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how to manipuate and control the mind of others for fun and profit by Tom Schreiter
how to manipuate and control the mind of others for fun and profit by Tom Schreiter
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Salepage : how to manipuate and control the mind of others for fun and profit by Tom Schreiter
About Author
Tom Schreiter
Tom “Big Al” Schreiter has 46+ years experience in network marketing and MLM. As the author of the original “Big Al” training books in the late 1970s, he has continued to speak in over 90 countries on using the exact words and phrases to get prospects to open up their mind and say “YES”.
Anyone can receive his free weekly tips by going to
* Need more leads?
* Want better prospects?
* Curious on what steps to teach distributors to be a leader?
* Want to know how to build a bigger downline?
* Desire to be a better closer?
* Want to build instant rapport?
* Want to be more successful in MLM and network marketing?
* Or just want to be a better networker?
Tom “Big Al” Schreiter gives you the step-by-step exact words to say, and exactly what to do.
As the author of numerous audio trainings, Tom is a favorite speaker and trainer at company conventions and regional events.
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