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Derek Rydall – Your Soul Purpose Blueprint
Derek Rydall – Your Soul Purpose Blueprint
**More information:
Did you know that the struggle between your true self and the delusions you’ve been indoctrinated into believing about yourself is what actually causes tension and emotional pain?
Did you know that, since you’ve been conditioned to feel you’re not enough, don’t have enough, or need something outside to “complete you,” financial issues are NOT caused by a lack of what’s coming to you but rather a lack of what you’re letting to enter through you?
Did you know that the majority of relationship problems (such as feeling unwanted, underappreciated, resentful, or alone) are caused by a lack of connection to your soul’s mission, which is where your self-worth, true power, and indestructible value reside?
Salepage : Derek Rydall – Your Soul Purpose Blueprint
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