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Dan Kennedy – How to Find Your Ideal Customer
Dan Kennedy – How to Find Your Ideal Customer
Archive : Dan Kennedy – How to Find Your Ideal Customer
“Who Else Wants To ‘Upgrade Their Clientele’ And Find Their IDEAL Customers, Clients And Patients Who Are Worth 5x-50X More Than Your Average Customer—AND Are Easy To Deal With?”
Finally, Dan Kennedy Reveals His Secret Formula For Attracting “High-Roller” Customers, Clients Or Patients. This Is How GKIC Attracts Customers That Have Spent $100,000+ With Us!
Dear Renegade Marketer,
If you’re looking to “upgrade your clientele” and start attracting customers, clients or patients who are worth 5x to 50x your typical customer, then this message will cut to the chase and give you the answers you’re looking for.
For the first time EVER, I’m revealing the confidential “secret formula” I implemented for clients for finding their target customer and getting them to pay them multiple times their typical customer.
This is the stuff GKIC uses to find “whales” that have spent up to $100,000 with us. And we’re not just talking about the “typical” ways of identifying a target customer that everybody else and their dog uses—like age, sex, and income.
That’s only part of the equation.
We’re talking about finding “hyper-buyers”…the top 1%…that could easily make up for the 99% of your normal customers in revenue. And we’re also talking about attracting the type of customer, client or patient you want to deal with on a regular basis.
Now the term “whale” comes from Vegas. It comes from the gambling industry. A whale is basically a high roller that bets big, plays big and sometimes wins big. They are the casino’s ideal customers.
Now here’s a taste of what you’ll discover in this astonishing system so you can discover yours:
- 3 ways to attract your ideal customer. Best part: one on these strategies doesn’t require you to spend $10,000 for a mailing list and $100,000 for a mailing campaign. I’ve extracted hundreds of thousands of dollars from lists as small as 77 prospects. You can implement this strategy as soon as tomorrow.
- How a leadership trainer attracted 16 CEOS in his target market so he didn’t have to travel all over the country. Nope, he didn’t send them a 3-step letter campaign; he implemented this one simple “trick” to get in the door with these high-powered CEOs. This is “whale hunting” at its best!
- How to target “whales” without them knowing it and have them slowly mature as customers…so you can eventually “warm them up” for your offers. This sure beats going to them directly with a pitch—like most people will do.
- The 3 Wealth Magnets that’ll allow you to attract more high-paying customers into your business. Miss out on just one of these magnets could damage your chances of making these principles work for you.
- How to attract “whales” that are worth 5x to 50x times your average customer. Imagine waking up in the morning and working with your “slam-dunk” customers you LOVE working with—and don’t have to pull teeth to get them to take action and implement.
- How NOT to fall into the trap of working with “anybody you can get.” This is what most businesses do; therefore, they FAIL to determine how to weight their resources and their time and energy into developing these buyers into long-term customers.
- The secret to determine the “whale markers” for your business. If you’re a financial advisor, it could be investable assets. And for an unusual, exotic, speculative investment marketer, it’s a thoroughbred racehorse owner. By the time you finish this course, you’ll be able to determine who your “whale markers” are for your industry.
Skeptical? Here Are Three Powerful Reasons
You Should Believe What I Say:
Reason one: I am not directly involved in your business. I have 40 years’ worth of case studies and testimonials from clients who credit me for their largest business breakthroughs.
You see, clients pay me $19,000 for a single consultation day with me and I was paid more than $2.5 million dollars in fees and royalties for marketing and assistance in 2014.
A bulk of my work involves identifying a client’s ideal customer. Once we know whom we’re targeting and where to find them, we can use uncommon marketing strategies to reach them.
I mean think about it: why mess around with the “minnows” when you can attract the whales. Why not attract 100 customers who can pay $10,000 and make you a millionaire…vs. attracting 1 million customers who will pay you $1 dollar?
It’s easier to attract the 100 “whale” customers. But you have to know what you’re doing. And if you use the right system for getting to them. Otherwise you’ll be forever attracting “minnows” to your business that:
• Are tire-kickers and “looky loos” who’ll keep their wallet in their pockets
• Are high maintenance and “pain-in-the-butt” customers, clients and patients
• Will always question your treatment plans and prescriptions
• Will haggle on prices and get you to make compromises
Imagine waking up in the morning looking forward to going to work—knowing you’re working with your ideal customers, clients and patients that “get” you and will pay you handsomely for your expertise.
And think about how easy your daily routine will be when you’re working with cool people…not “duds” that’ll make your business life a living hell.
That’s what I do for clients on a daily basis. And the fact that I’m not directly involved in your business should be good news to you—as you’re bound to get many paradigm shifts and “a-ha” moments you can apply to your business.
Maybe you’ll identify 5-6 “ideal customers” in your business you can market to simultaneously—this creating 5-6 income streams under your core business that could make you rich, relaxed and happy?
I have never “connected the dots” like this before in my 40-year career, and even old timers who were at this seminar had dropped jaws when they listened to every case study, example, and RULE for identifying and targeting your ideal customer, client or patient.
Reason two: I put my money where my mouth is with a 100% money-back no risk guarantee. I’ve been doing this for 40 years and have never offered anything without a guarantee. You either get results and make back 10X-100X your investment or you don’t pay.
Pure and simple. More on the guarantee in a second.
Reason three: My marketing systems are backed up by some of the biggest thought leaders in many industries and fields. And my private clients pay me upwards of $28,000 a year just for 20-minute phone sessions in 10-12 months, upwards from $2500 for consulting, upwards from $100,000 for project work, and over 85% repeatedly return or stay for ongoing relationships for 3,5,7,10+ years.
A good chunk of this client work and consulting is centered on finding their ideal customer, client or patient. Because, without this important piece, we’re just “guessing” and throwing money down the toilet.
You’ll get a huge representation of this million-dollar advice when you take action today and invest in:
How To Find Your Ideal Customer
How To Find Your Ideal Customer is based on a “no-holds barred” presentation straight from one of our recent $2,497 per head GKIC SuperConferencesSM.
Like I said earlier…this isn’t just about finding out the age and income of your target customers. This is about discovering “hyper-buyers” and the deep emotional and psychological triggers that motivate them to buy vs. the average customer, client and patient.
The Tactics You’ll Discover Were CRITICAL For Getting These Current Results For My Clients:
• One client invested $18,000 in a campaign and harvested $420,000 back in 64 days.
• Another client has one magazine ad for his info-business he’s been running every month—never once changing it—and every month has been making between $20,000 and $30,000 on autopilot for nearly 10 years.
• Another client has 3 postcards that mail to certain lists, in rotation, 20,000 to 40,000 every month. This ties up $15,000 in capital, but his income exceeds $40,000 per month.
You see, none of these results would have been possible if I didn’t have a system for finding my client’s ideal customers and appealing to their “buying triggers” in my copy.
So, if you’re sending out mailing campaigns, emails, driving traffic to landing pages, etc. and aren’t getting the results you want, then, chances are, your probably using the wrong bait to attract your ideal customer, client or patient…or you’ve never actually thought about who you want to attract to your business.
How To Find Your Ideal Customer will solve this for you. I will show you example after example of how I engineered copy to attract the ideal customer, client or patient in that particular marketing piece…and where to find them.
And, nope, I didn’t simply put “Attention Dentist” in the prehead of my sales piece. This System is more sophisticated than that. In fact:
Here Are The 3 Outcomes You’ll Get
When You Add How To Find Your Ideal Customers To Your Marketing Arsenal:
1) You’ll get CLARITY on who you want to attract with your marketing. If you’re like the typical business owner, you’ll want to do business with any warm body that comes to your website or walks into your store or office. This course will allow you to crystalize who you want as your ideal customers, clients or patients so you can “clone” them with your marketing according to your monetary and lifestyle needs.
2) You’ll discover alternative ways for FINDING your “whale” customers, clients and patients you won’t discover in most marketing books. Some of these tactics may seem “sneaky” according to the mediocre majority. That’s good news for you because nobody in your market or niche is using these secrets…thus giving you an unfair “first-mover” advantage.
3) You’ll discover the LANGUAGE you can use to attract these ideal customers, clients and patients you can insert into your marketing. I share many examples of how I carefully engineered my copy to “jump out” and pull in my target prospect—and repel whom I didn’t want—once I determined who I wanted as a customer and where to find them.
Now…How Much Is It Worth To You To Magically “Clone” Your Ideal Customer Over And Over Again Like A Printing Press On Steroids?
Since this training deals with finding your “whale” customers that could be worth 5X-50X your typical customer, we thought that charging at least $997 for this System.
Think about it: $997 is 1% of a $100,000 salary and 2% of a $50,000 salary—a minuscule investment in a course that could allow you to double or triple your income during the next year.
Plus, if you’re not crystal clear on whom you are targeting with your promotions, you’ll flood your business with “minnows” that don’t have money and will waste your time.
So consider $997 to be insurance against squandering thousands of dollars on marketing campaigns, many hours of writing copy, and product creation overhead targeting the WRONG type of people for your business.
So, in reality, How To Target Your Idea Customer doesn’t “cost” anything. It’s an investment towards your future earning power and an elixir against most customer, client and patient headaches.
Plus you’re buying SPEED because it would otherwise take you years and thousands of dollars testing, tweaking, etc. before you accidently stumble upon these important concepts through painful trial and error.
Maybe you’ll discover an overlooked “buying trigger” of your ideal customer, client or patient that could be easily exploited in your next marketing campaign.
Perhaps you’ll recognize a certain group of customers in your database that are “hyper-buyers”…people who buy from you again and again…and you can easily “reverse-engineer” what made them buy, where they came from, etc. so you can target more of them.
These potential breakthroughs would definitely be worth a mere $997…since you can easily get that money back by landing JUST ONE “whale” you wouldn’t have otherwise attracted with your current marketing system…or lack of.
But you won’t have to pay $997. You won’t even have to pay $797.
When you take action and add How To Target Your Ideal Customer to your shopping cart, we’ll rush-ship this course for ONLY $297.
But that’s not all:
Take Action Today And Receive This 2 for 1 Deal!!!
And, like I said…
Landing Just One “Whale” You Wouldn’t Have Otherwise Attracted Could Pay For This Investment By Itself
And don’t forget, you’re protected by GKIC’s Double Ironclad Guarantee…so there’s no way you can make a mistake:
Your Guarantee: You have 2 full months to examine everything, use what you wish, and if for any reason or even no reason at all, you want a full refund, just return everything and you’ll get your money back immediately. NO questions asked.
You do not need a “my dog ate my homework” story. No questions, no hassle, no fine print. Incidentally, we are devoted to helping small businesses, and working with satisfied customers. If you are not going to profit from the system, we would prefer to buy it back.
Now I will warn you: when you invest in How to Find Your Ideal Customer, you’ll be exposed to many examples that aren’t in your industry. Your first intuition would be to foolishly disqualify them because “your business is different.”
You see, some of the biggest breakthroughs you could ever have in your business could come from other industries. I have easily created second businesses stemming from primary businesses because I “moved” pieces from other industries.
So if you’re a gardener and you don’t see examples of gardeners amongst the examples of entrepreneurs I talk about in How To Find Your Ideal Customers, then don’t disqualify yourself from using these principles.
Instead, ask yourself the question, “How can I implement this into my business?”
In fact, your competition would much rather have you stay within the mediocre majority of your industry and have you blindly do “what everybody else does” and stick with “the way things work around here”…
The problem is that most of the strategies “everybody else” teaches is tailored to business owners who just wants a customer, and don’t give a lot of thought to what kind of a customer they want to attract.
They just want “warm bodies.” To pay the bills every month. To not have to work a 9-5 job.
But you’re better than that. You know that you’re better off attracting “whale” customers what will gladly give you 5x-50x times the amount of money the rest of your customers give you…and are easy to work with.
And you know you’ll sleep better at night knowing you are working with your idea customers…not the “dud” customers, clients and patient who will suck the life out of you,complain about price and treatment plans, and be “high maintenance.”
So invest in How To Find Your Idea Customer right now. And be prepared to make your business life easier and more lucrative by attracting your ideal customers that’ll buy from you again and again and refer others.
Salepage : Dan Kennedy – How to Find Your Ideal Customer
About Author
Dan Kennedy
Dan Kennedy with NO B.S. INNER CIRCLE authored this official guide to Magnetic Marketing®, in which he challenges entrepreneurs and business owners to dump the boring, conventional, common advertising and marketing that commoditizes them into ‘sameness’ and dooms them to chasing customers and begging for their business. Why not attract them instead, and have them standing in line to do business with you.
Dan Kennedy is Founder of Magnetic Marketing® and one of the most revered marketing advisors to entrepreneurs and business owners in the world. Kennedy has taught his Magnetic Marketing System to over 6 million people around the world. For 9 consecutive years, Kennedy spoke on the famous SUCCESS Tour, earning on average $100,000 per speech, and sharing the stage with business leaders like Debbi Fields (Mrs. Fields Cookies) and Ben & Jerry; popular business speakers Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Tom Hopkins and Tony Robbins; entertainment and sports celebrities Larry King, Johnny Cash, and Mary Tyler Moore
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