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Transform Your Life: Dissolve Stress and Anxiety by Mike Dannheim
Transform Your Life: Dissolve Stress and Anxiety by Mike Dannheim
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“This is incredible. I genuinely believe Mike has something the rest of the world is unaware of thanks to the tools he given me! Always being critical of oneself is not the answer, therefore I’m now acting with a positive outlook. But Mike’s insatiable curiosity has taught me that there are countless options.”
Olympic hopeful and world-class swimmer Merle Liivand
I have spent the last 15 years assisting people in recovering from addiction, anxiety, and depression, so I am aware of how challenging it can be to discover effective treatments that have long-lasting effects. I frequently hear that individuals “have” mental illnesses or other conditions, and that they have tried various therapies but they have failed. They don’t even know where to start when they now need assistance.
Most persons who have been given a diagnosis of chronic stress, anxiety, depression, or addiction are advised to utilize conventional treatments, which often concentrate on masking the symptoms rather than addressing the unsolved root of the issue. leaving you in a condition of anguish, aggravating the issue, and creating a distressing feedback cycle.
In this course, I break down a simple, uncomplicated technique that can help you identify the source of the issue and find a solution, giving you control over your own emotional wellness.
You’ll have a new operating system with the tools you need to navigate life with calm and ease if you follow this road map and put in the effort. Unlike other programs, you won’t be overwhelmed by a ton of information; instead, you’ll have a really simple process and tools that will enable you to apply the lessons right away and change your life.
This course will provide you easy ways to learn more about yourself. You may learn to melt away unpleasant sensations and experience inner happiness whenever you choose by equipping yourself with the skills necessary to deactivate tension, despair, and anxiety.
Following completion of this course, you will get:
A strong instrument to instantly resolve internal conflict and tension a new operating system to better comprehend your thoughts, feelings, and emotions five minute strategies to bring about instantaneous transformation anytime, wherever
The course is made up of brief, bite-sized films that each offer practical strategies for making changes right now. They also include self-assessment tools to let you know how you’re doing.
“I’ve attended a lot of microphone classes all around the world. I always walk out of the room with a whole fresh outlook on how to live a better life.”
founder of JugoFresh and The Book of Flow, Matt Sherman
“Mike guided me through several visualization methods in a very short period of time, and they completely changed the way I felt about myself and my interactions with others. I have discovered a new acceptance of who I am as a result of continuing to use these practices, and I have seen physical proof of the benefits of mindfulness, meditation, and optimistic thinking in my life.
– Jeffrey Noble, founder and artist We Are Simple And Nice
It has been a joy working with Mike to assist the communities of the detained and at risk in the Florida prison system change. I know firsthand how effective the Body Mind exercises are and have witnessed the quick changes they can produce.
– Steve Zuckerman, co-founder of RiseUp Ventures and Vatica Health
“I was doing nothing with my life when I met Mike. I had no idea that his professional, emotional, and spiritual mentoring would help clear the way for me to achieve the most success I have ever had in my life. I owe a lot, in large part, to the time I spent with this man for the fact that I went from someone who didn’t have a sense of direction in life to being a third-year industrial engineering major at Georgia Tech with a completely rebuilt, balanced, and calibrated existence.”
– Eugenio Andres Beaufrand, a Georgia Tech industrial engineer
Course Outline
Immediate Transformation – Breath, Thoughts, and the Technology of Our Body is the pre-launch content.
Introduction: Course Overview & YOU Are the First to Change! (4:24)
Instantaneous Change Occurring Through the Breath (3:01)
Investigating Change by Examining the Power of Thought (3:50)
Changing Oneself Through Feelings (4:46)
The Untapped Power of Imagination and Will (3:51)
Use of this course
Welcome! Goals and Evaluation
Please Accept & How To (2:12)
Week 1: Breath Power
Day 1: Introduction and Immediately Change Your Mood (3:16)
Day 1: Inhale your way to peace (6:23)
Day 2: Technique for Balancing the Breath (7:35)
Day Three: Focusing Breath Method (5:02)
High Vibrational Breath Technique on Day 4 (7:18)
Day 5: Energizing Breathing Exercises (7:34)
Day 6 and Day 7: Change Your Life and Apply It! (1:49)
Second week: Thoughts
The Biological Process Of Thoughts on Day 1 (3:55)
Day 1: Examining The Judging Mindset vs. The Curious Mindset
Day 2: Your Mind Is Where Your Intentional Thoughts Are! Examine stress and happiness thinking (6:18)
Day 2: Gratitude Changes Our Physical States
Day Three: Find Your Inner Calm
Day 4: Reset and Forgive Through Thoughts of Release
Day 5: Complete Transformation Through The Hawaiian Thought Pattern
Day 6 and Day 7: Change Your Life and Start Using It!
Week Three: Emotions
Day 1: Thoughts and Emotions from a Neuroscientist’s Perspective
Day 1: A Sensory Experience of Stressful vs. Non-Stressful Feelings
Day 1: Choose Happiness
Day 2: A Life of Abundance Through Love and Forgiveness
Day 3: Creating the Future in the Now with Love and Joy
Day 4: Feelings of expansive manifestation with no boundaries
Day 5: “I AM” feelings
Combine them on Days 6 and 7, your new daily routine!
Week 4 – 3 minute techniques to transform internal turmoil into opportunity
Day 1: The Secret Power of Imagination and Will
Day 1: Internal Conflict Exists at the Intersection of Imagination and Will
Day 2: Use Applied Imagination to Transmute Conflict, Confusion, and Stress
Exercise with reality projection on Day 3
Day 4: Create what you want using your imagination first and your willpower second.
Day 5: You Are Dreaming It Is Real While You Are Awake
Day 6 and Day 7: A Life Beyond Our Wildest Dreams, Putting It All Together
Three-Week Challenge
Beyond the abyss, bliss
Instructing you
Dannyheim, Mike
Fifteen years ago meditation saved Mike’s life.
They gave up on Mike after he suffered a crippling concussion and retrograde amnesia, believing he would always have trouble remembering things. Mike had severe anxiety, a profound sadness, and suicidal thoughts. Six months after learning how to meditate from a hippy named Martin, Mike’s memory and focus were better than they had ever been. For Mike, this encounter served as a doorway, unlocking his curiosity and launching him into a thorough investigation of awareness.
Mike, a digital entrepreneur, co-leads yoga, meditation, and mindfulness retreats across the world with his wife, Amy. Sensie, his current pet project, uses machine learning and muscle testing to educate a smartphone to identify sources of chronic stress. By instructing young criminals inside the prison system in mindfulness and entrepreneurship, he supports the RiseUp Ventures team.
Dan Spinner, Francis Lucille (Advaita Vedanta (non-duality)), Martin the hippy, Rupert Spira, Mikey Siegel, Rachel Levy, and Dr. Anne Jensen are some of Mike’s mentors and sources of inspiration (Oxford). Eoin Finn, a close friend and primary yoga instructor, trained with Pattabhi Jois, Ravi Ravindra, and David Swenson. Visit Mike’s website for additional information.
NLP online course
So what is NLP?
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology;
Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions.
In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!
NLP is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others.
It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients.
NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that.
It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results
Salepage : Transform Your Life: Dissolve Stress and Anxiety by Mike Dannheim
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