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Ericksonian Hypnosis for Depression
Ericksonian Hypnosis for Depression
**More information:
Even with your most profoundly depressed customers, make a difference.
Obtain a “50,000 Foot View” of hypnotic treatment techniques so that you may better understand the requirements of your clients and how to meet those demands.
Learn techniques that you may apply right away in your life and practice.
Gain information and skills by studying the most recent depression research.
To increase the effectiveness of your existing therapy method, learn how to include hypnotic techniques.
Michael Yapko, keynote
The effectiveness of experiential learning in the instruction of mood regulation skills in the treatment of depression under hypnosis
Depression Treatment When treating depression, Hypnotically and Strategically stresses the value of using proactive and precisely focused therapies. What treatment strategy you are most likely to employ as a clinician depends on how you perceive the nature of depression and respond to fundamental concerns, such as what causes depression.
Regardless of your chosen orientation, depression specialists concur that treatment must be active and multifaceted. Furthermore, well-designed experiential learning processes play a bigger role in treatment as we understand more about the biology of depression, particularly neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. These include of employing task assignments and concentration techniques like hypnosis.
You’ll discover:
How hypnosis may improve the receptivity of your client while also boosting the effectiveness and force of your treatments.
To uncover particular thought patterns that affect therapy response so you may use hypnotic techniques to increase their effectiveness as catalysts
How hypnosis may be employed to promote behavioral activation Whatever your theoretical framework, research demonstrates that we must encourage our clients to act and try out new behaviors. You can accomplish it through hypnosis.
Clinical psychologist and marital and family therapist Michael D. Yapko, Ph.D., practices in Fallbrook, California. He often imparts knowledge to professional audiences across the world due to his work in therapeutic hypnosis, short psychotherapy, and the strategic treatment of depression. In addition to his most recent book, Mindfulness and Hypnosis, he is the author of 13 other publications, including Breaking the Patterns of Depression, Depression is Contagious, Treating Depression With Hypnosis, and the classic work The Psychology of Hypnosis. Trancework: A Guide to Clinical Hypnosis in Practice (4th ed.)
Introduction: Bill O’Hanlon
Out of the blue: six natural remedies for depression
People who are depressed frequently obsess on the same ideas, concentrate their attention in the same directions, and repeat the same behaviors (like stay in bed). With the help of our current understanding of the brain, we can develop some straightforward yet effective interventions to help depressed people begin to emerge from their hopeless situation. This presentation will demonstrate how these things are similar to producing and reinforcing a “bad trance”-like state.
You’ll discover:
Describe how sadness is like a poor trance and how to get out of it and into a better one.
Learn how to employ a variety of non-drug therapies to assist your clients recover from depression and break its unpleasant spell while significantly lowering recurrence rates.
Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of brain plasticity for those who are depressed. You will be better able to connect with your customers and make effective interventions as a result.
“My favorite presentation, I believe, was Bill’s. It was full of excellent ideas that I can apply to my job. I sense that the work is concrete. In a day or two, I’ll go back and listen once more.
Cheers!” Ann F
36 books have been written by or with Bill O’Hanlon, MS, LMFT, including Out of the Blue: Six Natural Ways to Beat Depression (W.W. Norton). He has more than 60 papers and book chapters published. 16 languages have versions of his books:. He has made appearances on several television and radio shows, including The Today Show, Oprah, and many more with his book Do One Thing Different. Bill has delivered more than 3500 speeches worldwide since 1977.
He has delivered highly regarded presentations at several national conferences and was honored in 2001 by the New England Educational Institute as Outstanding Mental Health Educator of the Year. Bill holds licenses as a marriage and family therapist, a certified professional counselor, and a licensed mental health professional. He is renowned for his ability to tell stories, his irreverent humor, his straightforward approach, and his unbridled excitement for whatever he is working on. Both amusing and instructive, his speeches are.
Debra Daitch
Getting Your Life Back: Using Hypnosis to Treat Depression
Debra Daitch
The purpose of this workshop is to introduce cutting-edge and successful hypnotherapeutic methods for the treatment of depression. By changing the cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physical reactions that go along with depression, hypnosis is a potent tool that can assist your clients in managing their symptoms. This makes it a potent complement to both cognitive and behavioral therapies for depression. With the use of the hypnotherapeutic adjuncts offered, mental health practitioners from diverse backgrounds may expand their clinical toolkit and give clients with rapid, simple approaches for treating depression.
Your options include:
Explain the benefits of using hypnotherapeutic methods in conjunction with conventional depression treatments (for you, your clients and any organization where you need to justify your treatment protocol)
Choose and put into practice a number of treatments that can assist your clients in reducing the sense of helplessness brought on by sadness, such as demonstrating two brief but potent trances called “quick forward” and “the wise self.”
Select two interventions (with transcripts) that can be used to reach stronger aspects of oneself that can control more susceptible aspects.
Author, lecturer, trainer, and psychologist Carolyn Daitch, Ph.D. In Farmington Hills, Michigan, she serves as the center’s director for the treatment of anxiety disorders. She divides her time between clinical work, oversight, consultancy, and instruction. She is renowned for her doable, straightforward interventions.
The internationally acclaimed Affect Regulation Toolbox: Practical and Effective Hypnotic Interventions for the Over-reactive Client (W.W. Norton), written by Dr. Daitch, was released in 2007. In addition, Dr. Daitch is co-author of Anxious in Love: How to Manage Your Anxiety, Reduce Conflict, and Reconnect with Your Partner (W.W. Norton, 2011) and the author of Anxiety Disorders: The Go-To Guide for Clients and Therapists (New Harbinger, 2012). The Road to Calm Workbook: Life-Changing Tools to Stop Runaway Emotions is her most recent endeavor (W.W. Norton, In Press).
Andreas, Steve
The Different Faces of Loss and Solutions.
SteveAndreas Grieving a loss, which can take many different forms, is a major cause of sadness. A person or connection, a place, a beloved activity, information, or a material thing can all be lost. Even the loss of something that was only ever intended to be a beloved fantasy may be devastating. Thinking of the loss as far away leads to grief, which produces an emptiness. Resolution happens when the individual connects with the cherished memory again and makes it a part of their experience, together with all the pleasant emotions.
You’ll discover:
How to trigger grief in reaction to a loss: Internal mental structure (loss of a person, desired futures and other commonly encountered losses).
How to uncover the inner mental structure of a loss that is perceived as a resourceful, good present-day experience.
How to assist your customers quickly change their lives by transforming the “felt experience” of sorrow into a good, productive present.
One of the most active NLP developers is Steve Andreas. Since discovering NLP in 1977, he has studied, practiced, and researched it. Since the early 1980s, he has also created new NLP patterns. One of the earliest NLP institutes was co-founded by him and his wife Connirae in Boulder, Colorado, in 1979. The two-volume series Six Blind Elephants: Understanding Ourselves and Each Other, Transforming Negative Self-Talk (2012), and MORE Transorming Negative Self-Talk (2014) are recent works by him (2006). He also published Virginia Satir: The Patterns of her Magic (2002) and Transforming Yourself: Becoming Who You Want To Be (2002). (1991). Heart of the Mind (1989), Change Your Mind (1987), and the NLP 24 Day Practitioner Certification Training Manual are books he co-wrote with Connirae (1986). His website has a ton of free articles: Rob McNeilly,
What Potential Benefits Does Solution Hypnosis Have for the Treatment of Depression?
Version 3 of JF04951 In this talk, I’ll invite you to consider what hypnosis in general and solution hypnosis in particular can add to this discussion. We’ll look at how we can more respectfully adapt our approach to each client’s unique experience of depression by identifying what might be missing for them and assisting them in connecting with it so they can eventually find their own solution, which is frequently accomplished in a surprisingly quick and lasting manner.
Self-care will also be a topic of discussion. That is, how to keep yourself from being sad.
You’ll discover:
how to identify the particular experiences that each of your customers requires in order to recover from depression.
to make clear what could be missing for each person, resulting in a more respectful and quick recovery from depression.
Connecting individuals to their experience resources via ericksonian tactics will make it easier for them to alter their behavior and partake in joyful activities.
ways to prevent therapy exhaustion and prevent “catching” depression.
Rob has uncovered numerous simple and effective techniques to work with people for change that are both useful and enjoyable. He has also opened up new possibilities using hypnosis. Mello Neil
For ten years, Dr. Robert McNeilly worked in a suburban Melbourne general medical practice. He had the opportunity to study directly with Milton Erickson, was moved by his humanistic approach to therapy, and developed his own interpretation to help clients deal with the problems that affect individuals, couples, and families in a respectful and dignified manner.
To offer Ericksonian Hypnosis and the Solution Oriented Approach to hypnosis, counseling, and coaching in Australia, he formed the CET in 1988. His unique teaching methods, writing, and therapeutic approaches have been recognized locally, nationally, and internationally for more than 30 years. These contributions include numerous invited presentations at the Milton H. Erickson Foundation’s International Congresses in the United States since 1980, as well as workshops in Singapore and Denmark since 1999. Students praise his kind demeanor and exquisite ability to simplify complicated concepts without losing their core.
Johnson, Lynn
Changing States: How Hypnosis Can Fight Depression
Johnson, Lyn
It is untrue that CBT works better than other therapies for depression, despite the fact that it is undoubtedly useful. Clinicians will learn an easy method of self-hypnosis (autogenic training) in this briefing, which has been proven to significantly lower recurrence. In order to demonstrate why this ability is so important to you as a compassionate doctor, we will also discuss research on meditation and depression recovery.
Master a straightforward method of self-hypnosis that is simple to learn and that lowers anxiety, tension, and sadness. It is very simple to apply to bodily discomfort.
You’ll discover:
Self-hypnosis is a simple technique that may be learned, practiced, and used to help with chronic pain, depression, and a variety of other problems.
How self-hypnosis alleviates depression and how inflammation contributes to its onset.
How an understanding of inflammation explains the advantages of self-hypnosis and meditation.
Lynn Johnson has over 35 years of experience as a licensed psychologist and holds a Ph.D. in counseling psychology from the University of Utah. He has produced over 20 professional articles, has seven books in print and others in electronic format, and has a private clinic in Utah called the Brief Therapy Center. In addition to every state, he has given seminars in Japan, England, Germany, and Spain. His interests include rearing kids and grandkids.
Just added new bonuses!
From our vast library of presentations, here are a few uncommon and really powerful ones:
A Multidimensional View of Use “by Dr. Helen Erickson
“The idea of Utilization has become the cornerstone of Ericksonian practice for the majority of practitioners. However, a lot of people still talk about it in terms of what the practitioner does for the client. Utilization is seen from a different angle as a means of seeing the customer. In contrast to the second, which stresses the client’s point of view as the foundation for the therapist’s work, the first emphasizes the therapist’s work. The link and ramifications for the two views are examined in this presentation.”
Rob McNeilly’s lifting depression video case demonstration
Watch Rob conduct an Ericksonian hypnosis session with a “depressed” subject to see it in action.”
Starting In The Middle: Ericksonian Hypnosis for Psychosis by Gabrielle Peacock, M.D.
Many people questioned whether or not hypnosis should be utilized with those who have been given the label “psychotic” or other similar diagnoses. Gabrielle Peacock discusses her experiences dealing with people who had varying degrees of what she refers to as “a mastery at dissociation” and what the medical model could refer to as psychosis, bipolar disease, or the dissociative spectrum disorders. Many of her tactics work well with those who have been classified as “depressed.”
Free transcripts for all presentations and bonuses are included, as are six free CEs (CE tests must be completed before October 28, 2017).
You may keep any presentations you make permanently. Six continuing education modules for psychologists, social workers, nurses, marriage and family therapists, licensed professional counselors, and licensed mental health counselors are available to watch online or to download (see below)
All presentations may be seen online right now and will remain up until the end of the next year. The presentations for this conference are available for viewing or downloading at any time.
Hypnosis coures
Hypnosis is a human condition involving focused attention, reduced peripheral awareness, and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestiom.
There are competing theories explaining hypnosis and related phenomena.
Altered state theories see hypnosis as an altered state of mind or trance, marked by a level of awareness different from the ordinary state of consciousness.
In contrast, nonstate theories see hypnosis as, variously, a type of placebo effect, a redefinition of an interaction with a therapist or form of imaginative role enactment.
During hypnosis, a person is said to have heightened focus and concentration.
Hypnotized subjects are said to show an increased response to suggestions.
Hypnosis usually begins with a hypnotic induction involving a series of preliminary instructions and suggestion.
The use of hypnotism for therapeutic purposes is referred to as “hypnotherapy”, while its use as a form of entertainment for an audience is known as “stage hypnosis”.
Stage hypnosis is often performed by mentalists practicing the art form of mentalism.
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