Courses Infomation
Tradingology by Dave Vallieres
Tradingology by Dave Vallieres
**More information:
Description There are more than 40 videos in the course organized in 11 “modules”. Each module contains “hands-on” videos that guide you through the topics covered.
We use videos because you can “See” exactly what to do as you learn, and you can watch them over and over again to review and develop your understanding.
You watch these videos on your home computer … we will give you the username and password you need to access them at any time of the day or night, whenever it is convenient for your schedule.
The modules in the course are …
Description: This module is designed to introduce you to a new way to trade stocks and options, as a business. Emphasis is placed on risk management and the creation of a portfolio of operations that can be managed “by the numbers”. Learning the trade, acquiring the necessary skills to be successful in this business.
This module contains 3 videos.
Description: “Greeks” play a key role in their commercial business. I totally demystify them and tell them exactly what the Greeks are and, in practical and easy to understand language, I demonstrate how they impact their business. The Greeks are the numbers you need to understand to profitably manage your portfolio.
Includes special report! Also included in this module is the most comprehensive and easy-to-read 5-page CONFIDENTIAL REPORT on how to benefit from “The Greeks” available in the world (yes, the world and no, I’m not kidding).
Description: We have set the stage, now is the time to continue the work in question. This is where things get good and interesting. What positions do we take? How do we determine when and how? Do “graphics” matter? What is the big picture behind what we are doing?
This module contains 5 videos.
Description: Build a portfolio by placing positions that work together. This is where many traders go wrong: they take individual positions and don’t understand how they affect their overall portfolio.
In this module you will learn why diversification in terms, prices and strategies is key to making money.
Description: ThinkorSwim (TOS), in my opinion, is the best broker and has the best trading platform available. If you had to pay separately for the kind of analytics tools that provide you as an account holder, it would cost you many hundreds of dollars a month in fees, with TOS being free. I take you inside the TOS platform and help you access the power you have at your fingertips.
(There are other programs / software that you can use to analyze your operations, but TOS is free when you open an account).
Description: Now that we have built our portfolio, how do we manage it by numbers? We learned the Greeks, now is the time to put them into action. The key to success is knowing how to look at the numbers and knowing, without a doubt, what they mean and what to do with them.
This module contains 5 videos.
Description: What happens when our numbers don’t look good? This is where 99% of all traders are killed in the market … they have no idea what to do when a position goes against them and they lose money. Too bad because exchanges can be saved for profit!
Imagine making a small change in your position and increasing your chances of making a profit! That’s what adjustment can do!
At Trading As A Business, we KNOW what to do. We trade with confidence. We know and understand that when an operation goes against us, it is an OPPORTUNITY to add to our portfolio by adjusting. I call it Smart Capital Allocation. The art of adjustments is the missing link in trading options and stocks that hardly anyone teaches.
Description: How to close positions to get maximum profits. How and when to close positions. The risks of maintaining positions in the expiration week. When and how to “buy” short-term insurance to protect your earnings and increase your wealth in the due week. How to close positions and obtain surplus free trades that, although small, have the possibility to DOUBLE our earnings.
This module contains 5 videos.
Description: What types of technical analysis help us in our business? There are only a few key analysis tools that can help you determine the market direction probabilities and I tell you exactly what the Part 1 probabilities are, as well as giving you an idea of ​​why the market is going up and down in an apparently random way. .
I will also give you a historical perspective on market movements since 1900 and give you a realistic plan of attack to determine the future direction of the market based on objective evidence. In Part 2, I dive into short-term metrics that can sharpen your edge in the markets to improve your trading time. Then I will tell you about an indicator that I came across, which predicts the direction of the short-term and opening market with a surprising degree of precision, as well as how to determine intraday movements and how to know if money is entering or leaving the stocks and what it means for intraday price trends.
Description: Not a single one of these strategies requires any knowledge of “technical analysis.” It can help, but it is not mandatory. These can make money if the market goes up or down.
These are strategies that can be managed based on “the numbers”. One important thing to mention: There are ways to earn money that are NOT obvious. For example, when you buy a stock, you understand that when you go down you lose money and when you go up you make money. Right? But did you know that there are ways to make money even when stocks go down … and I’m not talking about a little money?
When good stocks go down, the strategy I describe in Strategy # 1 can make more money than if they go up. How can it be? It’s something I’ve been studying for years, and it’s always worked and I think it can’t stop working …
Explosive strategy # 1:
With this method, I show how it is possible to turn a $ 14,000 trade into a $ 75,000 profit in just 8 months. The most money at risk? Only $ 650. That is the total amount at risk when the position was started and no more money was put into the position. Incredible profit / loss ratio. And it doesn’t matter if the stock goes up or down, but it requires a longer period of time: 6 to 8 months.
It is not uncommon for these trades to create the profits you can boast of. Do you want to make a killing in the market? There is nothing better than this.
Explosive strategy # 2:
Another method I call “Flipping Stocks” allows me to buy stocks cheaper than anyone else and if the market doesn’t cooperate with my plan, I get paid to wait until I do!
This is for bigger players with more capital … but when you have $ 15k or more to put to work, these long-term exchanges can generate explosive profits.
Explosive strategy # 3:
Are you interested in learning a new strategy that has unlimited upside or downside potential and only $ 50 of risk? This strategy is extremely powerful and one of the biggest real “secrets” that no one has discussed that I know of. Wait until you see the power of this strategy.
This is a perfect strategy to reproduce earnings reports, acquisition news, and any stocks you think will move big in any direction with little risk.
Explosive strategy # 4:
If you want to be more active in stocks but hate risk, you’ll love it. Daily trading without the risk normally associated with daily trading.
It can be configured to be a “semi-automatic” trading system. Very powerful and, again, another low-risk, high-gain strategy for the most active participants (requires $ 25,000 capital due to “trading day pattern” regulations).
Explosive strategy # 5:
If you liked the idea of ​​monthly income transactions but were wondering how to “charge turbo” then you will love THIS.
This last strategy is the “icing” on the cake … the peak moment of all your hard study and could be worth 100 times more than what you paid for this course, maybe even more. Why didn’t I reveal this earlier? Simple: You couldn’t use this strategy without a good foundation established in Modules 0-10. Everything we’ve learned so far has led to Explosive Strategy # 4 and this one.
The following video will show you how a client in less than 2 months in the course is making a constant L350 per week.
Forex Trading – Foreign Exchange Course
Want to learn about Forex?
Foreign exchange, or forex, is the conversion of one country’s currency into another.
In a free economy, a country’s currency is valued according to the laws of supply and demand.
In other words, a currency’s value can be pegged to another country’s currency, such as the U.S. dollar, or even to a basket of currencies.
A country’s currency value may also be set by the country’s government.
However, most countries float their currencies freely against those of other countries, which keeps them in constant fluctuation.
Salepage : Tradingology by Dave Vallieres
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