29 Newaza Techniques of Kodokan Judo
29 Newaza Techniques of Kodokan Judo
Course Detail
Salepage: 29 Newaza Techniques of Kodokan Judo
Walter VanHelder and Wayne Miller, both World Master and Pan-American Master Judo Champions, created this DVD. It is divided into three sections: osaekomi waza (pinning), kansetsu waza (armlock), and shime waza (chokes). Each method is demonstrated from many perspectives and in slow motion. Some computer visuals are utilized to demonstrate the technique’s key concept. It also includes several instances from live tournaments.
This film articulates and shows the precise nuances of each method using full motion, slow motion, and computer graphics.
Among the chapters are:
Kansetsu waza (Arm locking methods) -Ude garami -Ude hishigi ashi gatame -Ude hishigi hara gatame -Ude hishigi hiza gatame -Ude hishigi juji gatame -Ude hishigi sankaku gatame -Ude hishigi te gatame -Ude hishigi ude gatame -Ude hishigi waki gata
Shime waza (Choking methods) -Gyaku juji jime -Hadaka jime -Kata ha jime -Kata juji jime -Kata te jime -Nami juji jime -Okuri eri jime -Ryo te (illegal variation)
Osae komi waza (Pinning Techniques) -Kami shiho gatame -Kata gatame -Kesa gatame -Kuzure kami shiho gatame -Kuzure kesa gatame -Tate shiho gatame -Yoko shiho gatame -Kuzure kesa gatame -Tate shiho gatame -Tate shi
This DVD includes live tournament instances of techniques done by prominent judoka such as Anton Geesink, Ninomiya, VanderGeest, Ueno, Lebrun, and the writers, VanHelder and Miller, in addition to showing the method.
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