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Price Action Chronicles 2007-2008 by Bruce Gilmore
Price Action Chronicles 2007-2008 by Bruce Gilmore
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The Price Action Chronicles come in 2 volumes and covers a period from 23rd April 2007 until 2nd APRIL 2008 from early in the the end of the S&P 500 Bull Market until the bail out period where the FED stepped in to save the situation.
Loads of examples and descriptive charts using our WaveTrader software. These volumes are as close as you will get to the real thing as they have been written from day to day over the subject period.
The 2 volumes are a very cheap way of finding out if our method is suitable to you and if you want to make a career trading with a method that will work better than anything else you have ever experienced. If you are looking for reasons why you got caught in a severe market downturn these volumes will set you straight.
Basically these volumes with real time examples of how we approach trading the ES on a day to day basis will show exactly the way we apply our software and our method to trading opportunity and also explains the logic to our ES trading approach. There is a bit of everything for everyone.
THESE CHRONICLES WILL BE EXCELLENT FOLLOW UP MATERIAL FOR STUDENTS OF OUR PRICE ACTION TRADING MANUAL AS the S&P market traversed three major swings in a volatile trading range of over 300 points throughout the subject period.
You will be able to see first hand how we evaluate the market on a day to day basis, whatever I wrote before the next days trading remains unedited as the Chronicles unfolded.
Salepage : Price Action Chronicles 2007-2008 by Bruce Gilmore
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