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Ron LeGrand – Turn $10 Into $10,000 in 30 Days
Ron LeGrand – Turn $10 Into $10,000 in 30 Days
Archive : Ron LeGrand – Turn $10 Into $10,000 in 30 Days
Rehab Is A Pain!
With a fortunate discovery in 1989, I discovered how to earn more money while working less.
In 1989, after more than seven years of house-buying and house-selling, I had finished more than a thousand transactions. All of them were either rehabs I had completed and sold to owner-occupants, or wholesale flipping.
Three years had passed since the 1986 tax code reform that upended the real estate industry and caused mayhem.
Interest rates were high, the economy wasn’t doing well, and news reports showed that real estate was in bad shape.
My home city of Jacksonville, Florida, has recently seen the closing on the acquisition of a property on Prospect St.
The value after repairs was around $80,000 and cost $10,000. I took out a private loan from one of my lenders for $40,000 to pay for the $20,000 purchase price, renovations, and closing charges. I kept roughly $9,000 for other purposes, such as my personal account.
I intended to renovate the home as I had many hundred times before. It was just another deal; I had the personnel prepared and was familiar with the industry.
I had no idea that this unattractive small cottage would soon impact the landscape for years to come and inspire a brand-new escape plan that I would repeatedly employ.
On that day, I had a sign with the following words placed in the front yard:
For Sale by Owner Construction Is In Progress
The following day, we received a call from a man who insisted on speaking with the owner; I answered it and learned that he was an employee of a building firm.
He said I could discount the house for him if he completed the repairs himself and purchased his own supplies.
He surprised me, so the only thing I could answer was, “I don’t know. How much would you pay?
He said, “$75,000.”
I decided to lease option the house to him for $600 a month in rent and a $1,000 nonrefundable deposit since I instantly realized we were onto something.
After he finished the project and resolved some credit difficulties seven months later, we were able to get him approved for an FHA loan, and my new Work for Equity Program was formed.
You ask, “What’s the big deal?”
Let’s look at the facts that progressively clicked into place for me, and you’ll see the significance.
I retained the $10,000 set aside to fix the house because he fixed it with his money.
He was in charge of all pre-, during-, and post-repair work. This means that I didn’t engage a contractor, endure expensive remodeling delays, or field calls from buyers asking me to remedy issues I had assumed were resolved.
Without making any repairs, I sold the house for 95% of its after-repair value.
Finding and qualifying choosy purchasers for a loan was not my problem.
I was able to pay my interest, taxes, and insurance by collecting enough rent from a residence that required repairs.
He offered me $1,000 in non-refundable cash, which I was free to use anyway I pleased.
Even if he didn’t make the repairs, I knew I wouldn’t be worse off if he left than I was before I let him move in.
Then I sat down and calculated my earnings from this Work for Equity contract vs a typical rehab deal. It appeared as follows: Repair Agreement Work for Equity
Market value
Rent received 0 $ 4 200
Purchase $30,000 $30,000\sRepairs
$10,000 0$ Sales expense
Concern (12%)
$2,400 (6 months) (6 months)
$2,800 (7 months) (7 months)
Taxes, insurance, and maintenance expenses (about $300 monthly)
$1,800 (6 months) (6 months)
$2,100 (7 months) (7 months)
Net $37,800
All repairs were made by the tenant buyer using his funds.
My seller concession on closing expenses was far less than what you would spend to close a buyer with fresh financing, and the buyer has time to gather some funds to apply to charges. I had no marketing costs to incur in order to sell the property.
Which is superior, then?
Do you require a moment? Yes, I did make 50% more money by forgoing treatment.
Incredible, huh?
I can attest to my shock. But I found a brand-new exit route that none of the experts had ever mentioned, and I proceeded to do hundreds of these transactions.
and do so even today
I just recorded my first-ever all-day Work for Equity course, and I included everything I had learned since my initial Work for Equity agreement.
For a little fee, you now have the opportunity to learn every last detail of my years of knowledge, which will all be recouped with the first monthly payment you will miss on an empty rehab waiting for a contractor to finish and a buyer to get certified.
What I covered is as follows:
Who makes the greatest purchasers and which homes make the best candidates. Work for equity won’t work if either is done incorrectly.
Why you will always lose money on a rehab, yet your after-tax profit might add additional 20% to your net on a Work for Equity.
How to properly borrow private capital to ensure that you have no ongoing monthly payments, have at least $10,000 extra cash on hand the day you buy, and how to avoid the lethal pitfalls that inexperienced investors sometimes fall into. You’ve got mine.
Why working for equity is the ideal solution for any subject-to transactions you uncover that require improvement but for which you lack the funding.
What you should do in the first 30 days in order to always have a backup plan prepared and what you might need to do in specific circumstances in order to find a buyer
How I utilize labor for equity to sell even foreclosed homes to investors and earn three times as much as you would on a wholesale deal.
The good, the bad, and the ugly of leasing options for sales with owner financing are covered in depth.
How to estimate the after-repair worth in today’s market so you can decide how much to buy and how much to sell it for. You’ll learn how to use my pricing strategy to make the most money possible while avoiding losing customers.
How to quickly compile a long list of equity buyers so that you have many options before you discover the home.
You will receive new forms that you can use around the house, a sales letter for selling work in exchange for equity, a buyer’s Q&A form, and detailed instructions on how to discover and prescreen your prospects.
A checklist can help you remember everything during your encounter with potential customers.
How to obtain additional funds above the rent in order to aid your buyer in saving for a down payment, as well as my unique down payment assistance agreement and my unique work for equity lease option arrangement. Without this agreement, don’t even consider placing a tenant buyer in a property that needs maintenance. It may be expensive. How do you suppose I found out this? Just so you know, preparing this agreement alone cost me $6,000, and it is worth far more than the price you would pay for my complete Work for Equity System.
Choosing the date by which the repairs are to be finished, creating the repair list and agreement, monitoring without physical visits, being paid to examine, and what to do if repairs aren’t completed on time.
How to remove a property from the market by processing several contracts with deposits from each buyer simultaneously.
I wish I had discovered this unique form sooner because it took me 15 years to do so. Never sign a sales contract to lock up your house before you’re set to close. In my system, you’ll discover why.
how to fix any negative credit so your buyer would be eligible after the fixes. It will be done for you, and you’ll get paid to give this vital service to your client. works equally well for you. You’ll hear from the man who can repair your credit if it requires it, whether it has foreclosures, bankruptcies, judgements, late payments, IRS liens, or anything else.
How to ensure that your buyer receives fresh finance, what has to be done along the road, and why you need a system otherwise.
Why you earn more money if you do it well and how you may sometimes acquire the resources to truly flood your system with customers.
How to handle your business such that you succeed regardless of what your customer does, even if they decide not to purchase or renovate the property. My 21 years of work for equity experience have revealed all the trade secrets, and you will avoid making a lot of years’ worth of blunders because of it.
You won’t want to undergo any more rehabilitation after you fully comprehend my Work for Equity system. It just doesn’t make mathematical sense, to be honest.
Given that it takes seven months to receive your cash out, you might be asking where your cash flow originates from.
Here is the response:
$10,000 was aside for repairs in addition to $20,000 for the private financing.
Several days later, the customer paid $1,000.
7 months at a cost of $600 per month.
$10,000 is available to me after my buyer has completed the repairs.
Cash flow before I cashed out was $21,600.
when I cash out, $28,700.
You can see that you won’t go hungry while you wait to get paid.
What if there were 10–20 of these agreements with renters going on at once?
You see, for every rehab task, you may complete five of these. As a result, there will be more transactions, less labor, no need for contractors, expensive delays, tenant buyer-paid holding expenses, checks that are delayed by sluggish lenders, and price wrangling.
You may get hard copy CDs and manuals to be mailed to your door; everything is in my system. Even the physical copy of the Wholesaling Houses course you just purchased will be included for a dollar. Therefore, for $197, you’ll have the handbook and CDs for both courses sent right to your home. This course will soon be made available to the general public for $597, which is a great deal.
On your first deal, holding expenses alone will more than pay for the low expense, much alone the money you saved on repairs and closing fees. In fact, the rent that you would receive on Work for Equity that you would never receive on a rehab only covered the cost of my system.
It seems like a simple choice. You should order it right now so you may listen to the CDs before submitting your next bid to purchase a home. This method will change your offer and alert you to certain current recessionary pitfalls.
Act right now.
Turn $10 Into $10,000 in 30 Days by Ron LeGrand, Turn $10 Into $10,000 in 30 Days by Groupbuy, Turn $10 Into $10,000 in 30 Days for Free, Turn $10 Into $10,000 in 30 Days Torrent, and Turn $10 Into $10,000 in 30 Days Course Download. Turn $10 Into $10,000 in 30 Days Review of Ron LeGrand’s “Turn $10 Into $10,000 in 30 Days”
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