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Daniel Levis – Effortless Influence Basic
Daniel Levis – Effortless Influence Basic
**More information:
This course is about writing persuasive sales tales that capture the interest of your target audience and lead them to make a buy, as the name of the course indicates.
You’ll learn incredible strategies for sustaining long-term interest in you, your offerings, and your ideal customers from your target market.
Additionally, you’ll discover how to create tales that inspire order and encourage people to part with their cash in return for the value you provide them.
Simply said, it’s the best marketing tool for persuading people to buy without making them feel like they’re being pitched to. As a consequence, conversion rates increase, profit margins rise, and lifetime customer value is significantly raised.
You will learn how to employ seven effective story structures, as well as the key tips for utilizing them to pique the interest and attention of your target audience, in module 1.
How to calm your prospects’ unreasonable worries so they can hear your sales pitch with objectivity
How to quietly implant concepts in the heads of your prospects such that they believe they came up with the concepts themselves…
The techniques of guided imagery that enable your potential customers to journey across time and see their future selves with you, the storyteller, as their guide…
The Vision Quest: How to enable your potential customers to perceive realities that were previously invisible to them… and to experience novel feelings that inspire them to act in ways that were before impractical…
How to overcome skepticism and cynicism by reminding your prospects of their formative years. A time when life was impulsive and carefree and mental processes were purely emotional…
How to break down the resistance individuals have to being persuaded by fusing the facts, benefits, and features of your products into the wholesome narrative…
Why the unconscious mind can’t distinguish the difference between a genuine event and an imagined one, and how to exploit this incredible phenomena to increase the effectiveness of your marketing…
Zero Resistance Selling is a straightforward technique that enables your sales case to easily settle into the prospect’s worldview. (View Page 6)
How to present difficult concepts in comprehensible stories so that your prospects will feel confident and secure enough to proceed. (Page 9) …
How to create a compelling origin tale that establishes your selling credibility and clings to your target market like crazy glue. Make a lasting connection with your consumers to effectively protect your company against discount-happy competitors. (Page 10) …
How to make your sales pitch more interesting and credible by using dramatic reversal. (Page 18) …
The element of your tale that causes your prospect to switch from “passive wishing” to “active willing” thinking. is the fastest way to persuade people to hand over their hard-earned money. (Page 20) …
There are four wonderful little “Trojan Horse” lines that you may use to instantaneously put your prospects at ease and go beyond their physical defenses. (Page 21) …
Small, cunning analogies that encourage prospects to accept your sales reasoning without question. (Page 22) …
The fatal (though frequent) error in narrative that destroys profits and actually lowers readership and repeat business. (Page 23) …
ways to promote prevention. Without a sales letter, this $297 preventive sells like hotcakes. Watch how a straightforward email that tells a narrative leads directly to an order form to close the deal. (Page 24) …
The influence of parables How to generate a flood of new earnings using cute small educational stories. (Page 28) …
How to double or triple sales conversion by using tales to retain the perceived worth of a discounted item. (Page 31) …
How to effectively employ morbid curiosity to push recipients of your emails to open and ferociously eat your sales message. (Page 32) …
How a Greek story gave rise to a $1.5 billion, decades-long advertising campaign… (Page 32)
How to select the appropriate narrator’s perspective for a certain sales tale. Additionally, there is a strange, science-fiction-like approach that has been shown to increase reaction when a good tale is needed but none can be found. (Page 36) …
How to bring the dead back to life so you can use them to get lucrative affiliate income. Your sales tales can benefit from using historical personalities as characters. You have the ability to speak for them. Make them carry out fun tasks. incorporate buying criteria into their behavior. (Page 37)
The three essential components that each sales narrative must include if you want readers to click a link, complete a form, or make a buy. If you overlook any one of these essential components, your tale will fail without a doubt. (Page 39)
How to use a news or entertainment item from the mainstream media to increase the reach and effectiveness of your sales pitch. (Page 40)…
Pre-supposition can be used in an unconventional way to boost email click-through rates in your sales story. (Page 41) …
You should include these three items in your sales tales since most people find it difficult to look away from them. HINT: They access the reptile portion of our brains, which is where the need for survival and self-preservation is located. (Page 42) …
a straightforward tale technique that eases the decision-making for your prospects. You can increase your sales indefinitely by doing this. I make that promise. (Page 44) …
Story Transposition: A method for creating captivating narratives that have been demonstrated time and again to captivate audiences and have the power to shape behavior. The best way to write stories that will make sales. (Page 48) …
How to make a standout case study. The majority of case studies are so boring they wouldn’t do anything to boost sales. Here are 12 interview questions for finding extraordinary success stories, along with the unspoken narrative framework that almost always results in compelling, money-making case studies. (Page 49) …
The comprehensive step-by-step on all the critical components that go into developing stunningly powerful origin tales that enable you to sell simply and at consistently better margins than your competition is provided in module 2.
The 12 steps of the hero’s journey and why all humans naturally connect with this nearly magical tale framework. A tried-and-true method for arousing your prospect’s interest, empathy, and emotion in order to increase desire, instill strong buying motivations, and almost eliminate purchase resistance. (Page 53) …
How “archetypes” might serve as your constant light to increased reaction and the distinction between tale structure and content. (Page 55) …
How you may weave a compelling mythology about yourself, your offering, and your company over the period of several months or even years using the hero’s journey as inspiration. (Page 59) …
How to express accomplishments with authenticity while avoiding any appearance of arrogance or boastfulness? Much more persuasive than the overused line that most markets have heard several times, “I’m not telling you anything to impress you, but rather to impress upon you.” (Page 61) …
How to add mystery, drama, and entertainment value to otherwise dry product explanations and descriptions. incredibly successful in b2b markets. (Page 64) …
How a tale that has a logical justification for buying your goods may increase sales conversion by 187% over night. (Page 65) …
The Russian Doll Secret: How to quietly implant buying conclusions in the brains of your prospects so that they automatically click the order button to finish a transaction. (Page 69) …
How to make the inanimate products you wish to offer to your prospects more appealing. (Page 71) …
There are six tried-and-true methods for inspiring empathy and connection that almost compel prospects to imagine themselves as characters in your sales narrative. (Page 72) …
How to make your character’s weaknesses and weaknesses into strengths that foster trust and kinship with your target market. (Page 74) …
The method to deeply engender connection and attraction with prospects by activating their sympathetic nervous system. Dissolves buying reluctance and sales resistance very instantaneously. (Page 75) …
a “back door” strategy that defies logic to make characters fascinating. When used appropriately, this novel strategy creates an almost blinding relationship with your target audience. (Page 76) …
The undiscovered “primal” component you should use in your sales story to engender feelings and motivate even your most cautious and deliberate prospects to take action. (Page 76) …
Collective Heroism – Sales soar to the stars when potential customers connect your marketing with a feeling of belonging to something bigger than themselves. Here’s how to instill a strong sense of community and belonging in your target market. (Page 77) …
How to exorcise the inner demons that prevent your prospects from pursuing their biggest aspirations… and what stands between you and a steady flow of recurring business. (Page 79) …
The secret to turning tales that feel like lifeless, boring processions of events into electric cavalcades of excitement that captivate your prospects from beginning to end is the stimulus and response principle. (Page 80) …
A paradoxical tale technique that enables you to acquire the position of authority rapidly and persuades your prospects to regard you as an authority on the issue. (Page 90) …
There are four main kinds of mentor tales that you can use to instantly build unshakeable credibility for yourself as a salesman. (Page 94) …
How to go to the core of your prospect’s deepest, most primal emotions without coming out as clumsy, ham-fisted, or apparent. (Page 96) …
The main variable that distinguishes between sales stories that seize the attention of your prospects, turn them inside out, and shake money out of their pockets… and stories that leave them as cold as dead fish. (Page 97) …
the four-step thought process that motivates behavior. Your sales story will fail if you skip one step or put the steps in the wrong order. (Page 98) …
How to change your prospect’s physiology chemically; how to increase or decrease brain activity; how to elicit physical sensations; how to change automatic movements, gestures, and facial expressions; and how, in the end, to influence the will to act. (Page 99) …
the distinction between instinctive primal emotions and social emotions that are learned. Which category of emotions has the greatest persuasive power? The answer is on page 100.
a thorough understanding of human emotions, their biological basis, and how and when to use them in sales narratives. 67 different emotions are defined, with examples of how they can be used in persuasive storytelling. (Page 102) …
Amazingly potent storytelling techniques that literally crowd out awareness of time and space, pinning potential customers to your sales message like an invisible tractor beam, will help you capture your prospect’s attention. (Page 110) …
Why “hard loops” don’t work in direct response selling and what to do instead to create stunning increases in readership and response. (Page 114) …
How to use soft loops to deepen attention and interest. When you do this right it practically guarantees your sales message gets read. (Page 116) …
The pleasure/pain quadrant: a simple strategy for harmonizing the motivations of your story hero with those of your target prospects. (Page 119) …
Four different types of humor to use in your stories. These techniques loosen purchase resistance and lubricate the buying process without detracting from the seriousness of your sales message in any way. (Page 121) …
How to craft compelling characters your prospects want to identify with. People buy when they sense doing so enhances their self-image in some way. Showing a similar development in a character they care about is the deadly effective way to create this effect. (Page 126) …
How to differentiate your products and services through the characterization of your protagonist. This is the ultimate secret to selling at premium prices and with superior profit margins — ten times more profitable than mere functional advantage. (Page 127) …
The 16 irreducible values that motivate your prospect’s actions… and how to subtly communicate them through story to unleash a tsunami of increased conversion and response. (Page 131) …
The 12 classic character archetypes… how to recognize the dominant archetype(s) in your particular market… and the keys to motivating each type. (Page 135) …
Five different ways to reveal character and activate even the most unconscious fears, aspirations, beliefs and values of your target prospects. This is the lethal combination strike that jerks even the most shell-shocked and reluctant would-be buyers out of their complacency and into your pitch. (Page 191) …
Ten archetypal themes to use in your sales stories that are proven to attract attention, arouse interest, and stir your prospect’s blood toward a purchase. Use these proven story templates and your hit rates will soar! (Page 196) …
And in module 3 I’m tying it all together for you with a powerful series of fill-in-the-blanks worksheets and do-this-do-that templates that will have you penning highly persuasive order-getting sales stories more easily than you ever imagined.
You’ll watch as I explain each one of these time saving tools that have allowed me to slash my writing time by 80% to 90%.
The protagonist worksheet. (Page 227) …
The pleasure/pain worksheet. (Page 229) …
The irreducible values worksheet. (Page 232) …
The character arc worksheet. (Page 233) …
The antagonist worksheet. (Page 233) …
The mentor worksheet. (Page 234) …
The sub-text worksheet. (Page 239) …
The hero’s journey template. (Page 242) …
You’ll see the actual inputs I made to create a recent promotion. And you’ll experience the magic as these completed sheets and templates morph into the kind of hard-hitting sales copy that makes millions.
The entire story creation process is laid bare… so you can quickly model it… and breathe new life into your own promotions …
Six different ways to create powerful story telegraphing headlines, plus tons of examples. (Page 236)…
How to deepen the fictive spell by breaking the 4th wall. (Page 246) …
Sneaky tricks that bend the perception of time, transplanting your prospects into a future reality where they can experience the pleasure of ownership. (Page 248)…
Five amazing creativity exercises. (Page 249)…
And much more!
For over 9 months I’ve poured every spare moment into fully documenting my proven story selling processes. And these three modules are the result. 262 tightly edited pages of text… eight and half hours of audio… and 59 annotated exhibits in all!
I’m convinced they give you the most comprehensive, complete and concise story-selling encyclopedia known to man… a veritable Bible of story-based persuasion.
And I honestly believe they’ll help you to create the kind of heroic customer identifications experience proves are the secret to enhanced sales conversion… impervious-to-competition profit margins… and the enduring goodwill and patronage of your best buyers.
Gone are the days when you can win the battle for consumer mindshare on price, quality or convenience.Competitiveness in these areas is now merely the cost of entry — no longer a key factor in your success.
In today’s world of material overabundance, what people secretly want are products and services that allow them to tell better stories… to themselves… and to the people around them.
I saw this trend emerging in my days with Jimmy Ray Carl in corporate sales. Decisions were made for personal and emotional reasons first, and practical reasons second. People wanted to tell a story — to their superiors, to their peers, to their spouses and children — that framed them in a heroic light.
I saw it in sales made over the Internet as well. The functional features and advantages of a product didn’t sell nearly as well as the drama those features and functions could be made to represent. And this trend will only accelerate …
If you want to avoid getting sucked into the suicidal price chopping games we’re seeing spread like bad weeds all over the Internet right now, isn’t it time you got serious about building your story selling chops?
Think back to your own buying experience. Visualize several pivotal purchases you made at some earlier point in your life. If it wasn’t the story you read in the sales copy that hooked you and got you to buy… or a story suggested by the sights and sounds and smells of the sales floor… it was a story you told yourself.
Why leave the story to chance?
How will your life change for the better when you’re able to easily and effortlessly create stunning conversion numbers for all of your products and services… reducing your cost of customer acquisition… and exploding your lifetime customer value? (Or if you’re a freelance copywriter or marketing consultant, imagine the rewards your clients will shower you with when you create that magic for them.)
Those outcomes have given me and my family the freedom to come and go on a whim… never worrying about rush hour traffic… bone headed bosses… or meaningless, mind-numbing work.
They’ve given us the peace of mind that comes from knowing our income is safe and secure no matter what happens to the economy. And for me personally — the deep sense of satisfaction I enjoy from being able to share this life changing knowledge with you.
If you follow my lead and get really good at selling with stories with this new course, I know your life can be much more than it is today.
Marketing – Sales online course
More information about Marketing – Sales:
Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. It is the business process of creating relationships with and satisfying customers.
Because marketing is used to attract customers, it is one of the primary components of business management and commerce.
Marketers can direct product to other businesses (B2B marketing) or directly to consumers (B2C marketing).
Regardless of who is being marketed to, several factors, including the perspective the marketers will use.
These market orientations determine how marketers will approach the planning stage of marketing. This leads into the marketing mix, which outlines the specifics of the product and how it will be sold.
This can in turn, be affected by the environment surrounding the product , the results of marketing research and market research, and the characteristics of the product’s target market.
Once these factors are determined, marketers must then decide what methods will be used to market the product.
This decision is based on the factors analyzed in the planning stage as well as where the product is in the product life cycle.
Sales are activities related to selling or the number of goods or services sold in a given time period.
The seller, or the provider of the goods or services, completes a sale in response to an acquisition, appropriation, requisition, or a direct interaction with the buyer at the point of sale.
There is a passing of title (property or ownership) of the item, and the settlement of a price, in which agreement is reached on a price for which transfer of ownership of the item will occur.
The seller, not the purchaser, typically executes the sale and it may be completed prior to the obligation of payment. In the case of indirect interaction,
A person who sells goods or service on behalf of the owner is known as a salesman or saleswoman or salesperson, but this often refers to someone selling goods in a store/shop,
In which case other terms are also common, including salesclerk, shop assistant, and retail clerk.
Salepage : Daniel Levis – Effortless Influence Basic
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