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Dirk Zeller – The Complete Training Library
Dirk Zeller – The Complete Training Library
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It’s time to look at how to obtain if you really want to learn and excel in every step of the real estate sales process.
Real Estate Success Through Comprehensive, Systematic Training: The Complete Training Library
Greetings, Champion Agent.
It’s difficult not to feel pleased of what we’ve done after taking a look at the comprehensive training library we’ve put up over the previous eight or so years. In essence, it’s the most complete, systematic collection of Real Estate Training goods ever put together. In addition to addressing the subjects, my objective was to provide you with tried-and-true strategies, conversations, and resources. This way, whether you’re a seasoned Agent or a brand-new Agent, you can use these tools. You may practically boost your profession with any of these apps as soon as you start using them.
I also don’t want to claim exclusive credit. You have contributed both directly and indirectly to the creation of the Complete Training Library. You see, I set out to establish a training library that helps cover all facet of the Real Estate Sales Process after listening to your comments, recommendations, and advice over the years.
The tools are ready to use right out of the box for any agent.
When you choose to purchase the Complete Training Library, you can’t go wrong.
Did you notice the trophy up there amid the training aids? The trophy represents your success in the real estate market. Your ability to succeed still rests on you and the work you put into achieving it, but you may increase your chances by getting the right training to grow your talents.
The programs you’ll receive from The Complete Training Library are briefly described below:
Initial System: The Success TrioTM
One of the most frequent inquiries I receive each day is, “What should I do first? What initiatives should I fund first?” My response is usually the same: If you want to quickly improve your revenue and guarantee your success going forward, you need invest in a program that addresses the three key factors that will decide your degree of success and income.
I’ve seen it happen even with the most successful Top Producers I’ve mentored. If you don’t have these areas handled, you’re probably leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars in GCI on the table. What exactly are these foundational facets of your company? Look at this: Mastery of Your Leads: How to acquire more leads, qualify them, and follow up on them so you can convert much more prospects, while also saving hundreds of hours of effort. Delivering a Dynamic Listing Presentation: How to not only ace every listing presentation but also improve the number of in-person meetings you attend. Committing/Converting Your Customers: How to get highly driven customers to give you their full attention at almost every session you schedule
These areas are very crucial, but because there are so many factors to take into consideration, they are also quite challenging to master. Take it from me: creating the ideal scripts, methods, and particular systems to reach the peak of your real estate profession can take years of hard trial and error. It’s good to know that you’re not required to. The Success TrioTM gives you access to all that has been laboriously done for you.
The Tough Times Survival KitTM, system #2
I just assembled what I like to refer to as the “Tough Times Survival Kit” in reaction to the more challenging markets. It includes three comprehensive training modules that address the three most pressing issues that Agents are now facing. You should focus on the following three “mission-critical” areas to achieve Your Mission of Succeeding in Real Estate:
What are the “Fee Discounters” and how can you “Protect Your Commission” from them?
How do you develop the “Survival Sales Skills” required to seize every opportunity before your rivals do?
What positioning should you take to “Create Market Dominance” for yourself?
Objection Handling MasteryTM, System #3
What is the largest challenge for real estate agents when working with a prospect?
Objections, is the response.
We all detest them, and for the majority of us, if we aren’t ready for them, they will halt our progress completely. They at the very least cause us to get disoriented and to retreat. Deals cannot be closed if you are avoiding objections. This readymade objection handling training program was created for this reason.
How different would your life be if you knew the solutions to every seller and buyer objection? When an objection is raised, a lot of agents have the “deer in the headlights” expression, but our programs will provide you approximately 200 scripts and the know-how to use them to turn objections into sales chances.
You’ll be able to respond to almost any objection you could encounter and practically impervious to them. You owe it to yourself to invest in this software if you’ve ever experienced troubles with a Buyer or Seller destroying your progress with an objection.
Foreclosure MasteryTM, System #4
I frequently get asked, “Dirk, what’s going to be the next great thing?”
Foreclosures are going to be the next major thing for fresh lead generation, if you ask me that question specifically about lead generating.
In a market with 100,000 households, if you had timely access to foreclosure information and were prepared to handle this particular sort of lead, you could receive 100 to 595 completely new leads per month.
Prospects who are in foreclosure are typically viewed as garbage prospects by most Agents who are ill-equipped to manage them. As a result, you have limited competition in this market.
In order to help you originate, collect, qualify for, and turn foreclosures into new listings, I’ve developed a comprehensive method with many hours of audio instruction.
The whole process of using the RealtyTrac® Foreclosure leads distribution system to produce fresh leads and listings from the foreclosures and defaulted properties in your region is covered in this program.
System #5: The Ultimate Car Companion for REALTORS®
For this series, I’ve personally chosen and packed 10 of my greatest (and most beloved) one-hour audio training sessions.
With the help of this application, you can really transform the time you’ve been idly passing in your “office-on-wheels” into valuable Real Estate Training sessions.
Mastering Effective Scripts & Dialogues in a Changing MarketplaceTM is System #6.
This program will provide you with everything you need to streamline your business for increased income and commissions in today’s shifting marketplaces. It includes 15+ pages of scripts for both buyers and sellers, a 60+ page workbook full of tools, charts, graphs, and strategies, and roughly 4 hours of in-depth audio training and instruction.
Each script, tool, and approach has been created over the course of more than ten years in the real world and has been shown to provide excellent outcomes. You won’t have to learn by trial and error!
The issues I previously mentioned, including the fact that sellers are still holding onto the old market pricing and are unwilling to price their properties competitively, the fact that inventory is high and buyer urgency is low, the fact that the negative media has replaced the agent as the primary source of real estate information, and more, will all be addressed in this program for your benefit.
System #7: The Mega-Producers’ SecretsTM
You’ll learn in this program the key distinctions between the typical Agent and the Champion, as well as how to implement the necessary changes in your business (which most Agents never do) that have been developed over many years of field testing by myself and some of the most successful Agents in North America.
The main takeaway is that Mega-Producers employ 12 precise, well explained strategies to regularly do 80+ deals each year with high profit margins and more free time.
One of our coaches, who has experienced being both a struggling Agent and an Agent who routinely closes over 120 houses per year, provides additional training in addition to the audio from the live session I referenced above.
He obviously understands exactly what must be done for you to have comparable results, and we’ll show you how to do it step-by-step.
The Champion Agent’s Guide to Tough Market DominationTM is the eighth system.
We’ll provide you a more comprehensive strategy than we’ve ever shared before for producing more business from more lead sources. We’ll dissect the top 11 lead sources that can and should be used to generate business together. We’ll provide you with 5 whole business-in-a-box solutions for lead sources that you might not even be using at the moment.
You will receive a step-by-step sales methodology, complete with phone and in-person scripts for Expired Listings, For Sale By Owner, Foreclosures & Pre-foreclosures, Orphaned Clients, and Absent Non-Owner-Occupied Homeowners.
The 5 turn-key company growth modules (A-Z for both Sales & Marketing) are comprehensive and may be utilized together or separately.
Instant ListingsTM From Expireds, System #9
It is a complete collection of tried-and-true real estate sales and marketing methods, tactics, and strategies. It’s intended to transform any agent into an expert at converting expired listings into high-quality (easily closed) prospects, ultimately producing super-high-quality listings. It has all the components required for success with Expireds. You only need to increase your effort.
This program will walk you through each stage, from A to Z, and offer you the specific methods and tactics you need to get the outcomes you desire.
You’ll find a comprehensive Instant ListingsTM Marketing Plan there, which will enable you to approach prospects covertly and pique their interest in what you have to offer.
You’ll receive a full suite of tools that automate lead qualifying and give you more leverage since qualified prospects will start pursuing you. You won’t have to waste time phoning leads who aren’t interested anymore.
The Champion Real Estate Agent’sTM Audio Series, System #10
There are enough programs that offer theoretical perspectives on Champion Performance and how to succeed as a real estate agent; this program does not. I’ll provide the precise route up the mountain that I found and took myself more than 15 years ago. I’ve been refining that approach to make the journey faster for folks like you and me after mentoring people along that same road for over 10 years. I want to make clear that this program was not developed from the perspective of, “Now that I’m a Champion Agent, what should I do to grow, expand, and boost my business and production?” Less than 1% of those who work in real estate would actually benefit from that kind of program.
For agents that desire to advance to the Champion Agent Level, this program was developed. I’ve noticed that some of the most popular books on real estate sales recently are theoretical in character; they outline the journey of a hugely successful agent after they have already built up a sizable clientele and a large staff. What did they do, say, believe, advertise, prospect, oversee, and perfect in order to reach the mountain’s peak? You can get all of that in The Champion Real Estate AgentTM. Your achievements will be outlined in this program.
System #11: The Ultimate Business Planning Kit for REALTORS®
Most people just have a few “wishes” for their life and real estate business. Most Agents fall well short of their “hidden desires” since these haven’t yet been articulated, prioritized, or crystallized. This may sound familiar to you. Oh, please, be sincere! I am adamant that NO ONE should conduct business or live their life in such a manner. Almost as essential, you’ll learn how to create a business plan that you can implement with actions, benchmarks, processes, strategy, and tactics to help you reach whatever goals and objectives you have in mind. This has been demonstrated by the techniques I’ll share with you, as you can read in the case study lower down the page.
Five Steps to Your Best Year EverTM with System #12
The course covers the essential skills needed for both career and personal success. A extra sixth step that Dirk reveals has fundamentally altered his life over the past eight years. Learn how to use this technique to your life to generate incredible money. Don’t let the fact that the year is halfway through or that it’s getting close to the finish line stop you. Decide right now to approach things a bit differently moving ahead, and then follow Dirk as he outlines five of the most crucial things you must do over the coming few months in order to have YOUR greatest year ever.
The Real Estate Success Library is the third system.
You’ll get each of Dirk’s six books:
The Champion Real Estate AgentTM, Your 1st Year in Real EstateTM, Successful Time Management for Dummies®, Success as a Real Estate Agent for Dummies®, Telephone Sales for Dummies®, and The Champion Real Estate TeamTM
The Complete Digital Library is system number 14.
You will receive unrestricted access to our training hub, which houses my entire digital training library, as well as limitless downloads. titles consist of:
* 7 Ingenious Ways to Stream Audio to Expand Your Production *
How to Make $100K More a Year – Streaming Audio
Five Steps for a Strong Finish – Streaming Audio
The Champion’s Mindset: Streaming Audio
e-Book, “Jump Start Your Production”
e-book called “Blueprint for Success”
e-Book on How to Succeed in Tough Markets and Times
The following are the contents of The Complete Training Library:
System 1: The Success TrioTM (Value: $297)
The Tough Times Survival KitTM (System 2) (Value: $397)
Objection Handling MasteryTM System 3 ($397 Value)
System 4: Foreclosure MasteryTM (Value: $497)
System 5: The Ultimate Car Companion for REALTORS® ($197 Value)
Mastering Effective Scripts & Dialogues in a Changing MarketplaceTM with System 6 [$147 Value]
The mega-producers’ secrets are revealed in System 7TM. [$147 Value]
The Champion Agent’s Guide to Tough Market DominationTM (System 8) (Value: $397)
Instant ListingsTM From Expireds, System 9 [$297 Value]
The Champion Real Estate Agent’sTM Audio Series (System 10) [Value: $67]
System 11: The Ultimate Business Planning Kit for REALTORS® ($247 Value)
Five Steps to Your Best Year EverTM with System 12 [$57 Value]
The Real Estate Success Library (System 13) [$97 Value]
System 14: The Full Digital LibraryTM (Value: $97)
Value in total: $3,338
$1,341 in total savings (as opposed to if you ordered everything separately)
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