Creating Transformations by Jason Goldberg
Creating Transformations by Jason Goldberg
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Imagine being able to
Jason Goldberg
Mindvalley has been recognised for Workplace Happiness (World Most Democratic Workplace Award 8 Years Running) and as Top Ten in Customer Support worldwide by So when you order from Mindvalley, you know your happiness is our top priority.
“Creating Transformations” Will Show You How To Easily Create & Launch Your Course That Will…
Establish Your Authority
Expand Your Reach
Increase Your Impact
Serve Those Who Need Your Message
Earn Passive Income
Expand Your Business Ecosystem
Have Fun Transforming Your Business
How Can You Create & Deliver The Transformation
The World Needs?
Humanity is facing a crisis like never before. In our ever-increasing complex and busy lives, many people are struggling. Some struggle to achieve their goals, while many others suffer from stress, anxiety, grief, or the emptiness of feeling without purpose. Alongside this is a rise in depression and suicide rates amongst youth and young adults and even amongst highly successful and established professionals.
What’s even more concerning is a 2017 study from Columbia University which reports that many are unable to get the help they need. How is this possible in a day and age when getting information to help us solve problems is easier to access than ever before? What’s the issue?
The key issue lies in the fact that having information doesn’t necessarily create the transformation a person needs to help them through their struggles and change their lives for the better. Another factor adding to the issue is that there’s just too much information out there. This information overload makes it difficult to wade through the noise and find a solution.
There is a pressing need for coaches like you to deliver your transformational content as far and wide as you possibly can, so the people who need your message are able to apply it and change their lives.
The key to achieve this is through transformational online courses.
How Is A Transformational Online Course Different To Conventional Courses?
How Playful Prosperity Helped Jason Create More Impact,
Income & Transformations in the World
Instructor Profile
About Jason Goldberg
Jason Goldberg is an award-winning entrepreneur, a TEDx Speaker, an international bestselling author, a former rapper and transformational coach!
After a 15-year corporate career, followed by co-founding an award-winning executive transportation company and then serving as CEO of a technology commercialization firm in partnership with NASA, he decided that there was something more he could be doing to make an impact in people’s lives and businesses.
Since then he has coached hundreds of individuals, groups and businesses to shift their mindset, take creative action, become more prosperous and have a bigger impact in the world. Jason is also a host and transformational coach for tribes within and outside Mindvalley.
One of the key factors allowing Jason to reach this level of success is because he created and launched a transformational online course, Playful Prosperity.
A Short Note From Jason
Let’s create your transformational online course that will transform your business! Here’s my promise to you. The whole process is going to be easy, fun, and accessible for coaches at any level. Yes, the good news is:
You don’t need a big budget
You don’t need a film crew
You don’t need a ton of tech know-how
You don’t need video editing skills or shooting skills
You don’t need a huge advertising budget
You don’t have to be the #1 expert in your field
You don’t even need to know exactly what you’re going to teach
You don’t need to know exactly how you will deliver your message
There are only three prerequisites to qualify you in creating a transformational online course:
You have created transformations in a 1-on-1 setting before
You desire to impact more people than the limited number 1-on-1 coaching allows you to do
You want to expand your impact the easiest way possible without compromising your work quality or your quality of life
Now we know you might be thinking — “But I had all of these when I tried to create my course before. So how come it didn’t work for me?”
Here’s why. Although you may have the qualifications, most coaches like you struggle to create and launch a successful online course because you didn’t have guidance and support in three key success areas.
Creating Transformational Content… FIRST
You get caught up on marketing before creating the content which will create transformation, and so you struggle to complete creating your online course.
Effective Marketing
If you have completed creating your online course, you don’t know how to apply marketing techniques which have been proven to specifically work for the coaching industry, and so you struggle to enroll students into your course.
Community Support
You’re doing it on your own without guidance and without a community. When faced with challenges, you struggle with the motivation and discipline to push all the way through.
Now, the best news. We have designed “Creating Transformations” to guide and support you in these three key success areas.
With this 10-week step-by-step journey, you’ll have everything you need to easily create and launch your transformational online course… from wherever you are now in your coaching.
What You’ll Achieve With “Creating Transformations”
Jason will guide you step by step from where you are right now to creating a transformational online course in 10 weeks, which expands your impact and transforms your coaching business. Here’s what you will experience…
1. Clarity
Develop a crystal-clear vision on what to teach and how to best translate your message, gifts and experience into a transformational online course.
2. Go beyond delivering information
Learn the principles and components of creating a transformational online course
3. Attract your tribe
Discover how to identify, find, and attract the right tribe for you that needs your message the most.
4. Identify your teaching style
Understand what style of teaching and course structure will fit your audience best to deliver maximum transformation and impact.
5. Create a transformational online course that sells and leaves impact
Learn the depths of how to build a transformational online course that sells, puts you on path to 6-figure income, keeps attracting coaching clients, and leaves impact.
6. Publish and launch your transformational online course
Understand which publishing platform suits you best
7. Generate passive income
Get proven strategies and insights on how to maintain a recurring revenue stream after you’ve created your first transformational online course.
8. Become an authority in your field
Establish yourself as an authority in your field with a transformational online course that creates results.
9. Create a transformational path
Create a path for potential clients to experience results with you before they sign up for your big coaching package.
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How It Works
1. You begin your course-creating journey on the Mindvalley plattform.
2. You’ll get weekly step-by-step guidance from Jason for 10 weeks.
3. Daily micro-actions help you make dramatic progress in as little as 10-20 minutes a day.
Program Information
Explore The “Creating Transformations” Curriculum
Jason Goldberg’s “Creating Transformations” is a complete program specifically designed to help coaches expand their impact and income by creating a transformational online course, in just 10 weeks.
Week 1: Clarity & Mindset
Understand what you need to do before you begin creating a transformational online course.
Highlights include:
The success mindsets of a course creator
Gaining clarity on your why
What you need to create a transformational online course
And so much more…
So you will eliminate common roadblocks most people encounter when creating courses, such as self-doubt and “writer’s block”.
Week 2: Business Ecosystem
Week 3: Identify Your Tribe
Week 4: Define Your Teaching Style
Week 5 & 6 : Designing a Learning Experience
Week 7: Production & Publishing
Week 8: Engagement
Week 9: Selling & Promoting Your Transformational Online Course
Week 10: Next Steps
What Students Say About Jason Goldberg’s
Creating Transformations Program
“This course has been lifechanging!”
There are NO words that can ever describe all Jason has brought to my world. This course he has created is, and has been, life changing! I could tell you how HE has changed my life but that’s not entirely true… he has given me some amazing tools so “I” can change my life if I choose to. No pressure, no shame or judgement, no guilt trips. Just an offering of all he has learned on his journey.
M.A. Goldman
“I feel so much more comfortable in my skin and I’m meeting it with action.”
I’ve totally been showing up in all parts of my life not worrying about trying to be so damn perfect all the time or what outcomes will be. I feel so much more comfortable in my skin and I’m meeting it with action. Nothing earth-shattering, but before I knew it, I’ve put 5 consecutive, consistent weeks of moment-by-moment growth together and see all kinds of possibilities for my future. I’m even seeing visually things in my world that have always been around, but that I’ve missed by being too bothered with making everything so serious. And one more thing. I’ve fucking smashed my road back to health and have had a great time doing it. I’ve lost about 8 pounds of stress and water weight and my diet is back in check and I feel SOOOO much better physically!
Wayne Morrissette
“A Tsunami of Awesomeness making extraordinary impact”
I have a feeling I am going to finally be the person I came here to become as a result of knowing you. Can you even begin to imagine the ripple effect of the millions of people that you are going to touch. A Tsunami of Awesomeness making extraordinary impact on the upliftment of humanity.
Jennifer Koerner
“This program has been a game changer.”
This program has been a game changer. I bow with mad props to you and your team for creating one of the most amazing programs out there that is transformational through and through. If you put in the work you can only morph into a bigger, better, more playful and prosperous self. Thanks for creating this masterpiece. I pinch myself I “get” to be a part of this awesomeness.
Eric Luczak
“I have completely transformed”
PP was the right program at the right time for this struggling entrepreneur. I have completely transformed. Knowing how to overcome resistance and put my motivation on speed dial has been incredible. And I can’t forget to thank all of the other incredible people in this PP group who have encouraged and lifted me up along the way. You are ALL AMAZING!
Anna Spooner
“I cannot believe how effective it is to get me to move through the emotion”
My investment has already paid off. I am a junkie for new perspectives and differentiations and there have already been so many! Here’s the one I declare as the million dollar question (so far): “If I knew that these feelings would be gone in 10 minutes and that I’d be back to my normal, playful, fun self, how would I show up for the next 10 minutes?” I cannot believe how effective it is to get me to move through the emotion. So much time saved, so much more time for being fun and playful and impactful.
Lisa Sparhawk
Enroll Now & Get 2 FREE Bonus Features
Bonus 1: 2 x Recorded Coaching Calls With Jason Goldberg
Get all the extra support you need with two recorded group coaching calls in which Jason answers all the questions of the community and benefit from hearing Jason help others with their struggles. The two live calls were held the first time hundreds of coaches took the journey and address the different stages of the 10-week process.
Bonus 2: Private Community with Daily Action Items
Community support with like-minded peers is a very important aspect of staying motivated and to be held accountable to your goals. We want to make sure you benefit from this, which is why we have taken communities to the next level with Tribe Facilitation. Join a community passionate about creating courses, see their struggles and successes and move easily through the 10 weeks with daily action items.
Get ready to break through the glass ceiling
You’ve thought a lot about creating an online course. Maybe you even tried to create and launch an online course but it didn’t work out.
You can choose to give up on creating online courses and continue as you are. Cramming in as many 1-on-1 coaching calls. Hustling to sign up new clients. Limiting your impact to a handful of clients every year.
Or you can choose to get the guidance and support you need with “Creating Transformations” which will guide you every step of the way. And create and launch your transformative online course in just 10 weeks without wasting a lot of time and money trying to figure it out on your own.
By the end of 10 weeks, you’ll have a transformational online course which gives you the ability to impact hundreds or thousands, plus the extra income and freedom you deserve.
It’s not a hard choice. Quite a no-brainer, really.
So join us on this path to create transformations. And gear up to multiply your impact and income, establish your authority, build your tribe, and impact hundreds or thousands a year.
Enroll Now
Special Introductory Discount:
Enroll Now & Enjoy $400 Off
We believe the “Creating Transformations” curriculum has the power to expand your impact and income as a coach – and we’re beyond excited to release it so you can create the transformational online courses the world needs.
So how are we celebrating? By giving you a $400 discount on your enrollment fee, of course.
But only for a limited time.
Click The Add-To-Cart Button Below To Start “Creating Transformations” with Jason Goldberg Now
What You Get When You Enroll In The Creating Transformations Program Today:
Lifetime access to all 9 modules of the home-study program to translate your expertise into authority, revenue and impact
Get on the 10-week journey with Jason and your tribe to successfully launch your transformational online course and enrol students
Workbooks & handouts that keep you on track and support you to easily move past challenges
Exercises to gain insights on creating your signature style which establishes your authority and intimacy with your tribe
Bonus #1: Recordings of 2 x Live Calls with Jason Goldberg to answer all your questions
Bonus #2: Private Community with Daily Action Items — Experience the next level of community joining a vibrant group of like-minded students who are passionate about creating courses and either already went through the program or are going through it now.
FREE mobile app (iOS & Android) so you can experience it anywhere, anytime.
FREE iPad app to consume on your Apple iPad.
An unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee
An award-winning customer support whenever you need help, so you know you are always taken care of.
Payment Plan Option
Flexible payment option for you to get access to the program risk-free
($279 billed monthly for 3 months for a total of $837)
$1095 $279
Single Payment Option
Get instant access with one payment.
$1095 $695
For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.
*EU VAT charges will apply to EU billing addresses.
The Mindvalley Advantage
You don’t have to make up your mind right now. Try first for 30 days and then make up your mind.
When you’re buying a car, you can test drive it. When you’re buying a house, you can take a tour of it. We believe you should have the same peace of mind with your education too – so we’re giving you up to 30 risk-free days to try “Creating Transformation” and see how it works for you.
If in this time you’re not absolutely overjoyed with your experience, contact us via our support center (quickest response), or directly at su*****@ev*******.com. for a full, fast, and friendly refund.
Kristi Anier
Customer Happiness Team Lead
Frequently Asked Questions
I’ve already tried to create a course before but struggled to make it work. How will this help me overcome the previous challenges I faced?
Do you guarantee it will work for me?
Who is “Creating Transformations for? What exactly will it do for me?
What if I don’t have a list or even a website? Will I be able to sell my program after creating it?
Can I start this program anytime?
How much time do I need to invest every week?
Did we really drop the price by $400?
Can I still get the $400 discount if I choose the payment plan
When does the next round of “Creating Transformations” begin?
Do I still have access to this program after the 10-week course is over (ie. Lifetime Access)?
Here’s what others say about working with Jason Goldberg
“He has a so-rare-it’s-almost-unique combo of humility.”
Jason is one of those people who is so remarkable that it’s jolly hard to talk about him without him sounding too ridiculously good to be true. He has a so-rare-it’s-almost-unique (in a world where so few things called ‘rare’ are actually even close to being that) combo of humility, humour and hard-hittin’, life-changin’ wisdom. He’s one of my absolute favourites. And if you’re looking for a speaker or coach, my guess is that he’ll become yours too.
Lian Brook-Tyler
Co-Founder of Primal Happiness and Host of The Primal Happiness Show
“He shows you how to find the fun in everything”
HE SHOWS YOU HOW TO FIND THE FUN IN EVERYTHING! Jason really tells it like it is and in a humorous way – NOT AT ALL BORING!! Whenever I speak or watch a video from Jason, a fire starts inside me that just cannot be stopped. He truly takes his time, gets to know you and your situation, so his solutions fit you like a glove. He shows you how to find the fun in everything! I highly recommend Jason as a speaker and coach!
Donna McQueen
Small Business Owner
“Jason Goldberg is one of my favorite people on the planet.”
Jason Goldberg is one of my favorite people on the planet. I love his light-hearted yet deep commitment to embodying wisdom for living on purpose. If you’re feeling unfulfilled and overwhelmed by the thought of making a shift in life, I’d highly encourage you to work with Jason.
Jacob Sokol
Life-Coach and Founder of Sensophy
“I’m extremely grateful for having worked with Jason”
I’m extremely grateful for having worked with Jason. I can see
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