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Copywriting for a Cause: How to Profit as a Writer and Make a Difference in the World By AWAI
Copywriting for a Cause: How to Profit as a Writer and Make a Difference in the World By AWAI
Archive : Copywriting for a Cause: How to Profit as a Writer and Make a Difference in the World By AWAI
Then you MUST know about this
New Marketplace, where you can:
Land Paid Writing Projects
Write for Big-Name Clients
Promote Causes You Care About … You could help end childhood hunger … save the rainforest … cure cancer … support literacy … find new families for abandoned pets … build homes for the homeless … promote music education … and so much more …
Dear Fellow Copywriter,
Imagine getting this email from a new client:
“I need a lot of copy, and soon. Let’s start with the website content, and then the case studies. Oh, and we want to set up an email campaign ASAP.
Send me your invoice so we can start right away.”
The project you’ll be writing about ties in with big-name companies like American Express, Whole Foods, and Sysco. There’s a chance your copy will be published on their websites.
Best of all, this project links to a worthy cause — ending childhood hunger.
Incredible, right? Paid work … big-name clients … being part of a good cause. “Satisfying” doesn’t even begin to explain it.
But the truth is, this kind of project is my reality right now. You can easily make it yours.
It’s all thanks to a new way of doing business that’s taking the world by storm, but has already proven its staying power.
Let me explain …
Imagine Making Real Money
Writing for a Good Cause
I’m Mindy McHorse, six-figure copywriter and Cause Marketing Specialist.
The campaign I just mentioned was started by the nonprofit Share Our Strength®. Their mission is to end childhood hunger in America by 2015. To do that, they need the means to deliver nutritious meals to the 16 million American children who go hungry every day.
In 2011, Share Our Strength partnered with over 60 restaurant brands and more than 300 independent eateries for the cause campaign, “Dine Out for No Kid Hungry.” It was a week-long event where restaurants across the country donated all or a portion of their profits to the cause.
That effort earned an incredible $2.4 million for Share Our Strength. But it also had resounding effects for the companies that participated.
Ted’s Montana Grill, an Atlanta-based company, enjoyed an 8.4 percent boost in sales during the week of the campaign.
Baker’s Restaurant in Elkton, Maryland, attracted $4,000 worth of business on a Tuesday — a day they’re normally closed — and turned all those earnings over to Share Our Strength.
The list of success stories goes on and on, but here’s the upshot:
Share Our Strength received a record boost in donations
Participating restaurants increased their customer base and got loads of good PR
Patrons can’t wait to go back and support the campaign all over again
In short, it’s a win-win-win: A win for the nonprofit, a win for the companies, and a win for the cause.
So where does a copywriter like you come in?
Everywhere. The key to launching successful cause campaigns like this one lies in communication materials.
“Dine Out for No Kid Hungry” needed copy for web pages, press releases, fact sheets, case studies, banner ads, posters, coupons, donor cards, radio scripts, media scripts … and the list goes on.
This kind of thing is a regular occurrence in the world of cause marketing: Big campaigns, multi-layered projects, and a consistent need for good copy.
Why “Do Good to Do Well”
is the Future for Any Business
Cause marketing is a big deal right now for several reasons. For one, it’s becoming a mature marketing option. The Return On Investment for well-executed cause campaigns consistently shows a positive payoff, which I’ll tell you more about in a minute.
The more important question here though, is why cause campaigns are succeeding. Experts in the field say we’re transitioning to an age of higher consciousness. Consumers across the board are moving from “conspicuous” to “conscious” consumption. To put it simply: We expect the companies behind our favorite products to perform as good corporate citizens.
In turn, business leaders are being forced to make tough choices. Should they stand up for social issues? Partner with charities? Add a social message to their advertising?
Yes, yes, and yes.
It used to be the main goal of any business was to maximize profits. Philanthropy was done on the side.
But now, the two have merged. That is, doing well in business versus doing good with business are no longer separate things.
That’s because organizations get a competitive advantage when they combine business strategy with a social or environmental cause.
Natural household products company, Seventh Generation, has contributed to a variety of environmental causes over the years. One of their latest is a partnership with Universal Pictures for the launch of the animated Dr. Seuss film, The Lorax. The film is about conservation and preserving old-growth trees, so the cause marketing promotion included prizes like a trip to Redwood National Park and the gift of a high-efficiency washer and dryer.
Studies show one of the top 10 reasons people buy things is because they’re impressed by a company’s support for a good cause.
Consumers are also more open to cause campaigns because of the recent recession. They see the value in giving back when times are tough.
So cause marketing is clearly good for business. And there’s proof it’s what consumers want to see. The only thing left is to bridge the gap between cause campaigns and consumer action.
How? With good, clear copy.
“I wish I had seen Copywriting for a Cause: How to Profit as a Writer and Make a Difference in the World when I was just starting out three years ago. I probably would have immersed myself in the world of cause marketing and created a well-defined, in-demand niche right from the start.
“People are looking for compassion and authenticity these days, and Megan and Mindy use Copywriting for a Cause to show you how to easily incorporate cause marketing into your business. Use it to get results for your clients or promote yourself, no matter what your area of expertise is.”
— Steve Roller,
Web Copywriting Specialist
Your Timing for Joining
This Billion-Dollar Industry Is Perfect
The cause marketing industry pulled in $1.6 billion last year. That number will only grow as more businesses and nonprofits realize the value of cause marketing.
The field itself has more than tripled in recent years. And growth over the last decade was 200%.
Keep in mind — this growth happened in spite of the recession. This is an industry that sailed past the hurdles in spending and continues to boom. Marketing magazine Advertising Age even did a write-up of how cause marketing was the only category of marketing spending that grew despite drops in all other areas.
For 2012, cause marketing budgets should grow another 3.1%, bringing the industry to $1.7 billion. Throw in all the spending that takes place on the nonprofit end, along with arts, festivals, and associations, and you’ve got roughly $4 billion feeding into this industry. That’s more than three times what eMarketer projects will be spent this year on mobile advertising, which is one of the fastest growing ad markets right now.
And it wasn’t long ago that The New York Times printed an article on cause marketing campaign performance, saying cause campaigns did better over the last several years than traditional advertising campaigns.
In other words, they have more bang for their buck. These campaigns are quicker to engage consumers, resonate more over time, and bring more consistent results than any other form of advertising.
Better World Books has built its entire business model around giving back to those in need. For every book purchased, the online bookseller donates another book to one of its partners, Books for Africa and Feed the Children. To date, the company has donated over 6 million books and raised $12 million to fund libraries and literacy programs. Customers can learn more about what they do by clicking the “Social Impact” link on their website which includes links to additional pages and online video.
For a copywriter, there’s no better recipe for success than to link yourself with a proven system like this.
Now’s Your Chance:
Be On The Cutting-Edge of “Marketing 3.0”
If dollar-spending doesn’t get you excited, here’s something that will:
It’s what people want.
According to the 2011 Cone/Echo Global Corporate Responsibility Study, 93% of consumers want to know what companies are doing to make the world a better place.
But there’s a problem. A shocking 71 percent say they’re confused by the messages companies use to talk about the good things they do.
What does that mean to you?
It means there’s a world of opportunity for any copywriter who knows how to do this stuff.
That is, as long as you can handle one, simple thing …
Why Cause Marketing is Exploding in Popularity
Passion. That’s the clincher when it comes to writing for the cause marketing industry.
I first got involved in this market through my sister, Megan Tyson. She began her own writing career in the halls of academia, writing for social marketing campaigns — movements that aimed to improve social behavior. Things like curbing pollution and saving threatened animals.
She loved it. The only problem was, those campaigns move at a painfully slow pace. They’re often riddled with contract details and bureaucracy. It killed her to see so much need in the world and feel like her hands were tied.
That’s when she discovered cause marketing. The aim is the same — to promote worthy causes — but the pace is much quicker. Campaigns can be launched in a matter of weeks, instead of years. You can get results with the click of a button — especially when it comes to Internet campaigns.
And, let’s be honest — the client pool is BIG. Every company that wants to increase profits and every nonprofit looking to further their cause is a potential client.
Megan and I paired up to work on a project. That one led to another, and then another.
Without even realizing it, we’d built up a thriving little consultancy in cause marketing. After that, people started finding us.
We’ve written for some incredible campaigns — like the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, and Movember, a mustache-growing charity event. Right now, Megan’s working on something with the United Nations Foundation.
Along the way, we learned a lot about what it takes to write for cause marketing campaigns. The fundamentals of good persuasive writing still apply, sure. But there are a few subtleties as well. They’re what make the difference between a booming campaign (and happy clients) and a writing project that fizzles.
That’s why we co-wrote Copywriting for a Cause: How to Profit as a Writer and Make a Difference in the World.
Our program guides you through the specifics of writing for cause marketing campaigns. In it, you’ll learn …
How to write copy that “sells” a cause
How to use the “MORAL” approach to build credibility for a cause campaign
8 unique ways to “sell” your cause
The most essential element of any well-run cause campaign
The most powerful words to use in a cause campaign
Which key emotions are most effective in cause marketing
What psychological factors should be drawn out in the best cause campaigns
Most importantly, we show you how to position yourself as a Cause Marketing Specialist so those involved with cause campaigns will scramble to hire you.
“Cause marketing has been a real passion of Mindy’s and Megan’s … Even in the program’s earliest stages (before words landed on paper, in fact), they’ve held a clear, unwavering vision of where they wanted to take this important program.
“Cause marketing is a trend that’s here to stay, and by studying this program closely, you have the unprecedented opportunity to help make the world a better place — and be rewarded handsomely for doing so. Mindy and Megan have created a pure gem, leaving no stone unturned in this little-tapped realm of copywriting. If you want to make a difference through your craft, don’t look any further — grab your copy and get ready to be wowed.”
— Cheryl Malcham,
Natural Medicine Copywriter and Consultant
How Copywriters Play a
Crucial Role in Cause Campaigns
The best cause initiative in the world will fail if its message doesn’t connect with the right prospect.
On the other hand, when you get the right message across, you play a part in launching projects that do incredible things — everything from funding cure-motivated research to saving endangered animals to reenergizing whole communities.
Consider the Pepsi “Refresh Project.” It became an Internet phenomenon after launching a campaign to fund small community projects across the nation. Pepsi created a program where individuals, small groups, and established organizations could win grants. Grants were awarded based on votes through Pepsi’s Facebook page.
Thanks to social media, the campaign reached millions of people. Pepsi distributed $20 million to the winning groups in its first year alone.
Thanks to the Internet and all its outlets, the need for good copy in different forms is never ending. Better yet, copy is relevant in all areas of cause campaigns. The “Dawn Saves Wildlife” campaign was fueled by social media, national media, and PR. Sonic powered its “Limeades for Learning” partly through print buys and online outreach.
But like anything, if the message isn’t targeted … it just won’t work.
That’s why, for a cause marketer, there’s a lot of value in working with a professional copywriter like you …
… as long as you know what it takes to write effectively for a cause campaign.
When you write cause-targeted, emotional copy, you can launch cause campaigns into radically successful marketing projects. You become the link between the campaigns themselves and the consumers who bring them to life.
That’s why this is such a fulfilling specialty. Imagine being the copywriter who put together the message that brought the “1 Pack = 1 Vaccine” campaign to life — a campaign between Pampers and UNICEF that raised money for 300 million life-saving tetanus vaccines for mothers and babies in developing countries.
Talk about a win-win. Consumers felt empowered simply by buying a package of Pampers diapers. Pampers got a lot of business. And most importantly, lives were saved.
So, you might write a landing page for a website. Or a sales letter that informs and explains. Or maybe a blog that updates and connects. Whatever content you’re involved with, one thing is clear: Copywriters play a crucial role in spreading the messages that go hand-in-hand with cause campaigns.
However, to write quality copy for the cause marketing industry, it’s important to really understand what it is (and isn’t). That’s why we wrote this program.
Why Demand For Your Services Will Be Huge …
In the early days of cause marketing — about 30 years ago — campaigns were pretty cut-and-dry. They were generally made up of one company and one nonprofit that merged together for a limited time.
The American Express “Statue of Liberty” campaign is a good example.
In 1983, American Express launched a restoration project for the Statue of Liberty. The goal was to
have the statue fully restored in time for the centennial celebration that was three years away. Every time a cardholder used his or her American Express card, the company pledged to donate a penny to the Statue of Liberty renovation program. Every time a new card was issued, a dollar was donated.
In just four months, $2 million was raised for the renovation. And, transaction activity for American Express jumped 28%.
But nowadays, cause campaigns are a lot more complicated. They might run several times within the same year, or be an ongoing effort. Sometimes, they unite a single company with multiple nonprofits, like Subaru’s “Share the Love” campaign.
Every year, Subaru selects five charities for an end-of-year campaign. The charities vary based on the preferences of Subaru customers. The 2011 campaign raised funds for Make-A-Wish Foundation, American Forests, Meals On Wheels, Special Olympics, and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).
And then some campaigns consist of a single nonprofit partnering with multiple companies, like St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. They’ve teamed up with LOFT, Williams-Sonoma, Hershey’s, Nine West, and American Airlines, among others.
It all boils down to a lot of variety in the way a campaign comes together. But one thing is clear: Having some kind of campaign is now a must-do in our socially-minded marketplace — at least for any company that wants to succeed for the long-term.
The same is true for small companies. More and more, local businesses and even independent service providers are adding cause marketing to their selling strategy.
Nonprofits, both large and small, are also starting to embrace cause marketing. They’re realizing they need to adapt to the trends of the new marketplace. Plus, they need a way to get noticed above all the other millions of charities out there. The obvious direction to go is toward cause marketing.
To be honest, it feels like just about every business and nonprofit out there is trying to get in on the game. Look around the next time you’re out shopping, or even pay attention to ads you see on the Internet. Chances are good you’ll come across a cause-related ad somewhere.
Not too long ago, I was on Facebook and saw a sponsored ad for the Downy “Touch of Comfort” campaign. An hour later, there was an ad for the Sears “Love/Hate” project. Later that day, I was at the grocery store and counted another 36 different cause campaigns.
Like I said, they’re everywhere.
Joe Van Gogh, a local coffee shop in North Carolina, supports a new cause each month by donating a percentage of proceeds from the sale of coffee beans. One of their coffee varieties is the Organic Sea Turtle Blend. The sale of that blend supports the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center. Customers get to learn more about the campaign through web content and an online video.
This is all great news for you. It means there’s a ton of opportunity out there.
But any campaign that wants to succeed needs good copy that converts.
That’s why it’s so important to get positioned as a specialist in cause-related copywriting. Demand is huge, but there are very few writers who understand the right approach.
In Copywriting for a Cause, we show you how to:
Quickly master the specific, copy-related elements of cause campaigns
Recognize what makes a cause campaign most effective
Understand the different cause marketing strategies and use that knowledge to impress clients
Tap into emotion-based copy that captivates
Land cause marketing clients who will keep calling you back for more projects
The sheer amount of content required for a successful cause campaign can be extensive. Like any other company in need of freelance copywriters, cause marketers need email autoresponders, blogs, direct mail, social media copy, web content, video scripts, Search Engine Optimization, and more.
There’s just one problem.
It’s Not as Simple as Writing Good Copy
Like I mentioned before — and as you probably know — targeted, emotional copy is key to any cause campaign.
But the thing about writing for the cause marketing industry is that you have to take it one step further.
Cause campaigns connect with prospects in a different way than most marketing messages. You’re not just trying to make a sale to a prospect, like you would in a normal sales campaign. Nor are you asking a supporter for a donation, like you would in a fundraising appeal.
You need a different approach for cause marketing to work. We’ve discovered some specific techniques that make this easy to do — things like
A five-step process that ensures lifelong support for your cause campaign
Eight fool-proof strategies for a successful promotion
How to use social media to make your cause heard loud and clear
The four elements of strong copy, and how that translates into cause marketing
A list of the top 48 most powerful words to use in cause marketing copy
You also have to beware of “landmines” in the cause marketing industry. This means knowing what makes a good campaign versus what guarantees a flop.
KFC is a good example. They’ve had some major cause-related blunders.
Their first flop was a partnership with Susan G. Komen for the Cure. When customers bought a bucket of fried chicken, the fast food company donated funds to breast cancer research. Problem was, selling high-fat fried chicken kind of contradicts the idea of curing cancer … especially since a poor diet actually links to cancer. Customers were outraged.
And then recently, a local KFC restaurant in Utah launched a campaign where a dollar from a half-gallon of soda was used to fund the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. But excess sugar in kids’ diets is a leading cause of juvenile diabetes, and a half-gallon of soda sold at KFC has about 56 spoonfuls of sugar. Again, KFC ticked off customers and got bad press.
Had they connected with a cause marketing specialist prior to their bum campaigns … who knows? They could have avoided some serious embarrassment.
Your Chance to Get Ahead of All Other Writers
There’s something else I should tell you. To put it simply, there’s a lot left to be defined in this field.
For example, some people have never even heard the term cause marketing — though they may know it by another name, like “corporate reputation,” “social responsibility,” or “community outreach.”
Megan and I like to compare cause marketing to social media. When Twitter and Facebook first came out, a lot of folks looked the other way. They argued there was no measurable ROI. They didn’t see any value in posting random thoughts and snippets about daily life.
But today, everybody’s doing it. Social media is now a stronghold for marketers and consumers alike. And if you got in early on, you’re seeing real results.
Well, we predict the same thing for the cause marketing industry. Companies and nonprofits that launch cause campaigns now (and do a good job) will get a higher ROI on their campaigns. They’ll win more evangelists for their brands. And they’ll survive and thrive over the long-term.
You could say the same thing about any copywriter who learns to write for the cause marketing industry. Get in early on, and you’ll have clients lining up for your services.
Hook & Ladder Brewing Company has an ongoing “Penny in Every Pint” campaign. For every beer purchased, the company donates money to the care, treatment, and quality of life for burned firefighters and other burn survivors. This cause marketing campaign is run by the company’s own burn foundation, and funds are distributed to burn units in the communities where beers are purchased. They have an entire separate website dedicated to this program.
Luxury Link, a luxury travel website, is a partner of the nonprofit, Pack for a Purpose. Together, the organizations ask travelers to save space in their suitcase to pack much-needed supplies for schools and health clinics in the region of their vacation destination. These supplies are then collected by local hotels and distributed to communities in need in places like Mexico and Saint Lucia. They talk about their cause partnership through web content and social media.
Freedom and Flexibility in Writing Projects
The industry is big. That’s why you can specialize or add it as a side skill.
If you already write for a specific niche, your clients will want to know about it — especially if they want a competitive edge.
And if you’re just beginning your copywriting career — or want to change niches altogether — cause marketing is a great way to go. You get to be a specialist in the cause marketing industry, but you still get a lot of variety since virtually any business and any nonprofit are potential clients.
Once you understand the core elements of writing for a cause campaign, you’ll be able to approach clients in any industry, and at any level.
That’s because being a Cause Marketing Specialist means you have a niche specialty, but your specialty is in demand by virtually everybody. It’s actually a lot like web writing. You can focus on one niche industry (like health writing), where you offer a variety of web-writing services (like web content, SEO, and autoresponders). Or, you can pick a specialty — like SEO — and promote to a variety of niches.
But the best part of all, beyond the unlimited clients and variety of projects, is that it’s easy to write for causes you care about. If you work on projects that resonate with your own core beliefs, the writing comes naturally. Plus, it’s fun.
For example, Megan is a strong advocate of sustainability and conservation. And she has a radar for finding companies that share her beliefs. She works with them to put environmental causes into action.
That’s how she got involved with some really terrific campaigns. She’s worked to save the blue crabs in the Chesapeake, bring reusable bags to local grocery stores, and protect marine habitats in the Florida Keys.
Her clients had causes, but they weren’t sure how to talk about what they were doing. As a Cause Marketing Specialist, Megan impressed them with her knowledge about how to get the word out through the power of good copy.
It was that easy.
Earn Great Money and Help Change the World
Every copywriter I’ve told about cause marketing has wanted to jump on board. They see the immediate value cause marketing gives them and their clients.
But they also love the idea of being part of something bigger than just earning a fee.
“I’ve worked with both fundraising and traditional sales copy, so I know how difficult it can be to combine these copy styles. Cause marketing is a fine line between appealing to your prospects’ emotional needs for a product, as well as their need to be a part of something bigger, a part of a grand idea. Mindy and Megan show you how to balance these two worlds, by providing easy, step-by-step outlines for writing compelling copy.
“With cause marketing, you can be a part of positive change, while living the writer’s life. Thanks to Copywriting for a Cause, you now have a blueprint to get you there.”
— Chris Allsop,
AWAI Member & B2B Copywriter
You can probably relate. After all, I assume you’re the kind of copywriter who likes being part of “good deeds” for the world … otherwise you wouldn’t have read this far.
Plus, it’s always nice to have a profitable writing business that relates to your principles.
That’s why writing for campaigns aimed at the greater good and linking yourself with clients who share your compassion is so attractive.
Know what I mean?
If that’s the case, this program is your first step.
And fortunately, that step comes at a steep discount.
Other niche programs and specialty guides average close to $500. But you can get this one right now for the special price of $197.
But that gets you much more than the program. We’ve also prepared four unique Training Guides packed with useful tips on how to launch your cause marketing business, each valued at $19. These include:
How to Write Emails and Autoresponder Series for Cause Marketing Campaigns
How to Write Web Copy for Cause Marketing Campaigns
How to Use Social Media to Promote Cause Marketing Campaigns
How to Optimize a Cause Marketing Website with SEO Techniques
That’s a total of $76 in training material — FREE. It’s our way of saying thanks for entering the world of cause marketing … along with making sure you’re as prepared as possible for this rewarding journey.
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