learned about hypnosis through his courses than through those of any other teacher, past or present. [4] His book Hypnotherapy and the audio recordings of the lectures are revered as classics in the discipline of Medical Hypnosis. (Photo credit: H. L. Elman, his son)
Have you ever dealt with a client who experiences persistent pain?
You will be able to quickly relieve suffering from customers who have been unable to control their pain with medicine thanks to these forgotten practices. Learn how Dave Elman used age regression and surface-level suggestion approaches to treat migraines with great effectiveness.
Unfortunately, the hypnotic seal is once again falling asleep. The hypnotist uses this technique to make sure the patient cannot be hypnotized by another hypnotist. There are some hypnotists out there using the seal, which is unethical, foolish, and unjust to the patient.
The good news is that a hypnotist who is familiar with the Dave Elman technique for breaking ANY seal will have no trouble breaking the seal. The Best Practices package teaches both this approach and another one that is quite successful.
Dave Elman taught his pupils how to induce the “hypnotic coma,” also known as the Esdaile State, in order to help thousands of cancer patients who were suffering from agony. It is a profound hypnotic state that can be helpful in a variety of cutting-edge approaches. In 1952, Dave Elman became the first hypnotist to intentionally induce a hypnotic coma while teaching a seminar in Baltimore. Prior to it, the hypnotic coma was an anomaly that happened spontaneously 1 out of 10,000 times. Use Dave Elman’s method to discover how to reach this condition “by design.”
Some hypnotists struggle to put their victims into a profound trance.
You will discover in this DVD set Dave Elman’s basic yet beautiful deepening procedures for achieving the magnificent deep trance states required for successful hypnoanalysis and hypnotherapy. When you see them, you’ll be perplexed as to how they could be so successful, but they are, and you’ll discover why.
This DVD set will teach you how to successfully hypnotize children. Children may change so profoundly and quickly while receiving hypnosis.
You will learn how to overcome this difficulty when it arises since parents might be more challenging to deal with than children in some situations. Have you ever questioned if it’s feasible to hypnotize a youngster who is acting out? It is, and you’ll discover how here.
One of the most powerful hypnotic inductions ever created is the Dave Elman Induction, which is acknowledged on a global scale.
It is allegedly the most successful induction. But did you know that the Dave Elman Induction was conducted very differently in the beginning than it is now? Dave Elman’s son Colonel Larry Elman shows the now-famous induction in its original version during a rare break in class, and this presentation was recorded on film! Since it has not been seen in decades, the original induction procedure is now visible, and the steps’ justification is audible. History will come to life for you!
What if you could discover the ground-breaking, groundbreaking methods used by renowned hypnotist Dave Elman?
Could this information change the direction of your work?
What if you might benefit from hearing advice from Dave Elman’s lone surviving son, who had attended his father’s class three times?
What would it mean for your hypnotherapy business if you were proficient in these methods that result in significant client change?
Regarding the video
On this endeavor, Dale Garner, a Hollywood filmmaker, and I collaborated. Since he is also a trained hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists, Dale Garner has more expertise with hypnosis than any other filmmaker in the whole world! Because of this, Garner’s productions are the greatest in the industry. He also understands exactly what pictures to catch and what the hypnosis student values. … The Dave Elman Guidelines for Success Every hypnotist should have a set of four DVDs in their library. It covers everything, including how to employ hypnosis in emergencies and fast inductions. It’s not only an interview-style DVD; it also demonstrates each exercise being discussed. Because it’s so fascinating, you won’t want it to end! You may watch it repeatedly and always learn something new! These DVDs are essential for me and ought to be for anybody who practices hypnosis either professionally or just for fun. CHT Cindy Parker-Katz
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