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Consciousness Shifting by Brent Phillips & Daniel Metraux
Consciousness Shifting by Brent Phillips & Daniel Metraux
**More information:
Shift Your Consciousness into “The Matrix” and See Auras, Visible Energy, and “The Truth” with your Eyes – Right From Your Home!
Brent has devoted his life to mastering energy healing and sharing what he has learned with the world, and that includes spending over ten years as a full-time healer and working extensively with many different teachers, classes, training programs, and intensives in order to enhance and refine his intuition, and develop his ability to see and read energy.
One of the most profound and remarkable shifts he’s experienced is awakening the ability to literally see with open eyes beyond the limited four-dimensional physical reality around us, directly viewing the underlying realm of energy, or “The Matrix.”
It took Brent over four years of intensive work and well over $100,000 in trainings, sessions, and special supplements specifically to develop this ability. As of the time this was written, there are only five people in the world we know of who can manipulate and tune the human energy field in order to shift your consciousness and see the living energy fields that are the true framework of our reality.
And fortunately for you, two of them have come together to create this revolutionary video so you can develop this incredible ability in the comfort of your own home!
The energy used in this video is quite powerful – this video is NOT designed for beginners, or anyone who is mentally, physically, or emotionally frail or unstable!
If you have any doubts or concerns about whether or not you should be using this, please contact Brent to schedule a private session, where he can perform this process with you one-on-one and closely monitor your energy to ensure it is safe and comfortable for you.
Nothing like this has ever been attempted before, and we honestly do not fully understand the ramifications or potential effects on the user or on Brent and Daniel of unleashing these energies.
You can use this video with your eyes opened or closed, but if you normally meditate with your eyes closed, you may wish to try it with your eyes open, so you can see the physical visual effects described above. It is a little-known fact that closed eye meditations are primarily for beginners, and many advanced meditations are done with the eyes open.
What is included in the Consciousness Shifting video?
– The Consciousness Shifting video process consists of three parts (two of which you can immediately download from this page for free):
– A short introductory video which explains the process and how it works;
– A short overview document that provides instructions on how you can use the Consciousness Shifting video to get the best results;
– The Consciousness Shifting video itself (approximately 10 minutes), which you can use repeatedly.
What will happen when I use the Consciousness Shifting video, and what can it do for me?
Here’s a short list of the most common experiences people have during a Consciousness Shifting session:
– You may have increased or even very powerful feelings of peace, ease, and contentment.
– If you are in physical or emotional pain, you may feel it decrease or disappear completely. Depending on the root cause of your pain, it may or may not return afterwards.
– You may see a white aura around Brent’s head, Daniel’s head, and/or any other object you are focusing on. This is know as the “aura” or “halo”.
– You may see narrow bands of color around the edges of the white auras.
– You may see the entire screen and the whole room around you fade to either black or white – the only thing you’ll be able to see clearly is Brent’s or Daniel’s face.
– You may see Brent’s and/or Daniel’s face blur, and be replaced by a different face. If this happens, don’t panic, what you are seeing are their incarnations in other lifetimes!
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a technique used to provide clients with the tools to overcome certain life obstacles. NLP is in short, a way of helping people help themselves to reach a state of excellence, happiness and peace of mind.
NLP is a learning model devised by two American academics (Dr Richard Bandler and John Grinder) in the early 70s, who were fascinated by the relationship between language behaviour and excellence. They believed that by analysing the unconscious linguistic techniques used by successful people, they could produce ‘a recipe for excellence’ in which other people could consciously learn to apply said ‘successful techniques’.
What is NLP?
NLP stands for neuro-linguistic programming.
Neuro – All of our experience is gained from the neurological processes that govern our five senses: taste, touch, smell, sight and sound.
Linguistic – We make sense of these experiences through a set of filters, including language. The language we use can also affect the way we experience things.
Programming – This is a way of controlling the outcome of something. A person can use NLP to ‘predetermine excellence’ by adjusting the language we use.
To break it down, the science aspect is the process of extracting and learning the techniques. The art aspect is the act of applying the techniques to our own lives.
There are four ways NLP techniques are most commonly used:
to teach effective communication
to ensure continual personal development
to enhance learning
to encourage a greater enjoyment in life
NLP is used to teach us how changing our perception of the world can lead us to adjust and adapt our behaviours to live the life we want.
NLP and hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapists aim to induce a relaxed and receptive state (trance) in their clients in order to access the subconscious. Many of the obstacles that prohibit or limit a person’s experiences are deeply embedded in the subconscious, so by accessing the thought processes that usually remain hidden, hypnotherapists can work with clients to change the restrictive thought pattern and make room for positive development.
An NLP practitioner will look at your attitude, your language and how you use it, your understanding of relationships and your ability to build rapport, as well as the physical and emotional states that are best for accomplishing a task. Effective communication and perception of others and ourselves, will also be key focuses. All of these will be analysed and examined by the professional, so that a strategy for improving understanding, motivation, learning and memory can be formed.
Many hypnotherapists train in NLP to help improve their ability to communicate more effectively with their clients, as well as to help their clients communicate more effectively with themselves.
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