Wing Tsun – Sifu Sergio Iadorola – Section One Chi Sao Part 1
Wing Tsun – Sifu Sergio Iadorola – Section One Chi Sao Part 1
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Salepage: Wing Tsun – Sifu Sergio Iadorola – Section One Chi Sao Part 1
Dear Friend,
Hundreds of years ago, the ancient monks of the Shaolin temple realized that a normal optical reflex was not enough to stop serious incoming attacks at full speed. It simply takes too long. Think how much time it costs to identify an attack on a visual basis. The signal has to be sent by the brain to the limbs for you to react and that simply takes too much time.
Recent studies show it’s impossible for a person to block punches or to stop an attack at full speed based just purely on a visual basis. It’s the same reason a goalkeeper cannot stop a penalty in a soccer match unless he jumps beforehand in the right corner: it’s just too fast. The Shaolin monks therefore developed a special reflex training program called ‘Chi Sao’, freely translated as ‘sticking hands’. This is a specialized reflex training program that let’s you react in a much faster way and is the only way to stop one hundred percent of incoming attacks each and every time. Your opponent will be stunned, asking himself just why he is not able to land a single telling blow. Believe me, I have seen and felt it in action.
So how does it work?
It’s very simple. Imagine I am standing behind you and all of a sudden I thrust a needle into your leg. What will you do? Stay still and think about what you are going to say? Or will you just react and spring up and shout whatever you feel like? You get my point? You don’t have to think about it, it just happens.
That’s a REAL reflex based on sense of touch. You cannot be fooled by the eyes. Let David Copperfield take care of that. The signal goes directly into the spinal cord and then your body will react. After implementing the reflexes from the Chi Sao program you will react exactly like you should. You will complement your opponent’s action, not work against it. You will stick to him like superglue, absorbing and deflecting the incoming attacks without effort. Your sense of touch cannot be fooled, that’s why the monks of the Shaolin temple called it a system, not a method.
A system works every single time. A method might not.
Because endless combinations are possible if we use all the techniques of the Wing Tjun system, the Grandmasters in the past developed fixed sequences in order to make sure that the whole system was passed on to the next generation. It’s simply amazing! Like installing a new Windows XP or Vista operating system on to your personal hard drive, all of the movements from the forms are put reflex by reflex at a time into your nervous system. Sounds like the future doesn’t it? Star Trek? The Matrix? No. The monks of the Shaolin temple were way ahead of their time. Now for the best part for you, because it is about YOU having access to the best way of learning this specialized Kung Fu skill.
Sifu Sergio Iadarola is one of the most knowledgeable masters I know in this field, having studied directly under the best Grandmasters in Hong Kong and China for years. I know of no better person to teach you these skills, because he is also the greatest teacher I know in this field, and that is far more important for YOU. Just let the facts speak for themselves; this man has the single most successful Kung Fu school in the Netherlands, with well over 400 students and at the same time he runs an association with well over 6000 members.
He will teach you all the movements, concepts and principles of the 1st section of Chi Sao, step-by-step in the most detailed way. It’s like getting private lessons from the man himself, and this man currently charges 800 euro an hour for private lessons! Why? Because hundreds of people – and I literally mean hundreds – want to take private lessons from him, and now you can! You will save yourself the time and the cost of flying to China, finding a Grandmaster willing to teach you all these secrets through years and years of training and building up a relationship with your teacher in order for him to show you these once-secret concepts.
Sifu Sergio is one of only two Western persons who are certified as Master by the successor and Grandmaster of the Siu Lam (Chi Sim) Wing Tjun style grandmaster Cheng Kwong as well as having completely finished the Yip Man Wing Tjun Kung Fu system in 2001 under Grandmaster Leung Ting and Grandmaster Allan Fong
P.S. The Chi Sao Secrets Parts 1 will teach you all the inside secrets of this ancient Kung Fu exercise. Get your hands on this DVD now. You’ll never regret having this knowledge always ready to use, when the time arises. And I’m betting that someday that time will arise.
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