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Cash Flow Freedom University 2016 by Ben Leybovich
Cash Flow Freedom University 2016 by Ben Leybovich
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Learn about real estate before you invest in it.
Real estate is what? Study up on real estate
Real estate investment entails buying, controlling, managing, renting out, and/or selling real estate for a profit.
Real estate development is often thought of as a sub-specialty of real estate investing and refers to the process of improving real estate property as part of an investment plan.
Real estate is a sort of asset that has less liquidity than other types of assets, requires a lot of money (although some capital can be obtained through mortgage debt), and is heavily dependent on cash flow.
Real estate becomes a dangerous investment if these aspects are poorly understood and handled by the investor.
Merchandise Description
A thorough program for real estate entrepreneurs with an emphasis on innovative financing is available at Cash Flow Freedom University. The knowledge is presented to you in 20 audio seminars and over 180 pages of text for your convenience. The whole text is based on my years of personal real estate investing experience.
Real estate, ladies and gentlemen, is simple to see but extremely challenging to imagine. The difference between those who are successful and those who never reach their full potential in this game is perspective!
The case studies of real transactions from my experience are sprinkled throughout the Cash Flow Freedom University program.
Regarding transaction analysis, property management, property upkeep, tenant qualification, negotiation, and of course inventive financing and acquisition techniques, I provide useful and actionable advise based on real-world experience.
I train you to reason. I instruct in perspective.
Fundamentals of Money I and II
About Ben
Why People Face Financial Difficulties
Money, Money, and the Irresponsibility of Inflation
IRS Specifies Three Types of Income
Do You Have a Cash Flow?
Multiple-Stream Income Strategy
It’s Just a Simple Matter of Cash Flow: Asset vs. Liability
The Costly Reality of Your Expenses
Money problems
Follow-Up: The Financial Statement
Initial Step to Financial Independence – Living within your means
Cash Flow vs. Net Worth: And the Winner Is…
The World of Investing and the Principles of Financial Independence, and Why I Chose Real Estate
I. Module
Real Estate Foundations
1. Important Benefits of Real Estate Investing
2. Real Estate Financing – Your Social Life
3. Metrics of Investment Return in the Real Estate Sector
4. What to Bring When Asking for Money: The Financing Packet
Five. Real estate is a team sport
6. Real Estate Wealth Philosophy
Section II
If a deal isn’t the right deal, it won’t work.
7. The Foundations of Real Estate Value
8. Value as a Function of Desirability From the Perspective of Your Tenant
9. Value From The Owner’s Perspective as a Function of Desirability
10. Value From The Owner’s Perspective as a Function of Desirability (Continued)
11. Analysis of Cash Flow
Section III
My Way with Creative Finance
12. Part 1 of Creative Finance My Way
13. My Way with Creative Finance, Part 2
14. Part 3 of Creative Finance My Way
15. My Way with Creative Finance, Part 4
IV Module
How a Purchase Works
16. Where the Money Comes From: Part 1 of The Mechanics of The Purchase
17. Expandability and Terms in Part 2 of the Mechanics of a Purchase
18. Part 3 of the mechanics of a purchase: Walk-through checklist and offer calculation
19. The Making of a Flip
12. A Start-Up Guide in 12 Steps
Bonus Resources!
With this deal, I’ve thrown in a beta edition of my own program, the CFFU Cash Flow Analyzer. Analysis is, in my opinion, the most crucial phase in the process of buying investment real estate, and this program will make it easier for you to study real estate that generates income. The program will compute important metrics including the monthly and yearly Cash Flow, monthly and annual NOI, DSCR, and the attained CAP Rate once all the parameters have been entered.
The CFFU Cash Flow Analyzer will also calculate the value of the proposed investment using both the GRM and the CAP Rate techniques depending on your inputs.
Cash Flow Analyzer Demo (CFFU)
Excel worksheets that are complementary have also been added. I created these programs for my own use, but I think you’ll find them quite helpful for examining both your own personal finances and real estate deals. Among them are:
The Offer Calculator and Walkthrough Checklist
The worksheet for financial statements
AMOUNT: 540 MB (Audios, Pdfs)
Salepage : Cash Flow Freedom University 2016 by Ben Leybovich
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