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Murray N.Rothbard – Making Economic Sense
Murray N.Rothbard – Making Economic Sense
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Have you ever watched the business news and wondered what Murray Rothbard would have to say about it?
Even as he worked on his monumental scholarly treatises, I continued to be a news junkie throughout his life.
No academic snob, he shared Mises’ view that economics was everyone’s business.
You can find his ongoing analysis of all the economic problems that plagued the world between 1982 and 1995 in this book. The headlines today are about the same things! This substantial book (551 pages) by this accomplished economist aims to educate the public about economic theory and policy through articles that were published in the Mises Institute’s monthly. This is the Second Edition that has been expanded and it has 117 articles, some of which were omitted from the First Edition. Along with his well-known essay “Protectionism and the Destruction of Prosperity,” a new essay on fixed exchange rates, and an obituary of Ludwig von Mises, it contains “Taking Money Back,” a 25-page populist defense of the gold standard. Robert Murphy wrote a brand-new introduction to it as well. It is nearly 100 pages longer as a result of this. No economist has ever written about topics that are typically shrouded in mystery with such clarity. Rothbard is lucid and persuasive throughout his discussion of central banking, interest rates, and exchange rates. That is what makes this book both wonderful and dangerous to those who spread economic nonsense and those who impose their viewpoints on the general population. According to Robert Murphy, this book is the most likely to pique readers’ interest in economic issues. The prose of Rothbard is sharp and powerful, and his reasoning is convincing at every turn.
Financial Development Course
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