Courses Infomation
Learn & Master Piano
Learn & Master Piano
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Are you ready to really learn the piano? Perhaps you had lessons as a child. You may have taught yourself a few songs here and there. Or maybe you’ve never played a single note. The point is, you’ve never really learned to play. Are you ready?
Learn & Master Piano is by far the world’s most complete video instruction course for learning piano. Designed to walk you through from start to finish, Learn & Master Piano is the only instructional tool you’ll need as you strive to finally learn this wonderful instrument – even if you’re sitting down to it for the very first time.
Learn & Master Piano is designed primarily for adults. Unlike the lessons many of us had as children, you will begin playing popular songs right away and then develop your skills using a simple step-by-step progression.
The course consists of 20 DVDs, 5 play-along CDs and a 100+ page lesson book, all crammed with step-by-step instruction, clear demonstrations, and popular songs you already know, such as “Let it Be,” “Blueberry Hill,” and “Moondance,” just to name a few.
You also get full access to our online student support site where you can question our instructors, post your profile, track your progress, chat with other students, and join in the fun as we all learn piano together.
Learn & Master Piano
The DVD’s
The twenty DVDs contained in Learn & Master Piano are really the heart of this course. Each lesson is clearly explained and demonstrated, so you know exactly what and how to practice. And because it’s from Legacy Learning Systems, you know the training quality is of the highest caliber.
Learn & Master Piano
Topics Covered
Learn and Master Piano covers everything from the very basics through the most advanced techniques. There’s no way we could list everything here, but here are a few of the things you will learn—and master!
Learn & Master Piano
Styles Covered
One of the first things people want to know is “What style of piano will I learn to play?” We all have our favorite styles of music, so it’s only natural that you’d be most interested in playing what you like. Unlike most piano courses, Learn & Master Piano is complete enough to offer training in all of the most popular styles. You can study them all or just the ones that interest you most.
Learn & Master Piano
Play-Along CD’s
This is where the fun comes in! These five CDs allow you to play along with an actual band, using the very same songs you’ll be learning in your lessons. There’s no better way to learn than by playing, and there’s no way to play that’s more fun than jamming with a band. You’ll be amazed at how much fun this makes your practice time! Your friends and family will be impressed, too, at how soon you are playing such beautiful music.
Learn & Master Piano
More Experienced Piano Players
If you are an intermediate player, chances are you’ve learned by picking things up here and there on your own. You may have taken a few lessons. You may have read a few books or watched a few videos. You may or may not have learned to read music. You’ve enjoyed being able to play the basics, but now you’re ready to move beyond that. Learn & Master Piano is your answer.
Learn & Master Piano
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